Monday, 3 October 2022

Meet 3rd October 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet saves the baby


Meet 3rd October 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

A man shouts Babaji is here. Meet get’s alert. Meet Ahlawat thinks he is thief because there is no one known as Ghantaghar Baba. Kamal disguised as Baba start his acting. Meet thinks our plan is working. Baba ask Meet Ahlawat to give him baby. Meet shouts he is thief catch him. Few police officers points gun at him.

Meet says don’t try to run you are surrounded by police and everyone knoe you trapped this baby in basket, now it’s time to see your real face. Meet Ahlawat says there no one called as Ghantaghar Baba, this trap was set to catch you. Meet Ahlawat reach his beard but Raj come in between take the baby and he slaps him. Raj says how dare you try to hit my Meet, what do you think of yourself and scolds him. Meet says it’s not like that you think. Kamal thinks I should run away until they are busy with there fight. He throws something in havan to creat smoke, he snatches baby from Raj and run away. Meet throws a plate to stop him, he stumble and fall down. Meet run to catch baby but Kamal run away. Meet see blood on ground says he is hurt and this will help us to get him.

Isha brings Neelu in room says I should have understood at first that you must have stolen it because you are expert in it, I wish Meet and Meet Ahlawat get together so this mangalsutra remains of no value. Neelu says to Isha take your words back. Isha push her and walk out.

Raj says to both of them are you aware how dangerous that guy could be what if something happens to you. Raj take baby from Meet Ahlawat and walks away. Meet says we have to find a man who is not walking properly because his leg is hurt. He says you are right. Kamal see them, he walks perfectly towards them says thankgod I found you, he offer them prashad and walks away. Baby start crying. Meet see blood stains on floor says this means he was here. Meet Ahlawat says let’s follow it. Raj says I just explained you something don’t you understand, now do as I say and let’s go from here. Meet Ahlawat get’s excited says did you hear Dad will pray for me. Meet says he always pray for you but today he just told you and soon he will forgive you. Meet Ahlawat thanks Meet.

Kamal with Pooja says Dusshera is near. Pooja says atleast look at your scar it’s too deep. Kamal says I have to bear that pain until I get the baby and this pain will make me remember to take that baby any how.

Barfi calls Neelu, she didn’t respond. Isha walks to her ask what happen. Isha says she is sleeping. Barfi says this time she does pooja. Isha says she already did pooja, she is on fast so must be resting. Barfi ask her to bring water. Isha thinks I must have not been so rude on Neelu what if she tell Barfi everything.

Raj discussing about celebration of Dusshera. Meet with baby see everyone us busy, she message Meet Ahlawat with Barfi’s phone. Meet Ahlawat read the message. Meet thinks he already see the message, I have to know the real reason behind he marrying Neelu, he try to get up. Babita stops him says Raj will feel good if you are here and take discussion seriously. Meet looks at him thinks I can see the pain. Meet send one more message to Meet Ahlawat threatens him to tell everything. Meet Ahlawat reply says you won’t tell anything and dont tell anyone anything until we talk. Babita signal Meet Ahlawat to be attentive. Meet read message says why is he ready to do so many things for Neelu, what are they hiding.

Everyone in hall. Someone rings doorbell. Isha says I’ll go and check, she walks to door and take the parcel. Isha passing everyone. Sunaina ask what’s in that box. Barfi ask for the box she looks at it says thinks my boy send this gift. Isha takes box says I don’t believe my Deep send gift to me. Sunaina says open we will also see. Barfi ask her to showm Isha open gift. Barfi thinks Meet Ahlawat did this to make her happy. Isha open guft and see sindoor. Sunaina reads to love not saying this is best way to make you remember that I’m nearby. Barfi thinks Meet Ahlawat couldn’t send this because he knows the reality then who did this.

Meet Ahlawat thinks to call Barfi. Meet see Meet Ahlawat is calling, she pick up. Meet Ahlawat ask her to calm down say’s when I’ll be back then we will talk, I know you are angry but I know your are smart and I know it’s a big secret we cannot tell anyone it will be a mess if anyone get to know, please try to understand. Meet thinks that secret is directly connected to Isha but what could be.


Update Credit to: Tanaya

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