The episode starts with Parveen angrily walking up and down in her room. She says, “How to make you understand Aman, that girl Roshni is not Ayaana!!! And your life is great danger right now without Adaa near you.” Salma comes coughs to show Parveen her presence, the latter fumes even more on seeing her, she asks, “What do you want???” Salma talks sweetly to her saying, “Come on Parveen sahib, we are in-laws, so can’t we meet each other to ask about the other’s well-being.” Parveen replies angrily, “Your daughter is not my daughter-in-law and until I’m alive, I will never allow her to come near my Aman!!!” Salma smirks maliciously and says, “That is what I too want, samdi ji!!!”, Parveen is amazed and asks her, “What do you mean???” Salma continues, “I want your son Aman to leave my daughter forever!!!” Parveen is shocked at her words “You are her Ammi, right?? So why do you want such a thing for your daughter???” Salma confesses, “I’m Roshni’s Ammi, but I was not the one who gave birth to her!!!!” Parveen is astounded at that revelation. Salma continues, “I got her when she was a baby, and unknown to her I had raised her only for my benefit, for MONEY!!! And that is why I want your son to leave her!!!” Parveen is disgusted, however she is still not able to digest that Roshni was raised by a COURTESAN and hasa courtesan’s upbringing values imbibed in her and still believes that Adaa is only Ayaana. She thinks about Aman and asks Salma, “So what do you want me to do???” Salma is delighted, “Just join us for the engagement right now!!! And later I will explain what should be done!!!” Salma goes out smirking, while Parveen looks on confusingly.
Downstairs, Chotu, Sara and Saima ask Baby, “When will the engagement start??” Baby asks her, “What!!! I’m getting engaged, finally my dream to get married is going to happen!!!” Sara, Saima and Chotu bang their foreheads, Chotu says, “Not your engagement Phupi!!! Today is Chachu and Chahi’s engagement!!!” Baby says, “Oh yeah I forgot!!!” Dadi comes and asks to go and check if Roshni and Aman are ready. Sara, Saima and chotu go upstairs and while going to Aman’s room, they see Aman coming out of the guest room. Sara asks him, “Bhaijan, what are you doing here???” Aman remembers all that just happened and says nervously, “Actually Roshni was using the washroom of our room, so I came over here!!!” Chotu tells him, “Then you should have taken BATH together with Chachi nah, like last time!!!” Aman gets embarrassed, Sara and Saima giggle. Aman tells them to go and fetch Roshni while he goes downstairs.
Downstairs, Parveen joins Dadi and Baby, Dadi becomes glad and says, “Good that you have changed your mind Parveen, your son need your blessings the most!!!!” Parveen says, “After all I’m Aman’s Ammi and I need to be with him, during his engagement!!!” Dadi and Baby smile, while Salma smirks at the success of her plan.
Upstairs Rakh Jinn and Adaa come to the washroom of the guest room, which Aman had left stained with his blood. Rakh jinn uses her powers and combines all the blood droplets together and fills them into a small crystal bottle. She says, “Since it is Aman’s blood, this blood is infused with Sifrati Jinn’s soul which will bring him back to our world, he will not have his jinn powers until his ashes are freed, but his form will be back to attack the Khan family and get his ashes back.” Adaa looks on curiously.
Sara, Saima and Chotu come to Aman’s room and are amazed to see Roshni’s beauty. Saima says, “Bahabhi jan, you look so beautiful today, let us go downstairs and let the others too see your beauty!!!” They bring Roshni downstairs, all are amazed to see Roshni, except for Parveen who gives her disgusted looks. Aman looks up towards Roshni and is mesmerized to see her such that he could not take his eyes off from her. As, Roshni comes near Aman, she looks towards him with sad eyes, he turns his face away without looking at her, as she looks down, he gazes at her side wards. Dadi asks them to sit to continue with ring exchanging. Aman and Roshni have their seats.
On the other side, Rakh jinn is constantly chanting verses, while pouring Aman’s blood into a spiral of fire. There is slow evaporation of vapours from the fire. Adaa looks on scared with wide eyes.
To be continued.
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