Wednesday 18 December 2019

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 17th December 2019 Written Episode Update – Krishna’s wife satya bhama fights with narkasoor

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 17th December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with satya bhama & Rukmini are praying Krishna & telling him to punish narkasoor severely who is so rude towards woman & Krishna also says yes he is to be given strong punishment but he tells satya bhama that you will also be required for help but she asks Krishna you are itself ultimate then why me so he tells her to give him strong punishment as a woman I will need you so she also gets ready. Indra asks dev rishi why satya bhama is choosen by prabhu then dev rishi explains him about the past at time of ramayan kaal as she is not simple woman but budhatree woman who had helped hanuman. indra asks why Krishna accepted budhatree woman as his wife so he explains how she helped hanuman when shri ram was in problems as hanuman had prayed for budhatree woman to save ram & when she immerged for him then she helped him on one wish that she wished to serve Narayan as his wife in her next birth so he blesses her wish & then she saves ram by giving solution to kill ravan by blowing all the fire from yagna kund which was difficult but not for hanuman. Hanuman uses his huge power form with 5 faces to blow off all fire & as ravan tries to run away then hanuman stops him & kills ravan. Hanuman wakes prabu ram telling him that ravan is killed so we have to leave now & devi budhatree comes to ask hanuma to complete her wish & he tells ram to complete her wish as I have promised her & she asks ram that to make me your wife so ram tells her not in this birht but next birth I will definitely complete your wish. Dev rishi explains how Krishna made her his wife & now to save woman’s from this rude treatment. Indra tells dev rishi I have understood now that this solution is absolutely correct to kill rude asoor from this evil deeds he is doing.
Brahman is explaining the evil narkasoor how he can be succesful in this yagna so he tells his army to kill woman’s one by one so that my yagna will get success. All women’s are crying to get saved & shouts krishna’s help so Krishna comes for help & narkasoor asks Krishna so you came to help them then Krishna tells him an evil like you is to be killed whenever such evil deeds are happening & Krishna tells satya bhama to lift weapon to kill him so she asks why me then Krishna explains her whenever a woman is harmed then she can become powerful also so to show such evils & she kills his army one by one so narkasoor tells Krishna I knew you will use your tricks then satya bhama also warns the evil that I will kill you in this yagna kund itself & he also challenges her. Krishna instructs satya bhama to kill him immediately & she fights with narkasoor while he is trying to go far away from kirshna & as she follows then she tells him now you will be killed & he tells her there was Krishna to save you but here nobody can save you from me & she tells him now you will need safety & not me so she attacks him cutting his hands one by one.

Precap: All women ask Krishna now who will marry us we are harmed by narkasoor so Krishna tells all of them I will make you my wife’s to save women world.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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