Friday 22 November 2019

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 21st November 2019 Written Episode Update – Krishna is trying to impress tara by playing flute.

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 21st November 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with Rukmini asks sudama what is less for you now because you had to come here so he tells her that I had come to dwarka as a guest & you & Krishna left dwarka keeping in darknesss by prabhu becoming beggar so she tells him unless prabhu himself does not come to take me I won’t so he tells her you come so that prabhu will automatically come & you can only bring him back or he will keep roaming around as a beggar then she tells him you are responsible for this & you only have to search solution for this. Sudama tells her why I will do such a thing to make prabhu beggar then she tells him if you would have not come here & also you would have not given those grains then this wouldn’t had happened & sudama curses himself saying I am only wrong so I wish to repent for my mistake & that’s why I am pleading to please come back to dwarka so that prabhu can come on request but still Rukmini is stubborn saying I can’t come & you alone have to do this & if hari returns then shree can come. Sudama is crying for such thing happened.
Krishna says I know devi tara that you love music so you will come by playing music while tara is doing dancing in her place so Krishna plays his flute to attract tara. Tara while dancing for people are enjoying but as the donator hears flute sound he says this music sound is so good & better than this music while tara also feeling the flute music sound & stops saying who is he who is disturbing me in my dance music.
People come listening to him & tara comes telling Krishna to stop playing this flute so Krishna asks her what happened devi as I thought your give me donation hearing my flute music then she asks him are you here to ask donation or to disturb my dance then Krishna says you give me donation then I will go from here & she says if you wouldn’t had played flute then I would have thought but now I won’t give you donation anyhow.
Sudama is cursing himself in front of krishna’s statue saying what kind of life you have given me this as I have become helpless from both sides while gurudev comes explaining him to be calm as whatever happens is by prabhu’s wishes itself but sudama says that I don’t know about prabhu’s wishes but I have hurt devi Rukmini so gurudev explains him that you have to explain devi rukmini & he gives him a solution what she likes that if you do Pooja of kamal flowers for her then devi laxmi gets impressed & by that may be devi Rukmini will get impressed so sudama says that I will do this for making shreehari together so that I can leave to my village back. gurudev consoles him.
Krishna understands & says I can understand sudama that you are in problems but you have to face this.
Krishna is playing flute while tara is seeing from behind the tree saying how nice he plays flute & he is so stubborn that he needs food from me from whom nobody intends to take water also. She also says how can I forget that incidence when a beggar had come to me & she narrates her past story.
A rishi comes to tara’s place asking for donation & as she gives him he feels very contended by the aroma of food & blesses her while villagers come seeing this & they laugh on rishi so he asks that what happened then they explain him about her so he gets annoyed with tara & curses tara as well as villagers saying you hidden your identity so if any body comes asking for donation from you then this whole village will get destroyed & villagers curse her. So he says that because of this I can’t give food but again she thinks if somebody else’s food if I give then it might be possible but where can I find such kind of food she thinks.
Sudama is near sea for kamal flowers to collect for devi laxmi’s Pooja saying now I can do my job by which I can join shreehari together again & chants mantra. Devi Rukmini immerges behind him cursing him that I know it’s your selfishness because of whom shreehari got divided so I will never allow your selfishness to succeed & she sends a crocodile to distract him to not to make this happen by sudama of kamal flowers to take for Pooja. Crocodile comes & catches sudama while he is pleading crocodile to not to stop me but crocodile doesn’t then he prays shrikrishna saying my end has come friend so forgive me as my job has become undone while Krishna understands & blames Rukmini what you did this as you very well know it was not his mistake & it was my decision then too what you wish you do but I want to show this world who is blessed a devotee or an evil. Krishna plays flute strongly by that sudama is released by crocodile god & god immerges praying Krishna that how can I do this hearing your sound & as myself your devotee I won’t be able to do this against your wishes.
Sudama feels happy saying crocodile god heard me so I am free now with my new life to do Pooja for devi laxmi with kamal flowers.
Krishna says whoever does his devotion purely then he has to get his fruits like sudama.

Precap: Sudama donates his eyes to impress mata laxmi while tara plans to donate food to shrikrishna but is cursed by villagers stopping her & saying her punishment is finally death.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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