Saturday, 15 October 2022

Pishachini 14th October 2022 Written Episode Update


Pishachini 14th October 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Rocky asking Pavitra, how did Dadu become Pishach? Pavitra says Dadu has no other way out, he sacrificed himself for our family. She says we can’t do anything, rather than praying that the departed souls shall get mukti. She says now we are a team, I am not alone. He says yes and holds her closer. He says surely Ms. London. He looks at her. She says time has come, you are my closer one and can call me peeko. He says I used to call you peeko from my heart. He forwards his hand. Pavitra hold his hand and they dance. Just then a fire ball was thrown on the ground. It catches Rocky’s hand and it starts burning. Rani sees Rocky’s burning hand in the Pataal agni. Pavitra asks Rocky, what was it? Rocky’s both hands start burning. Rani realizes Rocky had stepped on Pataal agni and that’s why Pavitra could fly in air. She says Rocky haven’t become Pishach till now, but Pataal lok’s lava has touched you, so you will come here and become Pishach slowly. She tells that Pavitra has lost her husband, just like I have lost the crown. Pavitra asks Rocky if he is fine? Rocky says this was not ordinary fire.

Update in Progress

Update Credit to: H Hasan

The post Pishachini 14th October 2022 Written Episode Update appeared first on Telly Updates.

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