Monday, 17 October 2022

Raanjhaana (Beloved One) ft love birds – Epi 2


Episode 2

Scene 1

Saras, Zoya and Parth are having fun in the restaurant. It’s an Indian restaurant.

Zoya: Oh!!! it’s time.

Parth: For what?

Zoya: At this time, I’ll hear a Gujarati FM station.

Saras: Do you know Gujarati?

Zoya: A little bit but I feel I have an emotional connection with that RJ girl.

Parth: You and your superstitions.

Zoya: Shut up.

Saras: How does it gets aired in Dubai?

Zoya: I’m hearing on the web.

Saras: Ok… Let’s hear today.

Zoya then keeps her mobile and everyone listens to it. It’s none other than Kumud’s show.

Kumud: Hello everyone. I hope you all doing your day well. Every day we discuss certain topics. And now let’s talk about love.

Saras gets attached to this voice instantly. Zoya feels happy hearing her.

Kumud: What is love? It has different names, feelings, perspectives, ideas, etc. But nowadays, are we actually loving others? I don’t think so. Let’s talk more about this after our favourite song on this rainy eve.

Baarish plays!!!!

Saras: The voice is beautiful.

Zoya: Look, I told you nah… Whenever I hear this, I feel some warmth and comfort. I feel some native vibes. I don’t know how to describe it.

Parth: She is getting too emotional.

Saras laughs…

Again, they hear Kumud’s talk.

Kumud: We were talking about pyaar. We have told many stories and seen many loving couples who were so lovely. But now we don’t have any examples to show to our children. The genuine feeling is lost. In this busy world, everyone is running behind one or another thing. But pause a little, spend some time with your loved ones, take them out, buy their favourite things and celebrate them. These may be small but their hearts will be filled with a large amount of love. The childhood love where we think of that person while watching a love film or song etc is missing in this technology world. Let’s think about this.

Song plays!!!

Saras gets smitten by her voice and he desires to meet her.

Parth thinks about his Prerna and gets an idea to find her.

Zoya thinks about the love and sees Adi who came there for a meal and falls for him. Cupid played his part I guess!!!!

She doesn’t tell this to the boys but secretly stalks him.

Parth: I got an idea to find my Prerna.

Saras: How?

Parth: She loves singing. I’ll organize a competition and will meet there for sure.

Saras: How are you so sure? There will be a lot of talent in India.

Parth: I’m going to organize only in Kolkata. That too during our favourite days during Dussehra.

Zoya: Good for you and all the best.

Parth: Thanks Chutki (nickname)!!!

They leave and she sees Adi while they leave!!!

Scene 2

The next day, Prerna sees a singing competition ad on her favourite channel and thinks of her childhood.

(FB during, they were kids)

Prerna: How will we find each other when we grew up?

Parth: I’ll organize a singing competition and you should participate and sing our favourite song. Then we will find each other.

Prerna: Done…

(FB ENDS!!!)

She thinks that this will lead her to her Parth.

Then sees it is sponsored by Mohini’s company.

Prerna: This is of Mohini aunty’s. Then this will not lead to my Parth. I won’t participate in this.

Asha comes and asks her what she is doing. She tells the whole thing.

Asha: Are you mad? You can still find your man.

Prerna: How?

Asha: Participate in this and sing your fav song. That’s all, so simple.

Prerna: Yes ma, you are great. Thanks a lot.

She kisses her and goes to register.

Asha hopes she finds him soon.

Scene 3

Pakhi and Ayush come to their college reunion.

They were a romantic couple on their set. But unfortunately, Ayush is forced to marry Neha due to his father. Disappointed Pakhi agreed to marry Amar, an army officer. They took some years to move on and both had children. Neha dies while giving birth to Ayaan during a bomb blast. Amar also dies in the same fight. She was pregnant at that time. Though Pakhi and Ayush are married, they were still in contact as friends and well-wishers. Ayush took care of Pakhi as her parents also passed away during the bomb blast and Amar had no one. Then again, the feelings which were hidden came into the limelight. They started their relationship without telling others. Ayush is a father figure to Kavya and Pakhi is a mother figure to Ayaan. They go out sometimes and have fun as a family. But Ayush’s mother-in-law doesn’t like this and she wants her younger daughter, Neha’s sister to marry Ayush. Aditi. So, these two meet secretly and express their love hoping one day they get married. Meanwhile, Aditi also hopes that she gets married to him.

Now they have come to their college reunion. Friends take selfies and have a lot of fun. Aditi has also come since she is also an alumnus of that college but a different batch. She tries to be with Ayush but he escapes.

Pakhi and Ayush go to their classrooms and think of their days and cherish them. They come to the corridor and relive those moments.

It starts to rain and Pakhi takes her Pallu and covers his head. They both kiss and romance. Aditi sees them and thinks to separate each other. She takes their photos and thinks to create drama at home. She cries seeing their romance and leaves.

!!!!To Be Continued!!!!


Ayush’s father fixes his marriage with Aditi.

Saras plans to go to India.

Zoya proposes to Adi.

Kumud sees Saras photo and feels happy.

The post Raanjhaana (Beloved One) ft love birds – Epi 2 appeared first on Telly Updates.

10/17/2022 12:11:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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