Sunday 5 January 2020

saath nibhana saathiya fan fiction: Gaura takes her revenge- Episode 2

Time was passing. Modi family finished dancing Garba. They had such a great time and now they wanted to find Kokila and tell her all about it. But she was nowhere to be found.
Ï remember that mum was here before we went to dance.”Gopi said.
You are right, Gopi.”Ahem replied. I also remember that she was here, but now she is not here.”
“Wait, let’s not worry yet.”Hetal said. “She has probably gone to explore the temple. I am sure she will come back soon.”
And while Modi family was looking for their beloved Kokila, Gaura was watching everything. She was celebrating with her family, but she could still see everything.
You will never see your beloved Kokila again.”She thought. “She must have drowned by now. Or even if she is still alive, they will never find her. She is in such a deep place that they can not see her. I know that the waters will drag her into a deeper place. So, all my worries are finally gone. You can finally rest, my brother. The woman who killed you is finally dead.”
Minutes were passing. With every minute, Modi family was feeling more and more worried.
“Something is wrong here.”Gopi said. Ï am going to look for mum. I know that she is in trouble. I can feel that she needs help.”
“What are you saying, Gopi?”Hetal replied. “What do you think has happened with Kokila?”
Ï don’t know, aunt. But we will see. I will find her.”
“Wait, I will come with you.”
And afterwards, Gopi and Hetal started walking around the temple. Finally, they arrived to the river where Gaura had tried to drown Kokila. For some reason, Gopi decided to look into the water and what she saw there terrified her greatly.
She saw Kokila into the water. She wasn’t conscious.
Gopi couldn’t believe her eyes. Her darkest fears were just confirmed. Kokila was in a big, serious trouble.
“What’s wrong, Gopi?”
Aunt, look! Mum is here!”
And when Hetal looked into the water, she got scared as well.
“Kokila? Kokila?”
And then, without waiting a second later, Gopi jumped into the deep waters. She didn’t care for her life. She just wanted to safe her beloved mother in law.
“Gopi, what are you doing?”
But Hetal couldn’t do anything. Gopi was already in the water.
And then, Meera and Vidya appeared.
“Grandma? What’s wrong?”Bidya asked. “Where is mum, what happened?”
“Vidya, dear…”Hetal was so terrified she couldn’t stop crying.
“Grandma, tell us what’s wrong, please!”
“Gopi… She… She jumped into the water to safe Kokila.”
“What? Grandma Kokila?”
Meera and Vidya were also worried for their grandmother.
“But why, what happened?”Meera asked.
Ï don’t know.”Hetal said through tears. You know that we were dancing Garba and when we finished the dance, we wanted to find Kokila but she was nowhere to be found. Then me and Gopi went to look for her and Gopi saw her here, in the water.”
“What? In the water? But why?”
Ï don’t know, dear. I don’t know. I don’t know what has happened with Kokila and how she has ended up here. But when she opens her eyes, she will tell us everything, I know! Krishna, please, safe our Kokila, please!”
And while Gopi was trying to take Kokila out of the deep water, Gaura had seen everything.
“But how is that possible?”She thought. Ï saw how she went into the deepest possible place of this river. Then how did Gopi see her? I hope that she is at least dead. But maybe I should go and see what’s happening. Otherwise someone may suspect me.”
And then, Gaura went to the river where Gopi had finally returned from the waters, holding Kokila in her hands.
“Mum! Mum, please, open your eyes! Please, wake up, mum!”
But Kokila wasn’t opening her eyes.
“Gopi, what has happened to her?”Gaura asked.
How dare you ask me such questions?”Gopi replied, staring at Gaura with hatred. I know, I am sure that you are guilty for all of this! I know that mum is in this condition because of you!”
“What are you saying, Gopi? Kokila is my best friend, why would I do that to her?”
“Stop lying, Gaura Suryavanshi! I know it’s all your fault! I know because you still blame mum for the death of your brother!”
Yes, I blame her. But it doesn’t mean that I want to kill her, does it? I am telling you, I don’t know what has happened to her. When she wakes up, she will tell us.”
And then, Kokila opened her eyes.
“Mum? Mum, how are you? Mum, please say something, I promise that everything will be alright!”
“Gopi…”Kokila tried to say. She had a hard time speaking. She had no strength and had difficulties breathing, for the water was preventing her to do so.
“Gopi, please take care of the family.”Kokila finally managed to say and her eyes closed again.
“Mum! Mum, wake up!”
Gopi was trying to wake Kokila up, but nothing helped.
“Koili!”Gaura said. “Koili, please, open your eyes! Don’t leave me, Kokila! You know that you are my best friend, what am I going to do without you!”
“Stop it, Gaura!”Hetal said. “We will take Kokila to the hospital now. When she wakes up, she will tell us everything. And if she says that you are guilty for her condition, we will not let you get away with this, understand?”
“So, I should be careful.”Gaura thought. Ï must prevent Kokila from telling them the truth. When she opens her eyes, I will scared her to death. I will make her feel scared enough not to tell them anything. I warned her before making her go inside the river. But still, I must be careful with her. I will make sure that she will be silent.”
15 minutes later, Modi family arrived at the hospital. The doctors immediately took Kokila to the operational room.
“Doctor, please tell us how is Kokila.”Gopi asked.
“We don’t know much yet.”The doctor replied. “But from what I can see, Mrs Kokila Modi is not in a good condition. I will give you more information later. Now excuse me.”
And the doctor disappeared.
Gaura was also there, together with Vidya, Meera, Dharam and Shravan. She heard everything and was happy.
“This is such a good news!”She thought. Ït seems like Kokila will not survive and Modi will never understand what I did to her. But if, for some reason, she survives, I will make sure she will keep her mouth shut.”

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