Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Rabb Se Hai Dua 8th May 2023 Written Episode Update: Dua goes hysteric for Haider


Rabb Se Hai Dua 8th May 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Scene 1
The nurses talk about Dua while she is unconscious, a nurse tells another one that her husband married another girl, maybe she is prettier than her, I feel pity on her. Dua hears that and recalls everything.. she start shaking in her sleep and wakes up with scream. She panics and tries to run. The nurses run behind her. Dua comes out of her ward and looks at the family, she looks at Haider and recalls everything. She runs away from him but Haider grabs her and tries to calm her down and says everything is okay. The doctor tells Rahat that she couldn’t bear the trauma. Rahat rushes to Dua and consoles her, Dua cries and says I want to run away. Rahat says everything will be okay. Dua calms down. Gazal smirks and thinks I have to keep probing her wounds. She goes to Dua and says I can’t see you like this Dua, you are my friend so please calm down. Dua recalls Gazal challenging to take away Haider from her. Dua panics and starts screaming, she runs from there. Dua comes out of the hospital and is running when a car comes in front of her. She is about to get hit but Haider pulls her away and hugs her tightly. Gazal is angry seeing that. Dua hugs Haider tightly but recalls him bringing Gazal home as his bride. Haider tells her that thank God you are okay, I will make everything fine. Dua pushes him away and shouts to stay away don’t touch me. Dadi cries and hugs her, she says I don’t want to live anymore. Dadi says don’t hurt yourself because of others’ mistakes, it was not your fault. Gulnaz prays for Gazal to burn in hell. Dua starts hellucinating and shouts to not look at her. She acts like a crazy person and says I want to go home. Gulnaz tries to calm her down. Hina says this is just a start, she has hurt her a mother and she is paying for that, she wanted to snatch my son from me so God took away her peace, this is karma for her.

Scene 2
The family brings Dua back home, she tries to run away and tells Dadi that I have to leave, my honor is shattered. Haider tries to calm her but she pushes him away and goes to her room. Dadi shouts at Haider to stay away from Dua, you have completely broken her, get lost, my Dua doesn’t need you anymore, we are all here to take care of her.

Dua comes to her room and recalls her moments with Haider. Otherside Haider is also missing Dua. They both cry for each other. Dua looks at the gifts that Haider gave her. Naina plays as she cries for him. She screams in pain, Dadi comes outside her room and says trust God to heal your wounds. I am with you. Dadi thinks to let her be for sometime, she goes from there. Dua says I am destroyed, I have lost my identity.

Haider apologizes to God and says Dua is crying today because of me. He tells Rahat that he wants to talk to Dua, Rahat stops him and says you want to kill her? Dadi says you should go to hell. Rahat says you have broken this house but not anymore, you can leave with your girl, go with Gazal. You have no place in this house anymore. He tells Dadi that I did a mistake but you didn’t throw me out out of the house which was a mistake but I won’t repeat. He says Haider is not my son anymore, he has no right to stay here, Dua is their daughter so she will stay here with respect. Haider can leave with his cheap wife. Haider is shocked. Gazal thinks I want Haider and this house both, I won’t go anywhere till I take revenge from Hina for killing my mother.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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