Thursday 14 November 2019

Sanjivani 14th November 2019 Written Episode Update: Shashank confronts Sid

Sanjivani 14th November 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Vardaan thinking when student gets ahead, teacher gets happy, when student makes a mistake, teacher gets hurt the most. Sid is taken out of OT. The doctor asks him to drink water. Inspector throws water on Sid’s face. He asks did you take drugs before going in, if anything happens to my dad, I won’t leave you. His mum also scolds Sid. Ishani comes there and says stop, what are you doing. Inspector says we want an answer, how can a doctor sleep during surgery. Ishani says relax, ask Sid what happened with him, then punish him, Juhi is attending the commissioner, he is fine, I request you to leave Sid. Reporters come and ask Sid how could he sleep in between the surgery. Ishani makes them away. Guards come and make media out. Sid is dizzy. He says I didn’t want to do this, patient was nearly dying. He sleeps. She calls him out. Juhi is in Ot. She says he is out of danger now.

Ishani asks Sid to wake up. She checks him. She asks doctor to collect Sid’s blood, she wants reports immediately. Asha comes and smiles. Ishani asks Sid to get up. Asha says I know what dose to add, so that it doesn’t come in reports, Vardaan will manage. She recalls Vardaan saying reports will be made as I want. Asha acts and says Sid’s career will end. Ishani says how can you say this, let us find what happened.

Asha says he was thinking about you all night, he was worried, he couldn’t sleep, he had become emotionally weak and this pressure of operation… Ishani says no, he said he is fine, did he eat anything at home. Asha says he tells everything to you, not me. Ishani looks on. Shashank says surgery is successful. Reporters ask how did Si sleep during surgery. Shashank says its a medical issue, it will be clear. Vardaan says Sid is getting conscious. Shashank goes. Vardaan says I can’t say anything, I can’t believe what’s happening here. He goes and thinks Shashank and Sid’s fight will start now. Sid says I have to go. Ishani stops him. Juhi says control yourself. Shashank comes there. Everyone goes out. Rishabh asks Rahil to see Sid’s action, he slept during surgery. Rahil says you like to insult people. Rishabh says think as a doctor, then you can see. Rahil says don’t speak against Sid. They fight.

Anjali asks them to stop the nonsense, they are doctors, not goons. Rishabh says Sanjivani will be ruined because of Sid. He goes. Anjali asks them to go. Rahil says sorry and goes. She says dad will be emotional, he may make any sacrifice again by regarding Sid as his son, like he did for Juhi. Shashank asks Sid to look at him. Asha comes to Vardaan. He watches Shashank and Sid live on footage and eats popcorn. He asks Asha to see the climax. Shashank says I want explanation, what happened in OT. Vardaan says I would have slapped Sid and kicked him out, Shashank is hurt within, I wanted this.

Sid comes to Shashank. Asha says I thought you want to put Sid in trouble, but Dr. Shashank…. what’s the matter. Vardaan says you know…. Shashank asks Sid to answer. Sid says we are doctors, we can’t give excuse of personal issues, what shall I explain. Vardaan says this man is my real target, the great Dr. Shashank Gupta, Juhi, Anjali and Sid are just pawns, I want to ruin Shashank. Sid says I don’t know why I was fainting, I was getting sleep during surgery, its my mistake, I m very sorry.

Shashank says your time will not be easy now, you are responsible for this, I suspend you until board decides on you. He cries. Asha says Juhi and Shashank had a past, Anjali is his daughter, what’s connection between Sid and Shashank. Vardaan says they don’t know the truth, just I know it. Sid says don’t be annoyed with me. Shashank says you think what I m going through, you are like my son. Vardaan says Shashank doesn’t know that Sid isn’t like his son, but Sid is his son. Asha gets shocked.

Vardaan says Shashank is Sid’s real dad. Sid holds Shashank’s leg and says don’t hate me. Vardaan says they don’t know they are father and son, just you and I know this. Shashank goes. Sid cries. Vardaan says amazing story, right, final countdown started, now Shashank will be ruined. Asha asks how do you know this. Vardaan says I know everything, I met Sid’s mum, she told me everything, Roshni came to Sanjivani, I had a doubt that day, I was thinking why is she hiding from Shashank, I hired a detective and got to know the truth. He shows Shashank and Roshni’s pic. He says when Shashank met Roshni…. I didn’t know my good luck is so good, I got big info. Ishani sees Sid crying. She comes to him and hugs. They cry.

Ishani says someone had fed something to Sid that he fell asleep, Sid isn’t careless, board meeting is going to start, we need proof to save Sid. Sid cries.

Update Credit to: Amena

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