Monday, 2 December 2019

RadhaKrishn 2nd December 2019 Written Episode Update: Kans Prepares The Arena

RadhaKrishn 2nd December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Radha tells Ayan that when her Krishna develops love in everyone’s heart, then whole universe comes for his help, Kans takes people’s lives with his fear and krishna says people with his love, so Kans should be afraid and not Krishna. Yashoda says Radha is right and they should view the situation from Radha’s view and hope Krishna wins. Kutila says we all want Krishna to win, but truth his Kans is immensely powerful. Radha says they all should believe in Krishna. Kutila says she is telling this as she loves Krishna. Radha says yes. Ugrapath shouts that he cannot hear Krishna’s praises who ruined his family life.

Kans watches preparation of wresting venue and orders to add more water in soil so that Krishna should slip and fall. He calls his 5 aides who are very powerful that the can melt sun, break planets, etc., an orders them to support him when he fights with Krishna. They say they will not only offer their powers but also themselves.

Mathura people greet Krishna and Balram. Balram says when he got Mathura people’s support, he should fight with Kans and kill him. Krishna says he needs more support and still Kans’ time has not come. Radha imagines leaning on Krishna’s shoulder and says she knows he broke divya dhanush and not Krishna and he did it due to a reason. Krishna says she is right and only she understands him well.

Ayan tells Kutil that all his enemies Vrishbhan, Nand, Balram and Krishna are not in Mathura and he would like to become Barsana’s mukhiya. Kutila says when his sister Kutila and mother Jatila are with him, he need not worry, she will make him mukhiya. She takes him to Kans and provokes Kans that they came via Mathura streets and saw people praising Krishna and going against Kans. Kans says if it is false, he will kill them and if it is true, he will burn Mathura as punishment of desh droha; they ca be his guests and enjoy his hospitality. They both smirk. Kans’ soldiers burn Mathura streets and read Kans’ order that nobody should take Krishna’s name and if they do so, it is considered as desh droh and they will be killed. Anubhav’s father thinks he will not let Kans punish his son, though he is punished.

Krishna remembers Radha. Radha emerges and says she stays in Krishna’s heart and whenever he calls her, she will emerge. She asks reason for calling her. Krishna says he is going to do miracle and don’t know how to execute it. Radha says if he does it with love, it will not look like magic. Krishna says as she wishes, he lifts soil and says let us immerse ourselves in this soil. Radha holds his hand, they both close eyes. Krishna thinks this power of love will help him get Mathura citizen’s support and end Kans.

Precap: Krishna asks Mathura citizens if they will not support him. Citizens say they cannot bear Kans’ anger. A humpback says if he can cure her, they all will support him, else he should leave Mathura.

Update Credit to: MA

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