Anjali and Rahul reached Chandigarh happily.While twinkle spending whole day with her in laws she message Kunj when he will come back while Kunj was hell busy in work.They all have dinner.Manohar bring ice cream for everyone they all having.
Twinkle beta you also have haan leave this work servant will do it Usha said.
Nah mummy ji I’ll do it myself what I’ll do get bored di and jiju went feel so boring she added.
Haan beta even me too this Kunj toh never stay at home sometimes here and somewhere there never give us time she said.
Usha Rani don’t anything about my Kunj bebe said.
Aha bebe you always save him Manohar said.
Haan he is my favourite grand son she said and twinkle giggles.. twinkle went in kitchen doing her work servant helping her while rest went in their rooms.
Twinkle keep food in refrigerator for Kunj.
Where is sadu he didn’t come back till now totally workaholic man my husband ji she murmured and finished all work and take water jug and went in her room..
She keep jug in bed side table.Uff in tired she said and went towards dressing table and remove her all accessories she went in washroom and get freshen up wear her nighty.and come after get freshen up..
She combing her hairs and thinking about Kunj she looking at clock.It’s too late she murmured and lost in her thoughts.just than Kunj entered in room and see twinkle..
He throw his coat and bag in side and sit on couch and loosing his tie.
Heyy he called her she come back in her sense and turned and see Kunj come back.
She leave the hair brush.
When you come back she said.
Just now he said.. Kunj closed his eyes ahah I’m hell tired today this yuvi na so mean he added.
Acha why she asked and went near him. Give him glass of water. Kunj take and drink.
I’m hell hungry he said.
You go and get freshen up I’ll bring your dinner she said.
Good he said and get up Hold twinkle hand you have your dinner or not he asked.
Haan I had with everyone she said.And remove his tie and Kunj nuzzles his face in her neck. She side him and went near wardrobe take out his night wears Kunj give her backhugged..
you are so good handling me and my all things he said and kissed on her cheek from back.
Acha it’s my duty i m your wife she added and turned and handover him his night wears.
Now stop your cheesiness go and get freshen up fast she added and push him..
Kunj went in washroom twinkle went down and heat up food for Kunj.She bring food for him Kunj didn’t come till now she place food on table and take his bag and coat and keep in side.Kunj come out of the washroom while rubbing his hairs with towel and keep in side and sit. Started having his dinner.
Why you always throw wet towel here and there Kunjj twinkle said.
I’m like this na don’t worry I’ll improve he said.
Good soon she said and keep in side.. she sit beside him.
Do you need anything she asked.
Nope enough didn’t get time to have lunch today toh back to back meeting he said.
You should work less why you working so much she said.
Acha if I’ll not work than who will handle my company wifey he said. She hold his one hand
Acha at least in week you can take leave na and do your work normally not like machine husband ji she said.
My father will shoo me he said.
Acha ji she said.Twinkle fill water in glass for him Kunj drink and finished his dinner.
Why you have this much Kunj you should have proper meal she said.
I have fully my wifey don’t be worried about me he said and went in washroom to wash his hands while twinkle went down and keep all things back in kitchen and bring ice cream for them in one cup..
Kunj come and laid down in sitting position
Twinkle entered in room and closed the door she went towards bed and sit.
Kunjj ice cream papaji bring for everyone she said
Acha you have first he said.He get yuvi message get busy to replying him.twinkle making faces and shifted to him.she have one spoon.
Kunjj you always get busy in your work you just comeback from office again she murmured.
Wait a second twinkle he said.She cupped his face and he leave his phone open his mouth she feed him ice cream with her hands.Kunj too feed her with his hands both feeding each other’s enjoying ice cream..
Tasty Kunj said.
Haan very much twinkle added and she keep the cup in side.Kunj peck at her lips.
Both lay down in each other’s embrace Kunj combing her hairs with his fingers she making circles on his chest!.
How’s your day she asked.
Good as usual he added. Just than twinkle phone beep.She take her phone and see Anjali caller ID..
diii she said and received the video call. Composed themselves.
Heyy husband and wifey hope we didn’t disturb your guys Rahul said.
Nah nah jiju Kunj said.
Aur how’s you husband and wife Anjali asked.
We are good where is Armaan twinkle said.
Here see Anjali show Armaan who sucking his thumb..
heyy noise pollution today so peace in the house Kunj said .
Huhu very bad we will see when your kids will come brother in law Rahul added..
Whatever Kunj said. While Armaan giving twinkle smile she give him back..
Aur how’s maa and other’s Anjali asked.
Missing you di lottt twinkle Added.
Maa just miss her son not daughter Kunj said .
Papa will tell you about this Kunj Anjali added they giggles..
Di come back soon twinkle said.
Acha now handle your home and in laws you guys come na here we will enjoy Anjali said. Twinkle looking at Kunj.
Aww such cute wife wanted husband permission babaji Rahul said.
Hehe jiju we will try di Kunj said.They talk for sometimes than ended the call..
Pagal hai husband and wife Kunj murmured.
Cute even twinkle said.
Yeah less than you kunj said and pulled her cheeks she making faces.Twinkle switch off the lights she laid down and Kunj too.Both facing to each other’s Kunj hold her hand. He closed his eyes while twinkle adoring him.Kunj fast sleep.
I’m happy babaji with Kunj and my in laws she think in her mind.twinkle went near him and kissed on his cheeks and peck at his lips and rest her head on his chest and cuddles Kunj tightly she slept peacefully.
At morning.
Twinkle getting ready she wiping her wet hairs and looking extremely hot. While Kunj sleeping due to her hairs water sprinkle on his face and he wake up. And open his eyes and see his wife and smiled.
Good morning he said.
Good morning you too twinkle said..
get up go and get ready you will get late for your office Kunj she said.Try to tie her back dori.
Huhu he get up and went towards her and give her backhugged.Side her hairs and tied her backdori she smiled he rest his chin on her wet shoulder and smells her hairs. Twinkle shivered.
You looking so beautiful always how you maintain he said. Both looking at each other through mirror.
Acha ji I’m beautiful since birth she added.
Hoo really mrs twinkle Kunj sarna but I can make you more he said and winked at her she understands and blushed so hard kunj giggling to see her cheeks colour turned. She smash with her elbow on his tummy.
Kunj slide her sleeves from her shoulder and kissed twinkle closed her fist.. he bite her earlobe and leave hickey on her neck she moaning his name.. she open her eyes and turned towards him.
You go and get ready don’t you wanna go office mr sadu sarna she added.
Ahah who calling her husband sadu sarna He Said and playing with her wet hairs.
Me she said with giggles.he pulled her near himself and cuddles her from her waist.
Acha twinkle lets do quick makeout I promise I wouldn’t take your long time he said and make her shocked.Smooch her she clutch his t shirt She push him.
Ahah Kunjj she groaned.
Kya always Kunj and kunjj don’t waste the time he added.
I just take bath kunjj I have to make breakfast as well I’ll get late mummy ji she said.
Always spoiled our romance haa he said she giggles. So what take bath with me again what’s say new experience he added she get red.. she hide her face in his chest Kunj giggling.
Why you get so shy I thought you must be bold girl but see every time you get shy on my words hehe he said.
Don’t talk like this she said.Bas na go take bath she said.
Acha okay but remember what I said and I will not leave you at any cost he said and she nodded in yes..
She push him and Kunj ruffles his hairs and went in washroom.Twinkle covered her face.
She get ready quickly and arrange Kunj all things. Went downstairs she went in kitchen and quickly started making all breakfast.
She make all things and tell servant check she take tea and went in living room.And wished everyone good morning and served them tea.Just than Kunj come down looking hot in black shirt with blue jeans.twinkle and Kunj share eyelock.
Good morning maa and Bebe or papa he said.They wished him back Kunj sit beside Bebe twinkle give him tea as well and sit beside Usha.
Kunj what about me Varma Manohar asked him.
Everything is set papa I talk to him about project he is ready that’s it and if you meet with him once Than good he said.
Okay today I’ll meet with him arrange meeting Manohar said Kunj nodded in yes.
You father and son talk about business always not fair Usha said.
Than what we will talk maa Kunj Said.
You keep quiet Kunj you become like your father totally she said and Kunj give her smile.
Haan what about my nuh give her time you both are newly wedded couple take her out and enjoy with twinkle Bebe said..
Kunj hummed and give her smile twinkle as well.She get up and set breakfast everyone come and take their seats.Twinkle serving them.She take seat beside Kunj and they all having breakfast nicely.Soon they done with breakfast. Kunj went in room while twinkle doing kitchen work Kunj giving twinkle voice she entered in room leave her work.
Haan Kunj what she said.
Woh my wallet he said she went near him.
Just here Kunj she said and give him wallet.
Thanks he added.She bring his blazer and made him wear.
Now can I go she said. He take his office bag Haan at least you can drop me till the down he said.
Sure she added and Kunj hold her hand and they went down.
Acha bye take care of yourself Kunj said.
You too she said and Kunj peck at her forehead and lips. She smiled bye she added and Kunj went.
Twinkle went back in kitchen and doing her work.
Kunj reached office and he get busy in his work while Manohar discussing with Verma’s
Sabrina entered in Kunj cabin with coffee she keep the coffee mug on table.
Sir today work files she said.
Haan keep here sabrina you go and check other work and tell me he said.
Okay sir she added and went just than yuvi entered in cabin.
Good morning bro he said and take seat opposite of Kunj and see Kunj face which glowing
Hoo why this glow man he said.
Acha you checking out my glow what about you kunj said.
Acha Aur suna how’s your wifey she settled in your family or with you yuvi said.
Haan why she will not with me as well little shy sometimes but nice girl twinkle I never knew before wedding he said.
Haan after wedding night you get to know everything very soon he said and laughs out
Very lamekamina Kunj murmured.
I’m happy you both are happy I mean you were not ready for marriage for bebe happiness you did but seemed like you are now happy fully with twinkle yuvi added.
Haan I did just for bebe I’ll wait 2 years more but whatever happens happens for good little bit I was too scared how twinkle will manage with me and in my family though my and her parents good friends but still yaar she is nowadays girl and this arrange marriage maybe difficult for her but I was wrong she accept my family and even me as well fulfilling her all duties of sarna family nicely she is calm and cool good for me
Kunj said.
Haan good otherwise you loose your cool very soon when anyone come to argue with you bro yuvi said and Kunj having his coffee after he and yuvi get busy in meeting..
Twinkle finished her kitchen chores she come in living room.
Bebe and mummy ji do you want anything she asked.
Na beta come and sit leave work servant will do Usha said.
Nahi mummy ji I have to clean my Room as well Kunj messed up fully throw his things here and there she said.
Haan yeh ladka bhi na she said.
I’ll come twinkle said And went in room.
She is good girl haina bebe you are best to
Find twinkle for Kunj Usha added she nodded in yes.
Twinkle entered In room and found wet towel on bed and she making faces.Kunj bhi na she murmured and started cleaning her room. Just than chinki called her she pick up the call and keep on speaker.
Heyy baby good morning chinki said.
Very funny my good morning long back twinkle said
Haan married girl you are now she said. Aur what are you doing it lets Meet today chinki said.
I’m doing my work my husband went office now cleaning our room you come at my sasural we will sit here as you know now I
Can’t come like before twinkle said
Yeah right twinkle acha I’ll made plan with our gang than meet very soon she said.
Sure they talk for sometimes than ended the call and went downstairs and sit with bebe while Usha went to gurudwara.
At afternoon@
Twinkle making lunch for everyone bebe was in garden Usha come with leela both meet in gurudwara so come with Usha..
Bebe kesho leela asked and sit beside her.
I’m fine leela ji she added.. they chit chatting.
Twinkle where is Usha asked.
She is inside bebe said servant bring juice for them.
Kunj finished his work and thinking what he will do now.
Let’s go home have lunch with twinkle bebe is right I should give her time he murmured and take his car key and tell his pa don’t disturb him now he leave for home while coming back he see flowers and take for twinkle even buy chocolates as well.
He reached and come out of the car and keep flowers bouquet and chocolates in bag and see leela and Usha or Bebe and went to them.
Hi he said
Arey Kunj puttar you come today Usha said.
Haan Maa my work finished soon he added.
How’s you leela aunty he said.
I’m good puttar how’s you she asked.
I’m too he said and take her blessings.
I’ll come he said and went inside.
And finding twinkle here and there Than his eyes went on kitchen and see her he smiled and went in kitchen without any noise and give her backhugged.
Aha she scared and slightly screamed Kunj lock his hand around her waist.
Kya siyappa Dar gyi mein tere pati hot and handsome Kunj Sarna He Said. She turned and see him.
Aha tum kunjj aise kaun aata hai you scared me damn it she said and hit on his chest.
Acha sorry he said cutely.
It’s okay she said and give him smile.
You are here at this time what happened are you okay she said and get worried.
Hoo don’t be like maa I’m okay can’t I come early to spend time with my beautiful wife he said.
Acha ji aisa bhi hai she said.
Haan ji ab meri new new Shadi hui hai I should have fun he added.
Uff she said.
Acha I have something for you Kunj said.
What she asked.. Kunj show her red roses bouquet and chocolates she see and get happy immediately take it.
For me she said.
Na for my pa Sabrina he added.
Very lame twinkle said.
Obviously I’ll bring for my wife na he said.
Acha okay I loved it she said and smells flowers and even chocolates my favourite she added. Why this buttering she said Kunj tucked her hairs.
Woh aise hi mann Hua I know you love chocolates that’s why I bring one more thing he said.
What show me she said. He went near her ears. His breath sending shiver under her spine.
Why should I tell you I’ll show you Mr Sarna winking at her she understood what he mean blushing fully.She turned and seeing her dish. Kunj rest his chin on her shoulder. Placing wet kisses on her neck and cheeks from behind. She enjoying.
Acha what you making he asked.
You can see she said Kunj leave me anyone will see us we are in kitchen not in our room she said.
I know maa and Bebe they were in garden don’t worry he added.
Acha twinkle leave this let’s go in room you know what I said in morning he said and she remembered.
Hoo for that you come early I got it men will be men she said.
Yeah any doubt he come and sit in side hold her one hand. Why I wouldn’t be after all I having such a beautiful wife I’m lucky he added.
Too much cheesy you are before I thought you are so innocent she said.
Haan I have to and I’m just for my wife this Shade he said.. kissed on her hand.
Challl na please he said.
Kunjj you become like baby understands please not at this time she said.
Acha taste this and tell me she said and take spoon and blowing and cupped his face and feed him Kunj having and making faces. Meanwhile Usha and leela entered and their eyes went on twinkle and Kunj they smiled to see them.
How’s it twinkle asked.
Good twinkle he said and pulled her cheek.
I’m so happy to see them Happy together leela said.
Haan leela ji Don’t worry they will understand each other’s with passing time your daughter filled our house with love and happiness Usha said and leela smiled.They both sit in living room.
Now you get out of my kitchen she said and off the gas stove.
Acha I’ll see how he said and twinkle went out of the kitchen and Kunj going behind her. They come in living room and found everyone get surprised.
Arey Kya Hua Kunj bebe asked who try to catch twinkle.
Nothing Bebe he said and twinkle see leela and get happy went to her.
Maa when you come she asked.
Your husband didn’t told you leela said and Kunj making faces twinkle understands.
Hmm how’s you she asked.
I’m fine leela added Kunj sit in side.
Acha now I should go leela said.
Arey leela ji have lunch with us than go please Usha said and even bebe to pleased.
They all went and having lunch leela get happy to see twinkle.Than they finished the lunch.
Nice good twinkle leela said.
Thanks maa she said.
Chalo I take leave now I take twinkle your time lott what my son In law think she said.
Kya aap bhi Kunj said and they all giggles leela went twinkle busy in her work Kunj went in their room.
Kunj started watching match twinkle come back after sometimes later she come and sit beside Kunj who making faces.
Acha Kya Hua Kunj she said.
I come early and wanted to spend time with you but you were busy in your work huhu he said.
Acha sorry na now tell me what you wanted she said.
Kuch nahi he said and cuddles her.
Acha tell me about you twinkle what you like sometimes I think you aren’t a girl who will do arrange marriage he said.
Acha why you thinking this she said.
Aise hi he added.
I never think About this had many proposals but never took it in serious way happy the way I’m living and when our alliance got fixed than happy everyone happy and what about you I heard lott you marry because of you bebe why she asked.
Yeah right she looking at him.Normally never think about girls and all’s good na I marry you he said and both smiled.
She bring chocolates having and give him too.Kunj caressing her lips she smiled both closed the eyes and captured each other’s lips and started kissing each other’s fully.
Kunj pulled twinkle on himself and biting each other lips as well.
Kunj side her hairs and open her dress zip.
Take her beneath himself fully he bite her she moaned and open her mouth and Kunj entered inside and both exploring very bit of it.
Twinkle was upon Kunj he caressing her back sliding her dress they break the kiss and Kunj nuzzling his face in her neck and giving her kisses and biting her cleavage twinkle grab his nape hairs and caressing fully moaning in pleasure fully.!
Kunj breathe her and he grab her lips and started kissing her fully and entwine their hands.With one hand twinkle started opening Kunj shirt buttons.Kunj biting her lips while twinkle moaning and she nibbling his lips as well.
Due to lack of breath twinkle try to break the kiss but can’t because Kunj pulling her more and more.finally they break the kiss and both breathing heavily.Twinkle closed her eyes and Kunj caressing her cheeks.Kunj bending down his face and nuzzles his face in her cleavage area prodded his nose.Kunj take between his teeth and biting her on cleavage she winch in moan.Twinkle grab his nape hairs tightly.
Kunjjjj she moaning and Kunj started sucking that part and soothing the pain.She fully moaning his name.He going up and cupped her chin and smooching her. Kunj hold twinkle hand both looking into each other’s eyes.Kunj arousal and hitting twinkle and she can sense.
Just than Someone knocking at door both come in sense shocked.
Twinkle puttarrrr Usha called her..
mummy ji twinkle said and shocked now what she will do in this condition. She closed her eyes.
Haan mummy ji she give her voice back.
Puttar Bebe calling you she said.
Okay I’m coming twinkle added.
Okay she said and went from there..
twinkle about to move but can’t Kunj holding her fully.
Kunjj Leave me she said.
Kaha you aren’t going anywhere where were we are he said caressing her lips.
Kunjj mummy ji bebe calling me I have to go down she said.
Now I can’t go after 10 minutes later promise quickly he added.
Shh kunjj please leave me she said try to get up.
Very bad you can’t leave your work in middle he said she making faces.she looks at her cleavage and see the love bite mark redness. Kunj try to kiss her.
Nah let me go she saying and pushing him finally she come out of his cage and get up. Went near dressing table looking at herself messy condition of her fully.
Twinkleee Kunj shouted..
You are good in office only she murmured and closed her dress zip and composed herself and covered her shoulder to neck fully with her duppta because of Kunj..
She went near door.
Acha come soon I’m waiting he said she making faces and went out of the room giggling fully to see Kunj.
She went downstairs and find Usha and Bebe sitting with some ladies.Usha see twinkle and went near her. She looking at her face somewhere understands she disturb them.
Yes mummy ji you calling me she said.
Haan beta so my some friends come to see you they didn’t come in your wedding that’s why she said.
Okay twinkle said about to process ahead Usha hold her hand.
Twinkle puttar stop Usha said.
What happened mummy ji she asked.
Beta go and get ready nicely they will see your very first time she added.
Okay mummy ji awkwardly she said and Usha went back to them..
Twinkle entered in room Kunj who was playing game in his xbox.she making faces while seeing him.
Sadu what mummy ji thinking about me she murmured.Went near wardrobe Kunj see her.
Heyy twinkle you come back very soon haan great Chal let’s continue our game he said she turned.
Huhu looking good playing football she Said.
Haan you went and leave me alone break our moment so I will get bored think let’s play this game not that one he said.
Very shameless she said and take her clothes.And went in washroom twinkle get freshen up and come and get ready nicely.
She went downstairs after get ready and goes in kitchen and make tea and snacks she Quickly prepared and place in tray and take and went outside ladies seeing her get happy.Twinkle went towards them and served them tea and snacks take their blessings.
Usha your bahu is extremely beautiful one of her friend said.
Haan I too thanked to babaji everyday my Kunj is very lucky Usha said back and twinkle sit with them.They all chit chatting with each other’s twinkle send coffee for Kunj with servant.After sometimes later all ladies went back to their houses.Usha get happy.
Kunj come downstairs busy in his phone his shirt buttons still opening.Twinkle see this and get shocked.He come towards them.
Oyy Kunj you always busy in your phone only Haan bebe said and he leave his phone and looking at them.
Arey bebe I get di message that’s it he said.
Hoo and why this buttons opening closed them seemed like you feeling very hot bebe added and Usha and twinkle giggles Kunj making puppy faces.
Kya bebe aap bhi na he said and pulled her cheeks..
I’m saying right haina twinkle bebe asked.
Hmm she Hummed.usha and Bebe went and leave them in living room.Twinkle still giggling she went near Kunj and closing
His shirt buttons.
See bebe too making fun of you very sad she murmured.
Don’t laugh too much it will be bad for you only wifey ji I’ll see how you will escape from me now I wouldn’t leave you even not let you sleep sleeping beast he said.
Acha ji I’ll too see shameless she said and pulled his cheek while Kunj bite her cheek.
After sometimes later Kunj get freshen up and went out while twinkle and Usha preparing dinner together Usha teaching her few things and she loving it.soon they made all thing and twinkle place on dinning table Usha and called bebe or Manohar they come and settled down for dinner twinkle serving them.
Where is your laadle saab went Manohar said.
Just now he went outside Usha Said and they all having their dinner just than Kunj come and join them.he too enjoying dinner his two lady love made after all..
2 weeks has been passed away to twinkle and Kunj marriage both were extremely happy Kunj having her his time whatever he had in his hand and twinkle handling her duties very well her in laws was fully happy.
Twinkle and Kunj opening up twinkle sharing things with them even Kunj too both happy with this arrange marriage.Usha and Manohar went twinkle and Kunj for honeymoon too Spain both enjoy there lott roaming having fun Romancing as well..
They come back happily everyone happy after see them they were slightly worried about them hope they get happy with each other’s live as well..
Twinkle went to her mother house to stay some days after her marriage she didn’t stay with them.she spending time with her family happily while Kunj was missing her fully both talking with Each other’s on phone till midnight totally unexpected and new for them.. he pleasing her comeback her soon while her brothers not ready to send her back nor Kunj going Taneja Mansion because of his two brother in laws they will teased them that’s why while leela and rt called many times but he made excuses.
At Taneja Mansion.
All family members sitting together chit chatting with each other’s.
Arey lets go out abeer said.
Hmm Meher said.
But I’m going today twinkle said.
Why twinkle yaar stay more na and call your husband ji Kabir said.
You know bhai how he is he will not go and he is busy even my mother in law and Bebe with papaji going to village due to some work so I have to go twinkle said..
Haan Usha ji call me too leela said.
Yes twinkle beta you go don’t disobey your in laws rt added.She nods in yes..
At office Kunj was doing his work with irritating faces because he missing his wife lott.
Kunj don’t be love sick puppy yuvi said.
Acha when this happened with you na than you will understand my emotions when avni went he said.
Hehe very funny acha why don’t you go and bring her back na yuvi said.
Arey my two Kamine saale didn’t leave her when I call her they didn’t let her talk to me if I went they all started teasing me that’s why and she throwing tantrums Kunj stated..
So mean they are yuvi murmured he making fun of Kunj while he cursing lott.. yuvi went in his cabin. Just than Kunj phone ring without seeing caller Id he pick up the call.
Hello in sadu voice.
Ahah why you always sadu I give you perfect name twinkle said yes it’s twinkle call..
Kaun Kunj said and see caller id.
Your wifey hottest you forgot me every soon not fair twinkle said.
Huhu very bad twinkle it’s you who forgot me samji siyappa queen he said.
Acha why you sounding so rude haan she asked.
Don’t asked me this when you coming back haan he said.
She giggling acha you come and take me my papa said till when his son In law not come he will not sending me she said packing her clothes.
Acha ji sasurji very mean he should understand my feelings who away newly wife and husband from each other’s Kunj added.
Hehe Kunj you are so cute acha you take your medicine or not mummy ji told me you having coughing she said.
Huhu why you care he said.
Sorry na she said.
Don’t be I’m okay acha comeback soon I’m missing you and specially he said in mute.
Aha Kunj so shameless I mean you missing your romance not me she said.
Whatever he said and both talk twinkle didn’t tell him that she coming back to home wanted to give him surprised.they ended the call.Kunj get busy in his meeting.
Twinkle packed her all things or leela with Meher and Malika entered in twinkle room with gifts.
Twinkle beta this is for your in laws Usha said.
This for Kunj Meher said.
Why this all maa twinkle asked.
For your in laws from our side you going back that’s why leela said.
Okay maa she said and packed everything.
They all went downstairs chit chat than twinkle get ready beautifully all set to go back her home.. meanwhile abeer and Kabir too come.
Bhai now drop me twinkle said.
See so desperate girl she is don’t worry your husband will not run anywhere abeer said.
Huhu bhai you both always teased Kunj that’s why he didn’t come here she said in flow.
Hoothey all hooting. She get shy and take rt and leela blessingand bid bye and went outside sit in car and with abeer she left for Sarna Mansion..
At Sarna Mansion.
Usha and Bebe along with Manohar sitting they missing their bahu lott talking about her only.Just than twinkle entered along with abeer they get surprised.
Heyy twinkle puttar you come Usha said.
Haan mummy ji I know you all going that’s why she added.
No aunty she comeback for her husband ji abeer said . Twinkle pass him death glares.
Good na my Kunj missing her lott even not stay at home mostly after her bebe said..
good you comeback we all missing you lott Usha said and she take their blessings. They all settled down.
Acha I’m going uncle and aunty abeer said.
Arey beta sit na have tea Usha said.
No I have work I just come to drop her she is so desperate to comeback her home he said and bid bye and left.
I’ll bring tea and snacks she said and went in kitchen she make tea and snacks and bring served them they all enjoying after all missing her tea and snacks everyday.
Twinkle give them gift.
Why leela send this Usha said.
So what mummy ji it’s her love she said.
Acha I’ll come she said and went in her room.
She see her room and get so happy.went in her and Kunj memory lane how she and he spent time together and their romantic moments she get shy and place everything back in wardrobe and see Kunj messed up His whole wardrobe fully.
This man never improve babaji she murmured arrange everything back even her room.
Than she went downstairs sit with them after Usha and twinkle get busy in dinner preparation just than Kunj comeback with gloomy face bebe see him and teasing.
What happened to my son she said.
Nothing bebe just tired he said.
Acha go and bring water for she said
Okay with puppy face he said. he get went in kitchen twinkle back facing to him.
Maa give water na he said. Twinkle turned her face and see him she get so happy. And bring water glass and went near him Kunj looking down.
Lo pani she said Kunj raise his eyes and shocked to see twinkle.
Tumm twinkle he said.
Hmm she Hummed Usha seeing them.
Really he again said and pulled her cheeks.
When you comeback she asked her twinkle gestures him.
Sometimes before only my son Usha said from back Kunj see her. Comeback in sense.
Okay he said and take water went outside give to bebe.
You get very much happy haan she said in teasing manner.
Bebe aap bhi na always behind he said and it loosing his tie while twinkle prepare coffee for him. She done with cooking Usha and she comeback in living room.Twinkle handover Kunj his coffee mug and sit beside him.
Kunj get so happy just for twinkle see bebe Usha said. Kunj closed his eyes.
Leave this all maa he said.
Acha twinkle beta help me in our packing Usha said..
Why Kunj asked.??
See this boy so many times I have told you we all going village you Just lost in your wife dreams come out my son Usha said.Twinkle blushing and Kunj ruffling his hairs.
Huhu he said and enjoying his coffee. Usha and Bebe went in room and called Kunj while Kunj making pouting faces while looking at twinkle she pat on his cheeks and went to them.
My family behind me like others why.she is my wife still they all teasing me like she is my fiancΓ© and we are love sick puppies he murmured.
Twinkle helping Usha and Bebe in their packing Kunj waiting for his wife.after 2 hours their packing done.Kunj finally went in his room and take his night dress went in washroom.He comeback after shower and throw wet towel on bed just than twinkle entered in room. Kunj was shirtless ruffling his wet hairs. Twinkle closed the door and her eyes went on bed.
Ahah Kunj what is this how many time I have to tell you don’t throw wet towel on bed it’s bad manners she said hand take out. Kunj went near dressing table.
Acha why I’ll listen you and follow your rules when you not he said and she look at him.
Means when I didn’t listen to you and what I didn’t follow your rules she asked him. Kunj pulled her near himself and his one around her waist.
This is you said you going for 3 days but it’s been 1 week passed away this is good Haan he said.
Acha Maa and papa or bhai didn’t let me comeback she said.
You listen them but I’m your husband listen to me first he said.
Hoo acha I’ll listen you only and you tell me what is this who messed up wardrobe like this you always trouble me she said Kunj rubbing his nose against her cheeks.
Because you trouble me lott you don’t know how much I missed you this days.. her hands resting on his bare chest.
Even me too she added.Kunj cupped her face and kissed on her forehead and pecking at her lips she smiling fully.
Acha wear your T-shirt let’s have dinner she said.
Yeah he stated and wear his T-shirt and went downstairs they all sit for dinner and having happily Kunj get hell happy. After dinner.
Kunj gesturing twinkle to let’s go in room while she stuck with her in laws..
We will leave early morning bebe said.
I’ll drop you maa Kunj said.
Nahi we will go Manohar said they talk for sometimes finally they elders went in their room.
Kya Kunjj twinkle said.
Let’s go in room he said and hold her hand went her back in room..
Twinj room.
Both laid down on bed in each other embrace.
Kunj you are very bad at least see elders as well she said.
Huhu as if I care he said. He caressing her hairs. He looks at her lips she closed her eyes both share deep liplock after they break Kunj making faces.
Not tonight get it she said.
Very said he said and they talking for sometimes than sleep took over them.
Next morning early.
Twinkle wake up early and make breakfast quickly Kunj too wake up they all had breakfast together after they ready to leave.
Stay happily and Kunj come soon home don’t leave twinkle we will come back 2 &3 days Manohar said he nodded in yes they finally left.
Acha now you go office husband ji she said.
What kind of wife you are you sending me office Acha Sun I have time let’s make quick make out todayhe said.
Like always nope go office acha comeback soon she said.
Okay do call me and Haan take care of yourself he said and kissed on her forehead. Twinkle peck at his lips he smirked she push him and finally Kunj left for office..
He get busy in his work while twinkle in her house chores.She give leave to servants she will handle all work alone. She send her whole day alone while planning something she went in her room and unpacked a box and see the thing she blushed.
Tonight I’ll wear this and try I hope Kunj will like it I’m confused and shy as well she murmured. She remembers she and chinki
Went for shopping chinki take her for lingerie shopping she don’t wanted to take but forcefully she made her buy for and tell her wear for Kunj and show him. Twinkle have her lunch Kunj called her both talking with each other’s.
At night.
Kunj come back home.He and twinkle spending time together than they sit for dinner after dinner Kunj get busy in call. While twinkle went in her room and she smirked and lit up her room with candles and she went in washroom to get ready. Kunj done with call he entered in room find lights were off and see candles he get confused just than washroom door open twinkle come out of the washroom. Kunj eyes went on her he get shocked to see her.
She wearing black lingerie looking hot he was shocked completely can’t believe she was standing in front of his eyes like this.he take steps near to her she breathing heavily.
Twinkleee he hitched..
what is this he asked and she get worried hold his hands.
Woh Kunjjj I’m sorry she said.
Why sorry you looking hot I mean suddenly this he said leave this he added and cupped her face and kissed on her face adoring her head to toe and remove her shrug and see her in two piece she get shy. Kunj stand behind her both looking at each other’s through mirror Kunj placing wet kisses on her back and shoulders she moaning his name just. Than they went on bed and Kunj pulled the curtains.Both sitting opposite of each other’s twinkle remove Kunj shirt. Kunj grab her lips both started kissing each other’s biting fully their lips become crazy Kunj didn’t leave single place where he didn’t give her mark.she morning loudly his name. He remove her last piece of clothes she blushed the way he looking at her.
Don’t be shy it’s not first time he said. And cuddles her playing with her tits and teasing her completely.
Kunjj don’t teased me she groaned and pulled his nape hairs he smirked and started making love she completely moaning his name Kunj teasing her more and more.
My revenge he murmured.
Acha very bad revenge way she murmured both entangled their hands enjoying their moments.Kunj going wild twinkle too didn’t stop him.They enjoying every bit of it.
These days they completely alone in whole house. It’s was golden opportunity for them mostly for Kunj . Kunj going office but comeback soon he take twinkle for dinner out and they enjoy outside end of the day both spend night in each other’s embrace both fully spending erotic nights.Twinkle was damn happy. Tomorrow family will comeback.
Twinkle and Kunj laying down in each other’s embrace after done with their makeout. Kunj caressing her hairs.
You are very bad so wild animal she said.
Even you are wild cat I’ll cut your nails one day see what condition you make of my back he said.
Huhu.. she said.
Kunj missing di and Armaan di send me his pics he becomes damn cute she said.
Acha you wanted babies Haan he said.
Hmm everyone wanted one day she murmurs.
Haan I know now let me enjoy it’s just 2 months not completed to our marriage he said.
The way you going I damn sure he murmured.
Hehe he said and again both engaged..
Next day all comeback they get happy to see Kunj and twinkle life become normal again..
Days passing.
Everyone come to Sarna Mansion for dinner they all sitting and chit chatting Anjali and Rahul too comeback Amritsar with Armaan.
Twinkle you getting pretty more day by day Meher said.
Acha bhabhi thanks.
What you applying Meher asked.
Nothing she said.
Arey Meher understand Avni said she understands and blushing Kunj passing from there.
Haan Kunj toh become lazy head he didn’t pay attention on his work yuvi murmured.
He paying in other things more understand
Yuvi said. They have dinner and enjoy youngsters sits together and elders in other side. Kunj went outside he take call and talk to dr Priya.
Kunj twinkle Report come she said.
What come in her report he asked in worried way.
{ twinkle was not feeling well so Kunj take her for check up normally yesterday}
Nothing is worried she is pregnant that’s why this all happening with her Priya said.
Whattt pregnant what really how this happened he said in flow..
what you mean Mr Sarna she said.
Sorry I mean I’m happy thanks dr he said.
Congratulations her too from my side tomorrow come to my clinic for her checkup she added.
Sure I’ll bring her he said and ended the call Kunj was damn happy.
She is pregnant really babaji he murmured and looking for her. He went towards towards he hold her hand.
Twinkle your report come dr Priya call me just now he said and looking at them and get confused after report word.
What comes she asked normally. Kunj cupped her face didn’t see here and there.
I m damn happy you are excepting he said. As soon as everyone heard this shocked. They all get up.
What didn’t you said. Anjali asked.
Di twinkle is pregnant he again said.
Whattt really they shouted Kunj nodded in yes. Twinkle looking at Kunj he blinking his eyes she get happy and immediately hugged him all coughing. But they didn’t care.
After going to become parents become shameless as well abeer said Kunj make faces.
I’m so happy bebe said and caressing twinkle faces all blessed them and congratulate them. They all sit and feeding each other’s sweets.
Now see Armaan your sister and brother will come what maamu will do when his own movie pollution will come Anjali said.
Mine will not noise pollution it’s just yours Kunj said pulled Armaan cheeks he screamed at Kunj.
Very bad Kunj Rahul said.
But suddenly this Usha said.
Woh i take her for checkup yesterday she wasn’t feeling well maa that’s why Kunj said and all understands.
See they were so fast it’s not 2 months completed to their marriage they give us goodnew awesome Malika said and they all teasing them both blushing and giving smile.
After this news both family extremely happy rt and leela more they understands their daughter is happy fully going to become mother it’s soon but good it’s strong Kunj and her bond more and more. Kunj take twinkle for checkup dr check up and give her medicine and tell Kunj everything.
Kunj and rest family members taking care of twinkle fully and fulfilling her all wishes Kunj Bearing her mood swings and carvings twinkle overwhelmed by Kunj she thanking everyday to her Parents and babaji for selecting Kunj for her life partner he keeping her always happy and do everything whatever she wanted. Even Kunj too both happy with this arrange marriage they didn’t said each other’s this 3 words I love you but Their eyes expressing lott they were happy.
Months passing twinkle pregnancy she is all okay.
She give birth to a baby boy with lott pain she can’t bear labor pain and dr don’t take her for surgery Kunj handle her fully at least she give birth normally.everyone get happy and they cherished everything. Twinkle went to her home Taneja mansion with baby it’s a ritual she going to stay there for somedays even Kunj get work he have to go urgently he went to new York. Usha and others visiting to baby they all extremely excited for baby.
7 days passed to baby birth last night Kunj comeback.
He come to Taneja mansion meet with his wife and baby.
Maa twinkle he said.
You go she is in her room with baby she said and Kunj went in her room and as soon as he entered he get so happy to see his life.. he went Ahead and see twinkle closing her eyes and baby sleeping beside her and nuzzling his face in her embrace Kunj sit beside bed.. twinkle open her eyes and find him.
You comeback she said.
Yes how’s you he asked and kissed on her forehead.
Fine she said.
And my baby he asked.
Even he too Kunj she added. Kunj kissed on his forehead too.
I’m angry you went huhu she said.
Sorry last time next time I wouldn’t he said.
Okay she said and give him smile Kunj hold her hand and kissed.
You are okay your pain he said.
Haan now decreasing but your son teasing me lott Kunj in nights you leave him on me only she said.
Acha ji what about his two maamus he said.
They too handle him but he is so cry baby she said.
Hay babaji don’t make him noise pollution di and jiju will cut my nose he said both laughs out. Baby wake up and open his eyes and looking at Kunj and twinkle.
See him looking at you she said.
Haan see i m your papa he said. Kunj take him in his arms and kissed on his lips she smiling to see them.
Everyone saying he looking like you she said.
Haan after all beta hai mera he said. Just than he started crying.
Arey baby what happened he get worried.
Shh don’t be worried place him back near me she said
Acha he said and place him near to his mother he calm down Kunj surprised he sucking His lower lips.Twinkle turned he is hungry he started crying again.
Kunjj closed the door na she said.
Why he asked.
I have to feed him she said and she understands and get up and closed the door twinkle started feeding him he sit and adoring them.
Why you looking at us she asked.
Aise hi he smirked.
Shameless she murmured and caressing baby back. Meher and Malika entered in room without knock and situation become awkward twinkle feeding her son. She immediately composed herself and Kunj looking here and there.
Oops sorry guys both said.
It’s okay twinkle murmured.
You feed him we will come later they said and went from there twinkle and kunj laughs out twinkle sit and take him in her lap. Both playing with baby and spend time together.
Others get busy in baby naming ceremony function.
Today is baby naming ceremony at Taneja mansion only each and everyone come each and everyone looking extremely beautiful.
Twinkle get ready and made her son as well who teasing her completely.She come down with her son and looking so beautiful all smiled Kunj hold her hand she meet with everyone.They sit for naming ceremony
Anjali keep baby name ARSH.. all get happy with name and enjoying function fully.
Twinkle and Kunj now take precaution pata Chal again baby soon yuvi saidall laughs out.
Huhu why you all behind us you too have baby now don’t take my baby Kunj said bad take his son they making faces and take Arsh from there
See twinkle abeer and Kabir said.
What I can do now he is his son she said and they all shocked.
After function twinkle and Arsh went back to their house they welcomed the grandly. She was damn happy Kunj take them in their room she was surprised to see room. Kunj decorated their room with baby things fully she get happy and tell Kunj..
After Arsh birth twinkle and Kunj life changed both handling their son together bearing him even he isn’t less than Armaan all taunting Kunj he is too noise pollution twinkle recover as well. They don’t want more now from god.
Their arrange marriage they accept it.
Happy after marriage living happily Than soon they give good news everyone cheery on cake blessed with baby boy now their life completed fully they both extremely happy with their son.
Arsh turn 1 month old twinkle and Kunj anniversary too celebrate normally..
they laying in each other embrace nakedly twinkle feeding her son.
He is so cry baby huhu Arsh Kunj murmured.
Acha I told you now our life is not like before he will disturb your moments always she said
Let him he can do anything after all mera beta hai Kunj said and kissed on his hands. Arsh chuckled..
twinkle what about another baby Kunj said kiddingly.
Acha you can’t handle one son he is just one month old always everyone teasing us she said.
So what I’m not sacred from them huhu he said.
Sadu she said and patting on Arsh back he Burped both adoring him and he too his parents twinkle hold Kunj hand.
Kunj I wanted to tell you something from long I didn’t got time and even I’m shy she said.
Even I wanted too he added both looking at each other’s with utmost love.
I love you kunj she said.
Even I love you too twinkle Kunj added both smiling,
I don’t know when I fall for you I never think this arrange marriage become blessing for me I’m lucky to have husband and my baby father as well she said.
Me too twinkle he peck at her lips and both join their forehead..
A great marriage isn’t when the PERFECT COUPLE comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.
It’s not important arrange marriage or love marriage important is happy marriage how much you are happy in your relation. Whether you both tie with their own Ill and love or else for their family. Matter is you should be happy together nothing more.
A happy marriage is about three things : memories or togetherness, forgiveness of mistakes and a promise to never give up on each other’s…
So this is 2 shot of story finally done..
I just simply penned it down don’t know how’s it leave it.
Finally I have completed 300 articles on telly Updates thanks each and everyone for reading my stories because of your love and support I have completed this much articles
my first ffstill remember make me laughs what I have write it down
but get your utmost love.. than RAB se Sona ISHq
that was too my favourite and get your all love and support..
love Ka hai Intezaar.ff
RAB se Sona ISHq.. ff
(Short story)
Love can happen once again in the life)
Twinj os..
True love.
Hate turn into true intense love twinj OS
Sun saathiyaaaaa ~ TWINj: OS
qayamat se qayamat short story..
Iss pyaar ko Kya naam doon..
Pyaar toh hona hi tha..
I Thoroughly enjoy every bit of it while writing .maybe will leave writing but will miss you all
few are near my heart.... again thanks
for bearing.
Bye love you all
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