Monday, 16 December 2019

RadhaKrishn 16th December 2019 Written Episode Update: Krishna Gets Sudarshan Chakra

RadhaKrishn 16th December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Krishna recites all 4 vedas fluently. Mahadev praises Krishna and Radha’s recital of vedas. Rishi Sandipani and guru maa praise Krishna for reciting all 4 vedas at one go fluently. Radha also completes reciting vedas. Ugrapath praises her skills and says he never heard such a beautiful recitation in life. Radha gives credit to Ugrapath who let her learn vedas and then says Krishna started reciting vedas in ashram and helped her recite vedas. Ugrapath gets angry hearing that. Gurumaa tells Krishna and Balram that they are divine souls if they will not give guru dakshina. Krishna agrees. Gurumaa requests to get back her son as guru dakshina. Rishi Sandipani says it is impossible to get back their dead son Punardutt. Gurumaa pleads that she needs her son back and gives her promise. Balram says it is impossible to get back dead son. Gurumaa pleads Krishna that they are divine kids and should get back a son to her mother. Krishna says he cannot deny a mother’s plea and there is nothing wrong to try once. Gurumaa thanks him.

Radha sees Krishna’s fall off Krishna’ Bal Gopal idol and asks if something happened to him. Krishna
emerges and asks her to be strong whatever situation may arises as their love is very strong.

Krishna with Balram goes near samudra/ocean and calls Samudradev. Samudradev does not emerge. Balram gets angry seeing Samudradev disobeying Krishna. Krishna punishes Samudradev by disturbing life in samudra. Samudradev emerges and pleads Krishna to stop it. Krishna asks him to take him inside samudra. He with Balram gets into ocean and sees a big shank/sea shell made out of panchatatva/5 elements which is captured by asur Shankasur. Balram orders Shankasur to come out. Shankasur emerges. Krishna orders him to return rishi Sandipani’s son Punardutt. Shankasur arrogantly attacks Krishna. Krishna defeats him. Shankasur hides back in shank. Balram attacks shank, but a protective barrier emerges around shank. Krishna says it is made of pure Panchatavta, so it is difficult to break it, so Krishna shrinks shank and holds it in his hand. Shankasur emerges, and Krishna kills him. Balram says Punardutt is not here, so he must have died. Krishna with Balram reaches Yamlok and calls Yamraj. Yamraj seeing 2 common boys warns to return. Balram angrily tries to punish Yamraj, but Krishna stops him saying devtas should share knowledge and not fight. He shows his Narayan avatar and lifts Yamraj and his whole team on his palm. Yamraj apologizes Krishna and returns Punardutt. Krishna then returns Punardutt to Gurumaa who thanks divine boys Krishna and Balram and pampers her son. Rishi Sandipani frees Balram and Krishna from his studentship.

Krishna then meets guru Parashuram who says Krishna will have to face many hurdles in this life. Krishna requests to return back his sudarshan chakra as he needs it to complete his tasks in this life. Parashuram returns it.

Precap: Kans’ father-in-law Jarasand wages war on Mathura to take revenge from Krishna. Princess Rukmini gets mesmerized with Krishna’s name.

Update Credit to: MA

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