Thursday, 20 October 2022

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 20th October 2022 Written Episode Update: Everyone questions Ramji.


Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 20th October 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode begins with Rami returning to chawl. Bala wanted to talk, said that he won’t discuss what happened today. He wanted Ramji to understand that Bhim Rao’s stubbornness with drift him and his wife apart as well. Anand agreed with Bala as well. At this time, he was vulnerable enough to not argue back. Bhim Rao might step back from Bala and his wife’s problem. Ramji had both his sons stand together, they were no different from each other, they both were trying to take advantage of their younger siblings. Bhim Ra’s involvement in Bala’s case was Bhim Rao’s issue.
Hitesh and others stopped Ramji, questioned Ramji’s action against Bhim Rao’s decision. Phuliya asked why Ramji was not as good as his son. Ramji came inside without answering any question.
Rama and others were sitting inside the house. Rama said that Ramji should have listened to Bhim Rao. Ramji came in agreeing to Rama. Everyone was saying her the same thing, they wondered why he wasn’t accepting Bhim Rao’s decision instead stood against him. Bhim Rao wanted Ramji to understand that they were family, they weren’t supposed to fight each other. Rama asked Ramji to take back his request of not bringing Jijabai back. Ramji asked Rama to make him dinner or he would eat somewhere outside. Rama told they were upset with Ramji’s decision, not him. She went to make dinner.

Joku asked Bala to treat his wife the same way he treated her yesterday when she brought him tea. Janardan told they were with Bala. Hitesh went to Joshi to seek justice about him, Bala, and Jijabai. Bala will treat his wife the same way.

Rama asked Bala’s wife to make tea, she was going to sweep the floor. Bala’s wife remembered Bala sentence to drink tea only if she frees herself from her. She took a rope, tied it to the widow. She was trying to train herself to free her hands from Bala.

Joshi came out laughing, told Hitesh how trapped Bhim Rao was. Joshi had it written. Bhim Rao was trapped with Anand, Bala and Jijabai and his upcoming paper. Hitesh enjoyed knowing how Bhim Rao will suffocate in his fourth trap. Hitesh will inform on Bhim Rao. Joshi will make sure that Bhim Rao suffers. Joshi threw the paper, Bhim Rao found it and read it. He heard Hitesh telling Joshi how everyone in the chawl humiliated Ramji for Bhim Rao’s decision. Bhim Rao clarified that Ramji only disagreed with his opinion, but it didn’t mean that he hates Bhim Rao. Sooner or later Anand and Bala will understand as well. Bhim Rao told Joshi that education has never been his worry, Joshi tried to be a hurdle in his education many times before, but it was only a waste of time. He told Joshi that when one is passionate about something the journey gets easier.

Bala’s wife struggled to free herself. Finally, she was able to break the rope and free her hands. Rama came asking if tea was ready, she will serve it to everyone. Bala’s wife wanted to serve it to everyone even Bala. Rama questioned; Bala would mistreat her again. She didn’t care, she has to face Bala herself.

Phuliya brought tea for Joku. Janardan asked her for tea as well. Phuliya questioned as Janardan owned a tea stall. She taunted him and left.

Bala’s wife was serving tea to everyone. She asked Bala to come and have his tea. Bala acted as his wife was inaudible to him. He asked her to speak loudly, Joku and Janardan knew that Bala was pretending. Ramji asked Bala’s wife to give him the tea. He will give it to Bala. Meera told that he wasn’t far enough to not hear his wife. Bala’s wife was prepared to face Bala. She went ahead to serve him tea. Phuliya questioned Bala for mistreating his wife. Bala blamed it on Bhim Rao. Dailya asked him not to blame Bala for his own mistakes. Bala’s wife asked him to take the cup. He reminded her about the condition. Ramji asked Bala to have come shame. Rama asked Ramji not to interfere and see his daughter in law’s bravery. She gave her hand to Bala to grab.

Update Credit to: Sona

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