Wednesday 14 December 2022

Bigg Boss 16 13th December 2022 Written Episode Update: Nominations task


Bigg Boss 16 13th December 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 73
8:45 AM
The yoga instructor comes. They all exercise with her. Sajid and Stan cook. They all dance with her on Dil diya gallan. She leaves.

10 AM
Tina asks Shalin why si all the bread is gone. He says I don’t know. She says don’t behave with me this way. You have hurt me. He says okay. Sumbul says to Soundarya everyone is cooking together. She says to ask Nimrit. Sumbul says to Sreejita Nimrit will cook for you. It’s her duty. Soundarya and Sreejita say Sumbul talks everywhere. She can’t fight. Archana asks Vikas you wear leggings? He says they’re workout pants. Archana says they look weird. Tina says what are you seeing? Archana laughs.

10:45 AM
Soundarya waits. Sreejita says Archana let Soundarya cook. She can’t cook like this. Sumbul says I am the captain now. Let other people’s breakfast be cooked as well. She says Soundarya say something. She says she won’t listen. Archana says I was sleeping. she wasn’t letting me sleep. Now I am up and I would make my breakfast. Archana says I will make the tea. Sumbul tries to move her. Archana says don’t touch me. Sumbul says we will run the house. Sumbul says the kitchen doesn’t belong to you. Nimrit says rules apply to everyone. Sreejita says to Priyanka it hurts. I am honest with my friendships. She gets teary. She says I am not fake like Tina.

11:15 AM
Shalin asks Nimrit how long would breakfast take. She says 2 hours. Sreejita says to Sumbul if you allow Archana, everyone would cook. Priyanka comes to the kitchen. Abdu says everyone is fighting. Priyanka says don’t talk to me like that. He says I am talking about everyone. Priyanka says you replied to me. Sumbul says he was saying generally. Priyanka says do your duty first. Nimrit says she had to taunt me. Shalin tells Priyanka Nimrit is saying breakfast would take 2 hours. Priyanka says I am done with Abdu. He loves Nimrit. Sreejita says how Shalin loved someone. Shalin says don’t say that.

12 PM
Archana says I would need help with roti. Tina says we assigned all the duties. Shalin says why is Nimrit showing me attitude? Sreejita says to Nimrit Shalin is mad at you. She says he’s mad because he couldn’t be the captain. Vikas says to Shalin don’t be weak. He says don’t call me weak.

1:15 PM
Srejita says Shalin come, stop overactin.g He says I am not overacting. Don’t give me attitude. Nimrit says I was wokred up. Priyanka says to Ankit and Vikas they made their own captains. Nimrit hugs Shalin and says I am sorry.

3 PM
Shalin says I am in a different space since she came back. She only wanted to be the captain. She was dancing. Shalin was nowhere. I had no emotions. Tina says this is so uncalled for. Shalin walks out. Tina says he always walks out. Shalin says she’s full of lies and fakeness. Bigg Boss asks Sumbul who is sleeping. She wakes up Sajid. Bigg Boss asks everyone to come to the living area. Soundaarya says calm fast Vikas.

Everyone sits in the living area. He says Shalin what’s in front of you. Shalin says I can’t see. He says your favorite thing, is a buzzer. Stand with it. Shalin laughs. Bigg Boss says to press it. Shiv says now your personal money is gone too. Bigg Boss says we were just checking. It won’t affect your life today. He says thank God. Bigg Boss says this is for captains, Tina, Sumbul, and Soundarya. After pressing this button they will get special privileges in the next task. When the next task starts, you will run to press this buzzer.

3:30 PM
Archana says I can’t cook alone. Tina says you say you keep cooking. All captains stand near the buzzer. Priyanka says Shiv only cleans the garden. Soundarya says to Archana please manage this. Archana says to focus on the buzzer. Archana says I can’t cook for so many people. Priyanka says Shiv just cleans the garden. Give him to Archana to help with the lunch. Nimrit says Archana is creating issues out of nothing. Tina says there is no roti today. Priyanka says I want to eat roti. Tina says you have to adjust. Priyanka says you couldn’t assign your duties on time Sumbul. It’s not my fault.

5:15 PM
Bigg Boss starts the task. Soundarya presses the buzzer. Priyanka and Archana dance with her. Sumbul says she was really close. Soundarya asks Vikas to come out. He says I am cleaning. She says come fast. Tina says come fast. We can’t keep Bigg Boss waiting. Bigg Boss says Sumbul, Sajid is disappointed. He might scold you. He says I am done. Bigg Boss says SOundarya pressed the buzzer because I made her practice so she doesn’t call us biased. She laughs.

5:30 PM
Everyone comes to the activity area. Everyone has buzzers. Bigg Boss says there is a poisonous snake here. Each of you will stand in front of it. If three or more people will press the buzzer, he will get nominated. Sreejita, Vikas, and Soundarya are safe in this task. Let’s see who’s ready to be bitten by the snake. Abdu is called in the box. Bigg Boss says to press the buzzer if you want to nominate him. No one presses the buzzer. Bigg Boss says I love you all. He is safe. Archana comes in the box. No one presses the buzzer. She says I will cook all the lunch now. Sumbul comes in the box. Archana presses the buzzer. Archana says she’s not a fair captain. She wasn’t letting me cook. She’s a weak player anyway. Bigg Boss says only buzzer so she’s safe. Shiv comes to the box. Ankit, Priyanka, and Archana press the buzzer. Ankit says he changes every fight to make himself look like the victim. His stand is also missing. Priyanka says we don’t know your stance either.. Priyanka says it’s the same reason. He shouts into cameras and asks others to not be loud. Vikas says you shout a lot. Archana says he can’t call his own people wrong. He’s not fair when it comes to his friends. Bigg Boss says Shiv is nominated. Soundaarya has the antidote to venom. She can save who she wants. That’s your ray of hope. She has three antidotes. She can save any three people. She doesn’t give it to Shiv. Shiv fights with Priyanka and Ankit. Priyanka says don’t shout in ears.

6 PM
Priyanka comes in the box. Shiv, Stan, and Nimrit press the buzzer. Sajid also presses it. Archana says the group. Sajid says I want those three antidotes to go. Priyanka says at least be fair and say you did it for the group. Sajid says there are two groups. Her group will save her. Shiv says she thinks she’s the best and the fairest. Shiv says she’s very cheap. She calls us a group but she’s not even loyal to her friends. Now her friend will save her. Stan and Ankit fight. Stan says to Ankit stop overlapping. Ankit says stay silent puppet. Stan says is she your wife? Ankit says she’s my friend. Shiv says at least we are loyal to our friends. Priyanka says thank you. Stan says don’t overlap or I will throw this buzzer. Priyanka says don’t threaten me. Stan says her voice irritates me a lot. She has a puppet as well. Nimrit says she has no manners. She gets very personal. We try to co-exist but then she targets me. Sumbul says she keeps repeating things in a loop. Bigg Boss says for now you are nominated.

Bigg Boss asks about Soundarya’s decision. She says I want to save Priyanka. Soundarya gives her the antidote and saves her. Shiv says is this not a group now? You’re showing now finally. Priyanka says I would.

6 PM
Nimrit comes in the box. Ankit, Priyanka, and Archana press it. Ankit says she isn’t a strong contestant. She begged Sajid to let her go to the fifth position and gave her birthday and friendship as the reason. Nimrit says my friends know that. Ankit says she targets women and then calls herself a feminist. Priyanka says she thinks I target her but I don’t even give her importance. Shiv says Vikas is also in the same group now. Vikas says let me speak. Sumbul says to Priyanka stop your garbage. Priyanka says we can see who is the garbage here. Sumbul says I didn’t call anyone garbage. Priyanka says to keep your crocodile tears hidden. We’re bored of them now we’ve accepted that you’re a good actress stop it. Vikas says Sajid wanted to involve in the task yesterday and she didn’t let him. Archana says she misuses her own people. Nimrit says I know how to convince people. Soundarya gives Nimrit medicine and saves her.

Tina comes in the box. Sreejita, Sajid and Archana press it. Sreejita says she can’t play on her own. She always needs support. She hides groceries. Tina says it was my personal things. Sreejita says you didn’t buy it. Sajid says Shiv is nominated. Tina has to be in the nominated group. The antidote will be given to Ankit. Sreejita says what kind of reason is that? Sajid says that’s my reason. Priyanka says he’s making you part of the group by nominating you. Archana says she came back on our 25 lacs. She used to love. She hid behind people. Tina says are you also hiding behind people? Soundarya doesn’t save Tina.

6:45 PM
Shalin comes in the box. A lot of people press the buzzer. Sajid says there are a lot of safe people. I want everyone to nominate. Shalin says what is this? Shiv says I supported him for captaincy. He says things behind the back. I like being part of a group. Stan says I don’t like his glasses. He says Shalin tries to be in everyone’s good books. Nimrit says I don’t understand her stance. Shalin says you call Tina fake and then made her captain. You think everyone talks about you. Archana says we lost our 25 lacs because of Shalin. Shalin said I am free now, why didn’t you say it in front of her. You were fake to her. Sumbul says he has no stance. He can go from one person to another. He thinks he can be in everyone’s good books. Bigg Boss asks Soundarya if she would save him. She doesn’t. Stan comes in the box. No one presses the buzzer. Stan says they’re scared of my fans. Priyanka says you didn’t do anything. Sajid comes to the box. Shalin says I didn’t like his movie. He wanted to be nominated. Tina says he’s made the nomination a joke and nominated me for no reason. He’s no involved in tasks. Archana says he wants to be good to everyone. He presses himself. He says it’s in hands of the audience. Bigg Boss says you’re nominated. He asks Soundarya, but she doesn’t save him. She says he’s very strong. He doesn’t need any shield.

Ankit comes in the box. A lot of people press it. Archana presses it too. She says Ankit wasn’t fair in tasks. Tina says he’s not up even now. Nimrit says he hides in Priyanka’s shadow. He’s not involved and thanks to Priyanka he is here. He says you’re also hidden behind your group. Stan says he’s hiding behind a girl. Sajid saved him every time. Shiv says he’s Priyanka’s puppet. He speaks her words. Sajid saved him even when he didn’t deserve it. Sajid says Ankit said, friendship isn’t about debt. I saved him twice and he saved me twice. So I removed the debt. Bigg Boss says Ankit you are safe now. Soundarya saves Ankit and gives him the antidote. Bigg Boss says Ankit you’re safe. The nominated people are Shiv, Tina, Shalin, and Sajid. Come out of the activity area.

7:15 PM
Priyanka and Shiv fight. He says she’s so loud. Priyanka says people can see my mics. Shalin said to Nimrit what you did was amazing. You have always been speaking against Tina. Nimrit says don’t play this card with me. I’ve spoken to her and sorted it out. Sreejita says to Stan you said I don’t talk to women? Shalin says she’s the one who kept telling me Tina is fake and yu’re getting played. Nimrit says don’t play this game He says I am not lying. I swear on my son. Nimrit says this is your reality. Tina leaves. Shalin says you speak against people behind their backs. Nimrit says you have done the same. Priyanka says she thinks she’s important. Please let me be. I don’t even give you any importance Nimrit.

Vikas says to Sajid you have to come out yourself. Stan says to Sreejita she was shouting. Sreejita says yes she’s loud. He says she was playing a woman card. Tina says you’re doing this for your friends but at least give the right reason. Stan says I speak to Boba, my mom they’re all women. what kind of question is that. Sreejita says you can’t say things like you can’t talk to a woman. Don’t generalize it. Shalin says this Nimrit is very clever. Vikas says you’re an idiot. You can’t see their game. She’s even playing with her group. Stan leaves. Sreejita says I don’t understand him. He says your question was fake. Sreejita says it was a big issue for me. He says I will also pick your things like this. Sreejita says okay done.

7:30 PM
Stan says see who I make her see wrong on screen now. What was she saying? Shalin says to Tina they’re not loyal to each other. Sumbul was crying. She said I don’t wanna talk to them. She’s talking to you now. What a hypocrite. Shalin says Sajid told her to give him a smile. You write things. Shalin says she always came between us. Tina says you’re saying this today. When I said it you called me insecure. He says together we were a force. She says you should’ve been loyal to me then. Sajid says I saved you all. Tina says I am nominted. Shalin says listen to me, Tina. She says speak Hindi and cool down. She leaves.

Episode ends

Update Credit to: Atiba

The post Bigg Boss 16 13th December 2022 Written Episode Update: Nominations task appeared first on Telly Updates.

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