Friday 24 January 2020

Loving again part 36( twinj ff)



That feeling when you are sleepless for many nights and suddenly life rewards you a beautiful dream only you can’t sleep…

Or that contentment of getting your kind of coffee after a couple of days but your favorite cup is broken…

Or perhaps that satisfactory smile you want to wear after so many days of faking one but your cheeks have already started… He was going through all of them.

Today he didn’t curse a single person who tried overtaking him, perhaps he was in some another world today.

He smiled at every beggar and gave them coins in the way to the holy shrine, unlike his usual scowls.

In these days away from them he had suffered a lot and honestly, at times he thought to make a call to her but then who said men didn’t have a big ego and this time his ego had a reason to redden his nose.

Suddenly a thought ran his mind and he opened Whatsapp,

She had this habit like everyone these days to wish her dear ones with a picture and some caption.

little he remembered last she had posted such a picture was her wedding anniversary a few months back and …

No updates from her side disappointed him but what did he think that she was going to post a picture of him (even if it was only for him turning the PRIVACY ON) when they were not even talking properly.

With a quick look on her number, he kept the phone back on the table.


“Yeah, he saw the gift and he was very happy… I know you are trying daughter.” Uma told her lovingly.

“thank you bebe for keeping it a surprise for him.” she knew her mother in law was one of the best persons she has met.

“its okay girl, now tell me how is my princess? It has been so many days since you guys have gone …my house looks so lonely at times.” Uma expressed her sorrow of being alone.

It was not that she wanted Twinkle to stay at her place but then when you start living with a person you get habitual of them and this was the case with Uma.

She was feeling alone these days or perhaps age was finally catching her.

“bebe… don’t make me feel guilty.” Twinkle whispered.

Once again she felt the price girls pay for being a girl, they had a place they call their home which they never want to leave and then there is a house they make a home where they are meant to be.

“arey no no… don’t think anything, it was just that I wished you guys were with us today…it would have been greater.” Uma covered the sad thoughts.

“some other time bebe…by the way what is special in the dinner today?” she asked her mother in law to lighten the mood.

“There is no dinner my lovely Bahu, the mother and son are going on a date.” with a kid like innocence her mother in law flaunted the offer given by her son.

“that’s great bebe… do send me pictures later.” Twinkle smiled at her happiness.

“Did he thank you for the gift, daughter?” suddenly Uma asked her.

“he was happy na, bebe. I think for the time being it is all that matters,” she replied in a calm voice.


it was such a bizarre windy storm, she had closed all the windows still the bed felt dusty.

It was a pleasant sunny evening which changed into such a horrible one in no moment… no matter how fast she tried, along with her room whole house got filled with dirt.

“Twinkle, see Kavya… I will clean it all.” her mother told her.

“Really Ma…actually you sit with her and I will clean it in no time…She ordered her mother.

” I won’t use water, just broom the dirt and change the sheets, it’s not much dear, I can manage.” her mother insisted.

“Really Ma…?” and the stern gaze was everything that her mother needed to agree to her.

“anyway it is me who is managing na..these girls, they won’t listen to you once they are grown-ups.” muttering in a wave of caring anger her mother left the hall.

“i can hear you Ma,” she replied back to which her mother made no reply and Twinkle smiled on her.

She had just opened the door to broom the little area out of their house when she noticed someone.

With the looks, it was clear he was some delivery guy.

“Ma’am, here is a parcel for Mrs. Twinkle Sarna…” he asked as soon as he pointed someone on the door.

“Yes,I am Twinkle …she replied to him and in return, he extended her a mobile screen for a digital signature.

“here is your parcel Ma’am and please, do rate us Ma’am.” the guy in his early 20s requested with a smile.

“i am sorry I would have done that but I have not made the order so…but I’ll tell the person to do so,” she assured him as she took the parcel and came inside.

“Ma’am… can I get a glass of water?” he asked politely.

“oh of course… wait here,” pointing to the chairs she had dusted a few minutes back she turned to get it.

The parcel came from a food plaza so she had a faint feeling who had sent it but in the rush of bringing water for the guy, she kept it on the kitchen platform and rushed out.


“are you waiting for any call, Son?” seeing her son checking his phone every now and then she asked him playfully.

“No, No ma…nothing, I’ll come with desserts.” trying to cover his shy eyes he left the table.

“they have delivered the parcel then why didn’t she call back.” he wondered as he approached the counter.


Before opening the box she opened the little card…

“Paah loves and waits for her princess.”

All the enthusiasm evaporated seeing the love ONLY for his daughter, she didn’t need anything but she did expect a call which he didn’t.

Now when he had finally sent a thank you gift then he could have even said her a thank you if not anything else.

With no zeal left, she opened the box of pastry and her eyes shined with surprise.

Blueberries with walnuts” her favorite flavor.

She had no idea when did she mention she loved black current pastries to him… Anyways it was irresistible and she searched for a spoon.

“her husband was a whole new level.” she mused in heart, squeezing out a spoonful from the delicacy.

Perhaps it was still a patchy road for them but moments like these were also precious for her.

” it is okay Kavya, I’ll live with this man who has his own sources to know about my favorites.” She moaned as soon the ganache touched her tongue.


“why did he expect a call from her when he didn’t make after getting his gift.” his heart scolded him.

“she can at least call and say thank you…it is my birthday.” the brain tried reasoning.

“she already wished you in the morning.” heart played well.

“she didn’t do a video call so I am able to see my princess.” he again reasoned.

“if you are so itchy, why don’t you yourself make one. after all, Paah loves his princess.” heart can act cruel at times.

This fight finally ended when he took the phone from the table and typed a message.

“kavya sleeping?” before any second thought could hit him he hit the send icon.

“No.” in no moment came the reply like the person on the other side was also waiting for him.

“Okay.” he typed but backspaced.”thanks for the gift.” he waited for a while.

Despite he sent her something He needed to tell her he liked it.

Meanwhile, a video message arrived…

He opened it and it was a beautiful video of her daughter imprinting her palms on the vase and in the end, she blew a flying kiss to the camera.

It was such a beautiful thing to see… he closed the application and dialed her number in no time.

“It is the best gift I have gotten so far… he answered her Hello with this.

‘it makes me happy then.” she replied though somewhat surprised with his sudden words.

“good night,” he whispered though he wanted to talk with her.

“good night…Kunj, wait” before he could end the call she called him.

“yeah… “he anticipated some unknown words which agitated him  in the nanosecond wait before she said something totally strange,

“do rate the delivery guy, he was very considerate and seemed hard-working,” the guy had appeared on her doors just when the winds stopped he might be a hard-working guy.

“What…” he didn’t expect this.

“i mean the delivery guy was so good please rate him on the application,it increases their points,” she explained.

“Are you seriously serious?” he was surprised and baffled at the same time.

“of course…and Good night.” she wished him before cutting the call.

People who said women were a tough shell to open and understand were truly truthful to this fact,” he whispered to the image on his phone dialler.


Hey ! my lovely readers. I know I have been a retard in terms of updating chapters And I think because of irregularity you guys are loosing interest. so I apologize again because there is nothing I can do about it.

Chapters might get delayed because of my schedules. But thank you for still having faith in story and passing by to have a read.

 I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and next coming something interesting about which many of you might be very happy – are we ready for their reception?

Do tell me your views

With love Morusya.


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