Thursday 28 November 2019

Checkmate. Aham & Kashmira FF ( Manmarziyan) PART 48


Arjun woke up hearing the sound of morning alarm which he set in his mobile. He rubbed his eyes lazily & stretched himself. He heard sleepy voice of Samaira beside him. “Good Morning.”
Arjun- Why you woke up? It’s 5a.m only.
Samaira- your morning alarm disturbed my sleep.
Arjun- I have to meet with a lady. She knows many things & certainly she can help in our Mission. But she gave morning time to meet with her.
Samaira- A Lady?
Arjun(rolled his eyes)- I said so many things. But You only concentrated on “Lady”? Why this insecurity Samaira?
Samaira (coming more closer to him, she put her head on his bare chest)- It’s not insecurity. It’s not that I don’t trust you. It’s a wife natural jealousy when her husband is quite handsome.
Arjun(grinned)- Thank You for the compliment. By the way, no need to get jealous. She is an elderly lady almost at the age of your mother.
Samaira looked at him.
Arjun- I mean, almost our mother age. So, don’t get jealous.
Samaira- Hmm. But you never used to set alarm to wake up in morning! I thought you are an early riser.
Arjun- Well, I am an early riser. But nowadays, after having adventurous night, I am sleeping like a s*xually satisfied man. Now, I am getting why newly married couple wake up late!
Samaira (blushed)- Shut up. You are turning shameless day by day.
Arjun- not shameless dear. I am complimenting you. Last night was simply incredible. Thank You.
Samaira hide her face on his chest.
Arjun- No, no. I am not saying this to embarrass you. In fact, I am really lucky to have you in my life. Thank You for loving me so passionately. The feeling is blissful.
He can feel Samaira’s lips kissing his bare chest.
Arjun- But please dear, don’t get insecured. I love you. Yes, I know, I am not able to be with you when you need me. I don’t give you enough time. Many times lose my temper. But trust me.I don’t know how to express my feeling & what you said last night was not true, I am not losing my interest. You are wife. Your health matters to me most.
Samaira looked in his eyes. Her hands caressed his cheeks.
Samaira- You just don’t need to say anything. I can see in your eyes & I can feel your love, care & affection for me. Yes, we fight, after all, we are equally stubborn & your mood swings are also the reason.
Arjun- I don’t have any personal life before. I only used to do my duty. But I am trying my level best to balance both my personal & professional life.
Samaira- But I know, it will always remain “Service Before Self” for you.
Arjun- Yes Samaira. Nation first, before anything else.
Samaira- Hmmm & one more thing, last night I was not feeling insecure, I was craving for you.
Arjun- I am in love with your bold & feisty side. Your touches were magical. It was a fantastic night.
Samaira- That’s not boldness. Why should I be hesitated to come close to my husband? You are my man. You are only fine. Now, let’s drop the topic.
Arjun (grinned)- yeah, let’s drop the topic. I agree we are each other’s. Just one query, I want same kind of passionate night again. So, when will I am getting the chance again?
Samaira- Usually, I don’t say no when you want me.
Arjun- No, it’s not like that way. When you will crave for me again?
Samaira- Shut up & get lost. I hate you.
Arjun (patted her cheeks)- But I love you & want to inform you that I am willing to fulfill any o your fantasy. ( winked mischievously)
Samaira- Should I punch you?
Arjun- no need to get violent because that will going to instigate me to take you. But next it will be my turn to ravish you. So, take care of yourself more & get well soon.
Samaira turned scarlet. She only hugged Arjun more tightly. Both remained silent. After sometime,
Arjun- Samaira, from today, Gitika is not going to accompany you. But don’t get afraid. You are safe. Trust me.
Samaira- It’s okay. I can understand. Gitika can’t stay with me all the time.
Arjun- Don’t be panicked. Just remember, I am not going to let anybody to harm you.
Samaira- Arjun, I am thinking to learn self defence technique. It’s not that I don’t trust you. I feel, I will be more confident on myself.
Arjun- no need for explanation Samaira. It’s an excellent idea. You should learn martial arts.
Samaira- so, teach me. I don’t think I am going to get any better teacher than you.
Arjun- well, that’s great to hear. But whatever time we spend together, if I started teaching martial arts to you, then you will definitely kick me out. Take admission on a class & also need a trainer to learn professionally. But never to worry as I am willing to give you private tution whenever you need.
Samaira narrowed her eyes.
Samaira- And in which school should I take admission & how am I going to manage timings after office?
Arjun- well, don’t worry about school. I will enroll your name in proper place. I think you should learn shooting also.
Samaira- Guns!! Oh God!! No, no, I can’t be that much violent. I can’t kill.
Arjun- who is telling you to kill? Shooting is also a part of self defence technique & it’s also a game.
Samaira- Sorry Arjun. You are expecting high. I can’t represent my country in Olympics.
Arjun- Uffs! Learn what you like. I am not going to give you suggestion. I will enroll your name in class & you will fix the time when you can attend.
Samaira- But…..
Arjun- No if & but. It’s necessary thing to learn. So, time cannot be a factor.
Samaira- I should not say anything to you.
Arjun- So, whom are you going to say? Neighbors?
Samaira- Leave me! Are you not getting late now?
Arjun (in a serious tone)- Samaira, are you able to accept if by chance you get to know your past? Please answer he honestly.
Samaira remained silent.
Arjun- I am asking you Samaira.
Samaira- I already told you Arjun, I want to know about my mother. What happened with her?
Arjun- And about your father?
Samaira looked towards Arjun. Shock evident on her face.
Samaira- You know about Him? Who is He?
Arjun- I don’t know. Just asking, if any day by any chance if you get to know about him.
Samaira- You are telling lie. I am not that sharp like you, but at least, don’t consider me as a fool. You know everything. Just speak out.
Arjun- It’s not like that. I got some hints that too by chance working on this mission.
Samaira- Is my father still alive? Where is He? Please tell me. I want to know the truth. I don’t care how much harsh or painful it is.
Arjun sat up & cupped her face in his hand. Droplets of tears escaped from his eyes.
Arjun- Samaira please don’t cry. I only got some clues. I don’t know the whole truth, neither I am sure about my assumptions.But I think you are not strong enough to accept the truth.
Samaira (smiling sadly)- How much acceptance power are you expecting from me Arjun? From childhood whom I know as my father that Samrat Khanna is not my biological father. I craved for his love & affection but he only wanted to harm me, kill me. He tried to marry me off with Dev & there was plan B also, to trap me as a terrorist! I don’t know what happened with my mother. Is she alive or dead? Sometimes, I also wonder is she a victim or she is something else? Arjun, I am a human. I can’t stay happy only living in present. My past haunts me.
Arjun- The past on which you have no control. Come on Samaira, whatever wrong happened it’s not because of you. So, you can’t let your present & future to get affect. I think accepting & moving in life is the most practical decision.
Samaira- It’s not that easy.( wiped the tears from her cheeks) whatever, you get to know please tell me without hiding anything. But I want to listen from you, not from anyone else. Hope you understand what I am trying to say.
Arjun lovingly kissed her cheeks.
Arjun- My strong Samaira. I am proud of you.
Samaira- Are you regretting marrying me?
Arjun- naa! After those beautiful gifts & fantastic night,I am not regretting my decision of marriage.
Samaira- Arjun, I am serious.
Arjun- It’s a childish question. I know what context you are asking this. I am still not getting what is your fault in this total fiasco as a person. You are not part of Samrat’s criminal activity. Then?
Samaira- Previously also, your career got affected because of me.
Arjun- It was a trap for both of us. Samaira, please stop blaming yourself for no reason. It was my fault that I started discussing the issue on morning! Now, how can I leave you alone here when you are looking so upset!
Samaira- I am not upset. You get ready. I am preparaing breakfast.
Arjun- No need. You too get ready. I will be dropping you at Neil’s place.
Samaira- I am comfortable in my home. So, please. I am not upset & not that weak to cause myself any harm. You are getting late.
Samaira stood up from the bed & wore her robe & went towards washroom. Arjun sighed. Samaira need to know the whole truth about her life. Only the closure can give her the peace. Bastard Samrat Khanna, though you failed to do any harm to Her but you wounded her heart so bad. She is a strong personality that’s why, she is able to hide it from others.


Arjun parked his bike in the parking lot of old age home. The Gate keeper already instructed him the way of Rekha Bhatia’s Office. Arjun went towards her office. The door was open. Arjun noticed a middle aged lady is sitting on the chair & reading newspaper. Arjun still knocked on the door. The Lady looked at him. “IPS Arjun Mehra?”
Arjun nodded his head with a small smile on his face. The lady stood up. “Please come in Officer. I am Rekha Bhatia.”
Arjun entered inside. “Good Morning mam. It’s nice to meet you.”
Rekha- Please sit Officer.
Arjun- Thank You mam.
Rekha- What would you like to take? Tea or Coffee?
Arjun- Nothing mam. Thank You. Hope my Officer already told you why I am here.
Rekha- Yes, to know about Piyali & Anju.
Arjun- Mam, I want to know everything about Piyali Khanna & Anju Kiran & definately also about Dorothy Faria.
Rekha- well, Piyali, Anju & me, we were all students of Sociology Department in N.K College. Dorothy mam was our guest lecturer. Anju was an scholarship student. I don’t know much about her past. I just know her parents was trying to marry her off after her 12th examination but she came in Mumbai to complete her higher studies with the help of her cousin brother.
Arjun- Do you know the name of her cousin brother?
Rekha- I don’t know. I never saw him. But Piyali once said to me that Anju’s brother used to come.
Arjun- & how she got to know?
Rekha- In few days, Piyali & Anju became best friends. The way Anju fought with whole society to make her career, it was an inspiration for us. As scholarship was not enough & also it’s so hard to find rented house for a girl without parents help,Piyali herself offered Anju to stay with her.So,…..
Arjun- So, Piyali & Anju used to stay together in Piyali’s house! What about Aniket Chaudhary?
Rekha- Aniket uncle never put any objection. He used to busy with his business.
Arjun- Anyway, after that?
Rekha- We were all inspired by Dorothy mam. Her dream was an NGO. We started with ground level. During spare time, we started teaching under priviledged kids going in slums. But it was not an easy job. Some people in slums started creating problems when we go their to teach. Their allegations was that we were brain washing the innocent girls. One day when the situation started to get violent, thankfully, a police officer came their for our rescue.
Arjun- Who was that Police Officer? By chance, do you remember his name?
Rekha- Yes, I clearly remember him. His name was IPS Reyansh Saxena, an young officer, was posted in Crime Branch.
Arjun was clearly shocked. He remained silent for some minutes.
Arjun- Why he was there at the slum?
Rekha- To investigate some case. Seeing the commotion, he came their to rescue us.
Arjun- Us?
Rekha- Me, Piyali, Anju & Meghna.
Arjun- Meghna?
Rekha- Yes, Meghna Khanna.
Arjun felt his head is reeling.
Arjun- Meghna Khanna!! Mam, Is she by any chance related with Samrat Khanna?
Rekha’s face became hard hearing the name of Samrat Khanna.
Rekha ( in a low tone)- Yes, Meghna is Samrat’s younger sister.
Arjun felt like he just solved a big puzzle by getting only a slightest information about Samrat Khanna.
Arjun took out the Group picture shared by Mrs. Gloria.
Arjun- Mam, please mark Meghna Khanna in the Group Picture.
Rekha looked at the picture & marked the photo of a girl.
Arjun- Thank You mam. Please You continue. Whatever I need to ask, I will ask you after.
Rekha- After knowing about our NGO mission, Reyansh promised us to help. He even met with Dorothy mam. But we can see that Reyansh & Piyali were started liking each other. After completing graduation, when we were all deciding what to do next, Piyali & Reyansh decided to marry. I was quite shocked to hear that. Piyali informed me that it will be an court marriage. Only family members will be present. So, she will give treats to all the friends after her marriage. But unfortunately Reyansh died on the day of their marriage. I went to meet with Piyali & their I got to know that Piyali was pregnant. I was shocked. Aniket uncle was so angry. He was constantly forcing Piyali for abortion. But Piyali stood firm on her decision. Not to abort Reyansh last symbol. At that time, I got admission in Chicago University in USA & left the country & there I got to know that Piyali got married to Samrat.
Arjun (after few minutes of silence)- well, what you know about Samrat Khanna?
Rekha- Honestly speaking, nothing much. As i said, he was Meghna’s brother. Meghna was also a part of NGO, but she was not our batchmate. She was a Pass Graduate. Her one of the subject was Sociology. She was not much passionate about NGO but still she used to stay with us. Her brother often came to pick & drop her at college, at Dorothy mam’s house,their we used to do all our NGO works. I never used to like him because of his attitude & also because he was an drunkard. Meghna’s father requested Dorothy mam to help his son to get rid of that habit. So, Dorothy mam started taking Samrat with her when she used to go in NGO’s work. That’s all I know about him.
Arjun (carefully looking at her)- Samrat’s attitude & his drinking habit, were these are the only reason that you dislike Samrat Khanna?
Rekha- There is another one. Samrat proposed Piyali after knowing her liking towards Reyansh.
Arjun- What? How do you know?
Rekha- Piyali herself said this to me. Piyali rejected him & clearly said that she like someone else, but that man still tried to mess with Piyali’s life by talking with Aniket uncle.
Arjun- What’s Aniket Chaudhary’s response regarding Samrat Khanna?
Rekha- Aniket uncle used to love his daughter a lot. Piyali’s decision was final to him, plus, Samrat was not a good choice as son-in-law. Forget about his drinking habit, he was not even working at that time. Whatever I know He was a student of Business Administration & passed with good marks, but definitely that was not enough for Aniket uncle.
Arjun- hmm. Then, what’s your take on Piyali’s marriage with Samrat?
Rekha- I was not happy to hear & I believe Piyali was forced to marry this Samrat. As Piyali was pregnant with Reyansh child & Reyansh was no more plus Aniket uncle prestige matter but it’s only my assumption.
Arjun- Okay. Next?
Rekha- There is nothing more to say. Whatever I know, I told you Officer.
Arjun- Don’t you know anything about Piyali’s child?
Rekha- No Officer. I just got the news of Piyali’s marriage in USA. After that, I lost track. I became busy with my studies & also that was not the era of social media to connect with anyone, anywhere in the world. Later, I got married in USA & settled there. My parents also shifted with me. I used to work for a NGO there. My husband was an lawyer there. After my husband death, I feel to shift here in my country. As I have no children, I started this old age home.
Arjun- As you already know, Piyali is missing, do you know Police concluded that she was having extra marital affair & she left with that man.
Rekha- I am shocked Officer. It’s almost impossible to believe.
Arjun- What you know about your mentor Dorothy Faria’s murder?
Rekha- No clue Officer. Her dream was this NGO. Apart from this, nothing was important in her life.
Arjun- & about Anju Kiran?
Rekha- She was a good student, our friend but introvert & honestly Piyali was more closer to her than any one of us.
Arjun- And what’s her stand when Reyansh Saxena & Samrat Khanna came in Piyali’s life?
Rekha looked confused. “I don’t know.”
Arjun ( showing the picture of Rana)- Do you know him?
Rekha shook her head in negative.
Arjun- well, He was Rana, Anju’s cousin brother, with whom help Anju escaped from village & came in Mumbai. I am suspecting him that he was involved in the conspiracy of Reyansh murder. Anju took a different name & identity “Nandini Pandey” & became one of the director of Khanna Industries. In fact, she has relation with Samrat Khanna & both were involved in criminal activity.
Rekha looked stunned. Both remained silent for some moment.
Rekha- I am speechless Officer but I have nothing more to say. Whatever I knew, I already told you.
Arjun nodded his head.
Arjun- Do you know the address of Meghna Khanna?
Rekha- No. I never visited her house.
Arjun- mam, please save my number and call me or simply drop a message if you remember anything.
Rekha nodded her head & save Arjun’s number in her phone.


Arjun parked his bike on a roadside tea stall & sat on the bench & ordered a cup of tea. He lit a cigarette. His mind is clouded with many thoughts. Suddenly His phone started ringing. “DGP Anirudh Dasgupta calling!” Arjun hurriedly received the call.
Arjun- Jai Hind Sir.
Anirudh- I have some information for you. IPS ChandraShekar Saxena is no more but His wife Gayathri Saxena is alive.


That’s all for Today. Waiting for responses. No Proof Reading.

The post Checkmate. Aham & Kashmira FF ( Manmarziyan) PART 48 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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