Monday, 20 January 2020

Naagin Season 4 19th January 2020 Written Episode Update:

Naagin Season 4 19th January 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Brinda thinking about media accusing her and thinks she has hurt everyone. She thinks how she will face Baa and how did she do wrong with Rajat? She thinks how to make everyone fine and cries. Her tear falls down her cheek. Dev comes and holds it. She says sorry Rajat and turns towards him. Dev says not Rajat, but me. Brinda says don’t know how to make everything fine, says she has hurt everyone. Dev says your drink was spike, it is not your mistake. He asks did Rajat understand now? Brinda says he is still upset with me, but I will make him understand. She asks did you talk to Nayantara? Dev says no and tells that their scene is different from Rajat and her. She says we are friends and holds his hand. Rajat comes there and scolds her, tells that Dev is of Nayantara. Dev asks if this is the way to talk to her. Swara comes there and asks Brinda to come and says your Baba….The Pandits humiliate Swara’s husband and blacken his face in public on the road. Rushali, Rasik, Ketki and others come there to stop them. The head pandit/Mahant says you all will be punished, as your son also done the crime. Brinda comes there and asks them to leave her baba. Rushali asks Mahant to leave Swara’s husband and says it is not his mistake. The Pandit says it is your son’s mistake too and says blacken her face too. They blacken her face. Dev couldn’t bear it and shouts asking them to stop. Rushali hugs Dev and cries. Dev tells that he will not apologize as he didn’t do any mistake. He tells that he didn’t commit any sin and even Brinda didn’t do any sin. She says brinda has not crossed her limits and remembers that she is Rajat’s safekeeping. He says she is going to marry Rajat and I am going to marry Nayantara. Rajat looks on. Dev tells that Brinda is very much pure as before. Rushali hugs him and smiles.

Swara cleans the black powder from her husband’s face and says everything is fine. Dev apologizes to them and tells that it is his mistake too. Swara holds his face. Dev recalls baa’s words and tells Brinda that even she is doing the mistake, says you deserves the best. Brinda looks at him as he walks away and recalls the moments and his words. Naina song plays……

Rushali looks at Manyata and Keshav’s pic. Ketki gives her juice. Rushali laughs and says everything will be done as per my plan. She says Dev will marry Nayantara only. Rasik asks how can Dev marry a naagin? Rushali says when a naagin marries a human, she is cursed and all her powers get snatched. Ketki says how we will get saved from Manyata. Rushali says while nayantara gets ready to marry Dev, we shall kill Manyata. Her brother in law says we need a special weapon. Rushali says she has a weapon.

Swara’s husband searches for Abhimantric booti and asks Swara to let his things be here till he returns. He brings Abhimantric booti to Rushali and says it will stop her for sometime. Rushali thinks once she kills Manyata, she can get Dev marry in any rich family.

Brinda comes to Khyati’s room and tells that Rushali sent some stuff for Nayantara. She says she will get her ready. Nayantara tells that she don’t want her to help her. Brinda says badi maa will be happy and I want the family to be happy. Nayantara says you are not my family, thinks my maa is searching you, you are her real daughter, I hate you. Brinda says she swears that she wants to see her with Dev and wants to befriend her. Nayantara thinks they can’t be friends. Brinda gets Swara’s call and she tells that her father went somewhere. Brinda says she will come there and tells Nayantara that she will come and help her.

Manyata prays to God to protect Nayantara, tells that she is between the enemies. She says even though she is not her daughter and was swapped, but she loves her truly and worries for her. Just then she sees Rushali coming to the temple. Rushali says I thought right, you have returned. Manyata says I told that an icchadhari naagin never forgets her revenge, came to settle the scores. Rushali asks how dare you to attack my Dev. Manyata says I learnt this from you, how did you do foolishness to come here. She is about to become naagin and tells that curse is gone and it was just for 25 years, tells that now nobody can save her from her. Just then Rushali’s family come there along with Swara’s husband. They hit something on her head. Pandit throws Abhimantric booti on her and tells that this naagin can’t harm you people now. Brinda is on the way and asks auto driver to drive fast. Rushali asks Pandit to go from there. He asks what you will do with this naagin. She says Madhav and Rasik will handle her and asks him to go.

Ketki takes vabhoot from his hand. Pandit goes. Rushali asks Madhav and Rasik to make the arrangement of last rites of Manyata, says we have to burn her alive here. They keep the wood logs on Manyata to burn her. Manyata opens her eyes and brushes off all the wood logs. They all get scared and gather at one place. Rushali asks Madhav and Rasik to take the firewood and burn her. Manyata spits fire from her mouth to scare them. She says she will kill them today and becomes Naagin. Brinda comes to temple and sees that. She sees Manyata coming in human and half naagin avatar. She thinks if she is naagin. Manyata says today she will kill them alone and beats Rasik with her tail. Manyata says today is the day of death of you all. Brinda suddenly feels sensation in her body. Manyata spits fire from her mouth.

Brinda sees her scaly face in the water and is shocked to see her hands. She becomes snake and comes in the temple. Manyata looks at her and thinks this is the same golden snake which rescued Dev that day. Rushali, Rasik, Madhav and Ketki get scared seeing other snake. Manyata becomes naagin and come infront of each other. Madhav tells everyone that they shall run. They escape from there. Ketki says that other snake was Nayantara. They come home. Rasik asks if there is marriage tomorrow. Rushali says yes. They come to Nayantara’s room and don’t find her. They think that golden black snake was Nayantara and go out of room. Nayantara comes out from bathroom and thinks why did they come here.

Manyata asks the golden snake to show her face and says we can’t fight without knowing each other identity. The snake becomes Brinda and walks towards Manyata. Brinda says I have recognize you. Manyata says I have identified you. Brinda asks what is your plan, what Nayantara and you want to do? Manyata asks about her parents?

Update Credit to: H Hasan

The post Naagin Season 4 19th January 2020 Written Episode Update: appeared first on Telly Updates.

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