Monday, 20 February 2023

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 20th February 2023 Written Episode Update: Vibhuti scolds Anita for misbehaving with David


Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 20th February 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anu walks to her home in rickshaw. Few people waiting for and greets her outside her house. Anu greets them back and says I don’t recognise you. One of the man says you don’t know us. Anu says then why did you come here. One of the man says David is troubling us a lot. Anu asks who are you and what do you want. Man says David cone to my house drinks alcohol and leave. Other man says I have grocery store infront of his house, David comes to me eat everything and leave. Anu scolds them and asks do you own a business. Man says yes I have a bar named as house. Anu says I know you are here to clear your debts. They says yes we are here to take our money back. Man says we knocked the door so many times but nobody responded so we are waiting here for someone to open door. Anu says I have nothing to give to you. Man says no worries we will take David with us sell his organs and take our money. Other man says this is very normal for us we and they start discussing about selling David’s nephew’s organ. Anu says listen to me carefully don’t try to so anything to my husband and ask them about money. One man says I need 3500rs from David and other says I need 10,000rs from David. Anu scolds them, give money to them and says from now on don’t come back. David open door and see her giving money.

Anu walks inside home. David says to Any you are back. Anu in anger scolds David for his behaviour. David asks her not to over react a lot and stop disrespecting him. Anu says to David what about you, don’t you know how much you hate me. David says I don’t hate you, I always tell Vibhu that you cannot find women like Anita. Anu says that’s just your way of buttering me. David gets sad says I wish to go London right now. Anu says nobody is stopping you, get ready and I’ll personally go to sea off you. Vibhuti on stairs listen everything.

Tiwari looking at his accounts says if the condition remain same then I’ll get broke soon, I have to spend my money carefully. Angoori working in kitchen says to Tiwari I’m feeling very lonely since few days because I don’t have any friends. Tiwari asks don’t you have friends when you were young. Ammaji walks in and greets Tiwari and Angoori. Tiwari looks at Ammaji and says to Angoori here is your friend. Angoori says she is my mother and gets back to work. Ammaji asks Tiwari what are you teaching her. Tiwari says nothing she wants a friend and my business is not working great. Ammaji says if your business is not working great you could have told me, I would have talked to Pandit Ramphal. Tiwari says I don’t want any remedies from Ramphal. Ammaji slpas Tiwari. Angoori says Tiwari is always busy in his shop and no wtell me who should I be friends with. Tiwari scolds Angoori. Ammaji asks Angoori to be with friends with Anita. Tiwari says Anita don’t have time for friendship and tell her Anita’s routine. Ammaji says Anita looks so busy. Angoori says then tell me who should be my friend. Tiwari says you can do friendship aith anyone.

Vibhu remembers David and Anita arguing with eachother. Anu walks to her bed and asks Vibhu don’t you want to sleep today. Vibhu standing at balcony says I cannot sleep in house where my elders are disrespected. Anu saya your Chachaji crossed the limits. Vibhuti comments about Anita’s dad. Ani says I was trying to explain him, he must have told you a lot. Vibhuti says he didn’t said anything I saw everything how you were explaining him. Anu walks to him says I said nothing wrong. Vibhu says if I would have use same words for your family you would have kicked me out of the house. Anu says I realise my mistake. Vibhu scolds her and make her feel embarrassed. Anu says I promise you not to disrespect your family ever, infact I’ll give them more respect.

Tiwari walks inside Anita’s house and looking for her. David sitting in hall scolds Tiwari and says you always disturb people. Tiwari walks to David and says this is not your home. David asks why are you here. Tiwari says I’m here to mest Anita. David says she is upstairs. Tiwari says I’ll go and meet her. David stops him and says what are you doing, will you go and meet her in bedroom. Tiwari says I was going to see. David stops him. Tiwari says to David if you try to say something about me to Anita she will scold you. Anita walka to them and mocks Tiwari for his behaviour, she touches David’s feet take blessings from him and says to Tiwari, respecting elders is every daughter in law’s religion and nobody can take this right, she asks David if you allow me can I go to Lakhimpur for few days, if you allow me I’ll go. David says you can go and I’ll pray to god for your meeting. Anita leave with her luggage. Tiwari asks David what is going on. David says this is our families culture not like your family and mocks Tiwari. Tiwari walk out of the house.

Prem on call with someone says try to understand my wife is at home, I’ll call my friends and make arrengements for you to stay. Vibhuti ask rickshaw to stop after seeing Prem. Prem ask him where are you coming from. Vibhu says I went to drop Anita at bus stop because she is going out of station. Prem get’s excited and says I’m happy because I was in mood of chilling out and Bhabhi is also not home so why jot we celebrate with David. Vibhuti says okay my house and expenses will be your and he leaves. Prem call someone and says arrengements are done just reach on time I’ll share location with you.

Vibhu outside his house. He hear Angoori talking on phone to Bhoori about friendship. Vibhuti walks toward the kitchen. Angoori disconnects call and greet Vibhu. Vibhuti flirt with her and says you were discussing about friendship. Angoori says yes I was talking to my sister Bhoori because she have lots of friends and from few days I was feeling very alone because I have no friends. Vibhu says you could have called me I’m also your friend. Angoori says you are man and even telivision has proved a man and woman can never be friends and asks him for some solution. Vibhu says don’t worry I have a solution for you. Vibhu asks Angoori to imagine him as girl and talk to her about being friend. Vibhuti walks infront of her. Angoori says hey girl I want to be your friend. Vibhu says you’re being too rude, ask her with love. Angoori says you know a lot about friendship. Vibhuti says why do you want to be friends with only girls, they fight a lot. Angoori says I’m not and I’ll love my friend a lot. Vibhu says then try to learn. Angoori says okay let’s practice again. Vibhuti start walking. Angoori says hey darling I want to be your friend and give a flying kiss. Vibhu in shock.

Vibhuti open door and see two women standing. David shouts and asks to Vibhu who’s there.
David says to two women your friend Prem would have paid you then why are you getting so angry. Women standup says we didn’t get paid for anything, 40,000 rs is remaining give it to us know and we will leave.
Tiwari with Anu in market. Tiwari says you were out for few days because of meeting. Anu says my meeting got cancelled. Tiwari asks so what are you going to do now. Anu says I’ll go to my home.
Vibhuti open door and see Anu outside.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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