Thursday 29 December 2022

Anupama 29th December 2022 Written Episode Update: Anuj Questions Anupama for Prioritizing Shah Family Over Little Anu


Anupama 29th December 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Ankush tells family that its good Anupama came or else Little Anu would have cried, they neither won nor lost. Hasmukh cheers up Little Anu with a clap and says she is the real winner for them. Pakhi says they are absolutely real winner. Little Anu says she would have won a trip if she was a real winner, her friend will taunt her now as she had boasted that she and her mummy will win a trophy. Hasmukh says so what if not this time, she will win next time for sure. Barkha says she would have got trop even this time if Anupama wasn’t late. Ankush asks Anupama why she was late. Anupama says Pari.. Anuj interrupts and says lets go home. Hasmukh senses a tension between Anuj and Anupama. While driving home, Little Anu tells Anupama that if she had come on time, she would have won a trophy and praises, anyways its okay as she reached at least. Anupama recalls Anuj’s anger towards her and holds his hand. Anuj stops car. Little Anu asks if car broke down. Anuj says its time for ice cream. Little Anu rejoices and says she needs chocolate ice cream and asks if he will not ask mummy’s choice. Anupama says Anuj knows. Anuj asks her to tell herself. Anupama saysd strawberry. Little Anu says mummy likes strawberry as it has seeds outside as well, whatever is inside is on outside as well. Anuj says even papa is like a strawberry, whatever he is feeling inside is coming out. Anupama feeels sad.

Shahs and Kapadias reach home. Leela asks how was the function. Everyone get silent. Samar takes Pari from Leela. Toshu returns and questions same. Everyone sit silent. Hasmukh says Anupama reached late and asks Leela if she purposefully held her as she has done this many times in the past. Leela shouts if Anupama said that. Hasmukh says if she had said that, he wouldn’t have questioned her; he doesn’t accuse anyone without questioning. Leela accuses that Anupama surely must have complained. Hasmukh says she didn’t say anything but reached late, because of which Little Anu couldn’t compete and was crying profusely. Leela asks is it her fault in it. Hasmukh asks who else then. Anuj brings ice cream for Little Anu and Anupama. Anupama anxiously asks him to speak. Anuj says he fears that he may hurt her if he speaks Anupama says his words wouldn’t hurt much than silence and says she didn’t come large purposefully. Anuj says she got late though. Anupama says it wasn’t under her control. Anuj says decisions are always under our control like Anupama wanted to finish all the work by herself today. Anupama says it took just 5 minutes to prepare Leela’s khichdi, but then she got injured; she agrees that it was her mistake, but her intention wasn’t wrong.

Anuj says her mistake is that she obeys Leela every order obediently, Leela is more important to her than Little Anu for her and preparing khichdi for Leela was more important than Little Anu’s competition for her; he requested her repeatedly to prioritize Little Anu, but she is proving that Little Anu will not get anything if she is not stubborn as her elder daughter Pakhi is shameless and arrogant and whole family gets busy calming her down, Leela’s stubbornness makes her always right. He asks if Little Anu doesn’t need anyone’s attention just because she is innocent; Shahs are repeating same atrocities towards Little Anu which they did to Anupama and Little Anu is being punished for being good like Anupama. Leela tells everyone that she didn’t do anything, Anupama came late as she herself got injured and Pari started vomiting. Barkha says if Leela had accompanied them, Anupama wouldn’t have been late. Ankush says Leela knew Anupama has to attend a function, even then she didn’t adjust a bit. Hasmukh says its his mistake that he didn’ts stay back as Leela since years is misusing Anupama’s goodness.

Anupama says she was trying to handle everything perfectly and was about to leave when Pari. Anuj says she wants to handle everything herself, she would have let Leela handle Pari, would have called Toshu as he is Pari’s father, Samar or someone’s else would have been there, but Little Anu needed her mother most as she was dancing on stage for the first time. Anupama accepts she made a mistake, but she danced though. Anuj asks how can she say that when she knows winning a trophy was more important for Little Anu, he would have hired DJs for Little Anu if it was only about dance. Anupama he is right, but even she is not wrong. Anuj says she is at mistake. Leela accuses Anupama for blaming her and trying to wash off from her responsibility as Pari is her granddaughter. Barkha asks if she lost her common sense, Pari’s father and his family is responsible if Pari is unwell and her mother is not available, she purposefully held Anupama to trouble her. Leela cries that she is born to trouble everyone and is a always at mistake.

Anuj says Little Anu was sadly watching other children with their mothers, she didn’t ask her papa to click her selfies as she needed her mother instead, she spend her life’s most special day crying, she is so mature that she wiped her tears and went on stage to dance as her mother wanted that, she is losing her childhood because of her mother. He says he explained her many times not to take all the responsibility on herself, he warned her not to run fast, but she didn’t listen to him and injured her knee; he knows his wife would harm herself in a hurry, was worried if she would drive car rashly and suffer an accident, she was literally begging a teacher to give her one chance to perform on stage; he was dying each moment worried for Little Anu and Anupama, he is ready to die each day, but can’t see them like this. He says its enough for now and he will tolerate this again. He notices her ice melting and asks her to learn to control things or else she won’t be knowing when things melted and slipped off her hands.

Anuj, Anupama, and Little Anu return home. Leela waits for them and asks Little Anu to go and freshen up. Little Anu leaves. Leela says she doesn’t know what Anupama told him, but its not her mistake. Anuj requests if they can speak tomorrow. Leela insists to speak right now and says Anuj already misunderstands her and now will misunderstands more after Anupama badmouthing about her, she explains what happened and says Anupama got late because of herself. Anupama requests again if they can speak tomorrow. Family gathers. Leela continues justifying herself, blaming Anupama, and asks what is big deal if a small competition is lost. Anuj shouts its a damn big deal.

Precap: Anuj warns Leela that if its repeated, he will not tolerate it. Little Anu thinks if her parents fought because of her. Leela emotionally blackmails Vanraj over phone and complains against Anuj.

Update Credit to: MA

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