Saturday, 1 February 2020

Divya Drishti 1st February 2020 Written Episode Update

Divya Drishti 1st February 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Pisachini stands in front of the window. Sweeti says I would run before her. Lal Chakoor attacks her and she dies. Rakshit, Divya and Drishti grasp lal chakoor with their powers. They trap him in a net. Lal chakoor turns into a human. Rakshit is about to cut cloth from his face to see his face. Pisachini takes the dagger from him and gives it to Lal chakoor. Lal chakoor attacks Ojaswani and she dies. Everyone runs to her.

Pisachini says only last five are left. I should get my powers back. Everyone is upset. Romi wipes his tears. Rakshit says we have lost everyone. I feel helpless. We can’t give up. If I die, Romi. Thank you you for all that you have done. You are a great brother. You are my brother too. He hugs Romi. He says Divi, you know I always fight with you for Drishti’s attention. I hated it but now I gave up. This defeat is a win. Divya hugs him. Divya says go live your life, I would give you your privacy with Drishti. Rakshit says to Shekhar I am sorry. I couldn’t save you. And then I didn’t believe you. It wasn’t your fault. You are my brother. He hugs Shekhar. Rakshit holds Drishti’s hand and says you always fight with me and never listen to me. But I really love you. You never let our relationship. I am sorry I can’t save anyone. I wish I could save our baby. Romi says what? Divya says Drishti is pregnant. Romi says what? He hugs Drishti. Divya says she told me before everyone. Romi says this isn’t fair. They both hug Drishti. Drishti is in tears. She says I wish we could bring everyone back. They all hug.

Romi comes ot his kitchen. He looks for food for Drishti. Rakshit says what are doing? He says get food for Drishti. They hear the tune. Drishti sees the same trunk. Drishti says we can get out of this trunk. I saw darkness. Rakshit says we have to be careful. Divya says this trunk can take us out. I don’t know where but we can go out. Romi says you two should go first. Drishti says we won’t leave you here. They hear the tune. Lal chakoor comes. He says run, you can’t run from your death. The trunk enlarges. Lala chakoor attacks Shekhar. Romi says let me get Shekhar. Romi hits lal chakoor and says Shekhar run. Drishti says we won’t go until Shekhar and Romi come back. Rakshit attacks Lal chakoor. Drishti picks romi. Divya attacks Pisachini. They all run. Pisachini says I will kill you all. They all come to the trunk. Romi picks Drishti’s food. Lal chakoor attacks him. He can’t come. Lal chakoor grasps his leg. Drishti says give me your hand. Drishti holds his hand. He says leave my hand. I won’t let anything happen to your baby. He leaves his hand. Everyone goes inside the trunk. Romi closes the trunk. He sees Lal chakoor’s face and says you.. You are lal chakor?

Scene 2
Pooja is going on in a temple. They all appear there. Drishti and Divya hug. Drishti cries. Divya hugs Shekhar. the trunk gets small. Drishti picks it. Pandit ji says are you okay? Drishti says we. He says I am just telling you, you are safe. You will be taken where you want. He gives them parsad. Drishti cries taking Romi’s name.

Pisachini says shocked? So now you know who lal chakoor is. You helped them run from here. You become a hero right? Pisachini says you have two options, die or live with us and be our partner. Romi says I would die but not help you. Pisachini says so you want to die right? but there’s so much entertainment left. They surround Romi with winds. Romi floats.
Update in Progress

Update Credit to: Atiba

The post Divya Drishti 1st February 2020 Written Episode Update appeared first on Telly Updates.

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