Saturday 25 March 2023

Tere Ishq Mein Ghayal 24th March 2023 Written Episode Update: Veer trusts Eisha again


Tere Ishq Mein Ghayal 24th March 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Eisha tries to sneak out Vicky says don’t even try. He tries to control her mind but he can’t. Eisha tries to run. Ana comes there. She says I told you to keep an eye on her. Vicky says I tried to control her mind. She says her boyfriend is a wolf. She has had shamtulsi. They lock Eisha in the room. She sees Mehak in the bathtub. Eisha is shocked. She says Mehak open your eyes. Are you okay?

Armaan says Ana has kidnapped Eisha. Veer says good riddance. Armaan says you have to help me. Eisha and Mehak both are missing. I know you lost your love because of me. I am sorry. It’s about Eisha. She has no fault in any of this. I broke your trust. You know Eisha did nothing. Please tell me where Ana is and save a life. Veer leaves. Eisha tries to open Mehak’s yes. She wipes her face. Eisha says are you, okay/ Mehak says my head is so heavy. My body hurts. Mehak says Vicky is a wolf. Eisha says they can hear us. Eisha says it’s all related to the cave and the magic spell that can break Chandrika’s magic spell. They need a yogini for that. Mehak says they can’t do that. Vicky comes in and says that’s what you will have to do Mehak. Mehak says I won’t help you. He says yes that’s why we got Eisha here. He drags Eisha. Eisha says don’t be scared, Mehak. He takes Eisha out.

Ana says the famous Eisha Sharma. You’re Kaviya’s mirror image. Now I know why the Oberoi brothers are after you. Eisha says who are you? She says your brother’s girlfriend. We are very close.

Scene 2
Cherry asks Vihaan where are Eisha and Mehak? They are not responding to any text. Vihaan says hi. Eisha must be with Armaan. Cherry says she won’t respond then? Cherry says Ruhan is here. He is very rich. He is gonna throw a huge party. You should come there too. She says hi to Laskh. She says I wrote a poem for you. He says very nicely. Let’s meet at the party.

Veer comes to Nan and asks where is Mehak. She says Mehak isn’t home. Veer says I am her friend. Nan says I know who you are. You dared come to a yogini’s house. He says you can’t say that when you step out of this house. Nan comes out. Veer’s head hurts. He screams. She says don’t think I am Mehak. Eisha says to Ana Mehak won’t help you open that cave. Ana says she will have to. Eisha says what is your interest in Kaviya? Ana says she’s Veer’s fantasy. I m not crazy like him. Eisha says who else is it then? She says, my mom. She’s locked there. Kaviya was warned by my mom. My mom also got caught because of Kaviya’s stupidity. And you know who caught my mom? Your grandfather Amar Sharma. I couldn’t do anything. Eisha says I am very sorry. She takes Eisha’s phone and calls Armaan. She says I want Chandrika’s book or you know what can I do to Eisha and Mehak. I know either you or your brother has it. Come to the town square with the book.

Vicky takes out Mehak. Ana says you can kill them if they don’t behave. Vicky says to Mehak you’re the key to that cave yogini. Eisha says can we have water, please? He says I am also thirsty. Can you give me your blood? Eisha gets scared. Eisha picks up the glass of water. Mehak asks her for water. Mehak throws it on him. it burns him. They try to run. Vicky holds Eisha and says I will kill her if you go out. Mehak says don’t do anything to Eisha, please. He asks her to lock the door. Mehak sits on the bed.

Scene 3
Vihaan stops Ana and asks if they can go to a party together? She says so you’re coming out of the shell? He says I like your company. We are both introverts. We can enjoy ourselves together. The party is in the jungle. Ana says okay we can go there. Veer comes to her and says so you’re taking Vihaan on a date? She says the party is in the jungle. She says we both want to open that cave. Veer says Armaan will partner with you after what you did to Eisha. She says if I don’t get the spell crack, I will kill Eisha. Veer grabs her hand and says when will you do that? She says you don’t care about her. Are you looking for Kaviya in her? Is 1924 repeating? Shame on you. Veer says I am asking when are you gonna do it? She says meet me at the temple after sunset.

Vicky asks Mehak if can witches be killed. We don’t have a natural death. Armaan comes in and throws water at him. He says how about this death? Armaan says leave Landsdale before sunset or I will have to kill you. He hugs Eisha. Mehak and Eisha go wth him.

Scene 4
Mehak asks Nan how did you find out we were there? She says I could feel where you were. Armaan says you all should stay home. Nan says you can’t lock us. Armaan says you’re all safe here. I have to protect you. Nan says we can protect ourselves. I am here, she’s my responsibility. Eisha says if we help Veer all problems would end. Mehak says we can’t risk Veer opening that cave because of Veer. Nan says wolves’ problems drag us into it. Nan says if I open the door, and you get Veer to that girl and kill all the wolves? Would that work? Armaan says that can work if Veer helps us. He won’t trust me anymore. Eisha says I will speak to Veer.

Ana comes home. Vicky is on the floor. He says Armaan attacked me with shamtulsi and took both of them. she says you are useless. How will I open the door now? How will mom come out? Veer won’t give me the spell. Veer will go there for sure. I have to be there when he opens it.

Scene 5
Eisha comes to Veer. Veer says Armaan isn’t home. She says Armaan dropped me here. Veer says what is it? Eisha says it’s important. Eisha says Mehak is ready to help us. Veer says is there an end to your jokes? Eisha says that’s true. I know you don’t trust me. what we did was wrong. We should have taken you there with us but we didn’t. My sorry won’t fix the hurt. He says thanks for your honesty. Eisha says I didn’t want to hurt you but I wanted to protect my people. We both wanted the same. Mehak is ready to help, please agree. He said okay tel Mehak I am not ready now. Eisha says you were ready to open it with us. Veer says and you made fun of it. You liked me. Eisha says why didn’t you compel me that day? He says how do you know? Eisha says I know you didn’t. You could harm me but you didn’t. And that’s because you understand and I understand you. There is a small understanding and friendship between us. It’s different with Armaan but my lie hurt you a lot. But what happened don’t break our friendship because of that. I promise you Iw ill help you take you to Kaviya. Veer says I will never trust you. Eisha takes off her bracelet. She says you can read my mind and find out if I am saying the truth or not. He says there’s no point in all this. Ana won’t stop. Eisha says I will handle everything. Tell me if you’re with us or not. He makes her wear her bracelet. He says I didn’t compel you because I wanted to meet you outside this city. The real Eisha, without magic, without compelling. I didn’t compel. I am trusting you again, don’t break it this time. He makes her wear her bracelet.

Episode ends

Precap-Veer says hurry up Mehak. I have one door between me and Kaviya. I will take her from her today. Mehak opens the door. Veer goes in. Armaan goes after her. Mehak says to Eisha I don’t have the mantra to bring them out again.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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