Sunday, 29 December 2019

Kundali Bhagya 28th December 2019 Written Episode Update: Karan teases Preeta infront of his family

Kundali Bhagya 28th December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Preeta says that she does not care about what he thinks, karan pulls her back saying that she cares, she asks him to leave her he says that he does not want to touch her, preeta asks why he is hurting her as he should be with his soon to be wife, Karan stands then comes to ask if she has something in her eyes then forcefully tries to take it out, Preeta starts to cry which also makes him emotional and they both are left looking into each other’s eyes, Preeta is still crying then she asks why is he crying when she was the one who had rubbish in her eyes, he says that it went to his eyes, they both are crying and then wipe them off, she tries to leave but he holds her asking if she really doesn’t care, she says that she has no feelings and care and she is really happy that he is getting married and would also dance with the dancers to show her feelings, she says that she doesn’t feel nice when he holds her hand after which Karan leaves it asking if she really does not like it then says that he will make her dance even if she does not want to assuring that it is his promise after which he leaves and Preeta starts to cry.
Dadi asks everyone from her family to hear an announcement saying that the dancers have come and then announces that everyone must participate, she then introduces each and everyone to the singer, when she is about to introduce Maira she kneels down to pick her phone while Preeta who is standing behind her is seen and the dancer feels that she is the wife, Dadi boasts about karan charming looks.
The entire family then starts to dance in the traditional manner which everyone likes, she makes each and every member of the family to dance one by one and then mistakenly takes Preeta instead of Maira at which everyone is left confused, they both are standing completely distressed after which karina stops them explaining that there has been some sort of a misunderstanding as she is not the bride then taking Marias hand introduces her as the bride , Preeta runs to hug Shrishti while Karan is happy to see her in the situation.
Karina asks them to start the dance and they then begin with karan leading the dance floor, Maira along with the entire family is really amazed to see this side of karan, he also dances with Maira pulling her by her hand, he then also forces everyone to join him, he takes Preeta by her hand to the dance floor meanwhile everyone is seeing what he is doing and not able to do anything, while he is extremely close with Preeta making it very awkward, she doesn’t understand what she can do so tries to leave but he does not let her leave and pulls her back holding her hand and twisting it, everyone is shocked to see the situation, Dadi gets really angry and even Rishab is not able to see it, Maira leaves the hall making Ramona feel worried, Preeta frees herself from Karan running out of the hall.
Maira is in her room destroying the makeup accessories, She throws them and is shocked to see Sherlin standing, She makes excuses about a spider explaining that she got scared, Sherlin explains that she has not left and is still in the hall with the name of Preeta, Sherlin mentions that she would play such a game that will in the end force Maira to loose, She asks her to not take her so lightly as Preeta knows how to play her game she is aware of how she can make karan fall in love with her, She always makes karan fall prey to her magic, when Maira asks how she can do this, Sherlin mentions that she has to make a plan to disgrace preeta to the extent that she would not be able to stand in front of her again, maria asks her how can Preeta be her competition to which Sherlin responds that she has the same problem.
Preeta is standing wondering what karan did, karan comes from behind saying that did she think he would not come to know that she was crying, he explains that he is aware of the fact that she always wants to see him when he is standing in front of her and to be with him and talk with him.

Update Credit to: Sona

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12/29/2019 12:09:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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