Sunday, 3 November 2019

Nimki Vidhayak 2nd November 2019 Written Episode Update: Minto threatens to against Nimki

Nimki Vidhayak 2nd November 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Nimki is in the restaurant. Nimki says prices are still this much? She tells the waiter to get her a coldrink. He sees Minto’s gift in her bag and says I didn’t check that. She strikes with Kameshvar. He says you must be enjoying the media attention after standing up for the people. Nimki says your government didn’t do anything for people so you gave me a chance. She tells him to join Ganga’s party as that’s the future, he asks her to not talk about it loudly. Ganga comes there so he greets and leaves. Nimki tells Ganga that I was asking for his vote. Ganga says stay away from the people who are on our side in the pubic, keep a private meeting with them. I have talked to them, they are on our side. Nimki says I think about the ideas and you have always done it. Ganga says you are our partner so bring your family to my house sometime, she leaves. Nimki says soon I will go to her house in the helicopter.

Dumri recalls seeing Minto and gets scared. Mauha comes there excited. Mauha tells Dumri that today I made Rashami lose the game and I might get the chance to play at a national level game. Dumri says we will come to watch your game. Mono says Nimki will come too and will give you a trophy as a chief guest. Mauha says she will come to put me down. Mono says no she will come for our papa as he would be proud to see his daughters growing. Tunee comes there. Mauha asks what happened? Tunee says where is Nimki? I have to talk. That Mishra is still saying bad words for Nimki. Mauha says this happens in the politics, she leaves. Mono says she got a call from state-level selection team. Tunee says what? We should celebrate, where is Nimki? Mauha glares at him.

Scene 2
Nimki is with Mai. She has a gift. Mai says Babbu gave it to you? Nimki nods. Mai opens the gift and finds glasses inside. She asks Nimki to wear it. Nimki wears it and says are you happy? Mai cries and says Babbu and you keep each other happy, Babbu must work hard, I like that he is not like Dublo, if you go to him then tell him to meet me soon. Nimki thinks that I told Minto to not show his face but I will talk to him.

Shukla says to his man that we shouldn’t trust Minto too much. The manager says you are right, we should talk to Nimki also.

Minto’s friend tells him that we have to talk to Nimki. Minto is tensed. His friend says Shukla’ man won’t spare you, you should talk to Nimki. Minto says I know a way. Nimki comes there. Minto says I need to talk to you. He says sorry for entering in your name, Nimki says to be careful before coming to my house. She says glasses are good. Minto says I need to talk. Nimki says come with me to Mai. Minto says I am not meeting her. Nimki says why? Minto says if you don’t vote for Shukla and not go against Ganga then I am not meeting Mai. Nimki says you are blackmailing me? Minto says I need money for Dadi’s operation. Nimki says that’s it? Come on Ganga’s side, she will get you money. Minto says no Shukla can hurt Dadi. Nimki says I will protect your dadi, come on Ganga’s side. Minto says if I can become Babbu for your Mai then you can vote for Shukla for my Dadi, who would know whom you are voting for? Nimki says enough, I respect Ganga a lot, don’t even think about this again. She tries to leave but Minto stops her and says if you don’t vote for Shukla then I will tell truth to Mai and tell her that I am not her Babbu. Nimki says you want to tell her then go and tell her, I have handled her for 2 years without you and I still can. Just to tell you, whoever has threatened Nimki till now had to bear a lot so think before you say anything, I am not changing my vote.

PRECAP- Shukla’s manager asks Nimki to vote for Shukla and she will get anything she wants. Nimki says I will not vote for him. She asks Dumri and Tunee to teach him a lesson. They take off his clothes and throw him out. His manager calls Shukla, Shukla says we have to put her in her place.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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