Saturday, 5 November 2022

Meet 5th November 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet Alhawat arranges a party for Meet.


Meet 5th November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet tells Meet Alhawat that she’s really confused that it is all done by Neelu or someone else did it. Meet Alhawat tells Meet that it’s all entangles of life, which you can only watch happening, and he’s also entangled in his own life problems. Meet Alhawat also tells Meet that he didn’t liked the way his mom and Masumdi talked to her, but he couldn’t do anything about that. Meet tells him to calm down, stop overthinking. Meet Alhawat says, why are their lives so depressing, whenever they try to help each other, but life throws them away and nobody thinks about them. Not even themselves. Meet Alhawat says they decided to tells everyone about their relationship, but every time someone comes in the way.

Ram is stressed and walking in the corridor. Babita walks upto Ram, and asks him if he’s okay? She asks him, if he’s stressed about Isha? She tells Ram that Tej called her and told her, that Isha is being treated nicely there, there is no need to worry. Ram doesn’t say anything. She tells him, we should share our sadness, just like we do with happiness. Ram tells her that Ranghini has changer after Ishani came in. She is a brat and Raghini has started arguing with him just because of her. He says that he thinks Raghini is behind all this. Babita tells Ram to thinking that, Raghini is has pure heart, and thats why she doesn’t hesitate make good relations with everybody, and must be finding Isha in Ishani. Babita tells Ram to stress less, every things going to be alright.

Meet Alhawat is disheartened and tells Meet that they might separate by pleasing others. Why is life not treating them like the want to. Meet Alhawat gets up and asks Meet, if they are the only who are suffering with this? Meet is staring at Meet Alhawat. Meet tells him that everything will be fine. He tells Meet that nothing will be fine, until they do something about that. He tells Meet that he will tell everything to all the family members about their relationship, and wants to start a new beginning. Meet tells him that she also wants to do the same, but they have promised Neelam. Meet Alhawat asks her, is she’s talking about the promises, then what happened to the promise they made with each other? Those promises were made from the beginning. He tells her that he has finally decided that he will tell everything about two things, first, that they wants to be with each other. And second, truth about Neelam.

Babita gives Sunaina a plate full of flowers for the rituals. Babita asks Neelam, if she has eaten anything since morning? Neelam denies. She tells her that today every mother keeps a fast for the well being of their infant child. She tells Neelam that she wants her to keep keep this fast. Sunaina tells Neelam that this fast is even more harder than Karwachauth’s fast. Babita agrees with her. Babita tells Neelam that is fast is broken only at the night after seeing starts in the sky. Neelam gets it. Babita asks Neelam, is she can do this? Neelam says, yes. Meet Alhawat shows up ready for his duty. Babita asks Meet Alhawat to return early today, Neelam is keeping a fast for her child, and it will be really good if you will be with her. Meet tells Babita that he also wants to tell a truth, which is really important for her and his dad. Babita asks him, which truth? Meet says that he will tell that later, as he’s getting late for his duty. Meet Alhawat leaves. Neelam thinks if he is going to tell everyone about her and her child.

Meet calls Meet Alhawat, but no-one answers. Meet thinks he has left for his duty, so she decides to call him. Meet tries to call him, but he doesn’t answers. Meet thinks how can he forget this special day, this was the day when she and him clashed and met. Meet thinks that he has forgotten.

Meet Alhawat is directing all the workers about the decorations. Meet Alhawat says that Meet must be thinking that he has forgotten about this day, but he remembers everything and will start their new life by telling everything.

Meet is roaming around with a gift and says that she is also not going to remind him. Meet open the closet and finds a beautiful dress with a card. Meet gets excited and opens the card and sees that it’s an invitation from Meet Alhawat to the celebration. Meet gets a call from Bhatiya and goes out of the room to talk to him. Neelam goes inside Meet’s room to call her but instead she finds Meet’s dress and the card. Neelam reads the card and gets angry and throws the card. Neelam says that Laila won’t let it happen. She grabs a scissors and cuts the dress. Meet comes back hugs the dress. Neelam thinks that she will teach Meet a lesson and wont let her take Meet Alhawat from her.

Meets shows up at the venue and calls Meet Alhawat. He tells everybody to turnoff the lights. Meet finds her way to the hall. Meet gazes at all the decorations and gets mesmerised. She even sees the cake. Meet Alhawat starts reciting poetries and shows up behind her all dressed up. Meet turns back and gazes at Meet. Meet Alhawat walks upto Meet while complementing her. They starts dancing. Meet sees someone walking behind all the decorations and thinks that she was right, somebody is trying to get in between their relationship.

PreCap: None

Update Credit to: Tanaya

The post Meet 5th November 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet Alhawat arranges a party for Meet. appeared first on Telly Updates.

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