Meet 6th August 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Meet Ahlawat says to Ram now what would you like to say about Barfi, you throw Manjari out in instance but only she was the one who knew Barfi very well still you both will says Manjari was wrong now go and fullfill her demand.
Meet pray to god says why are you taking my and my families exam again and again, Isha should get love she deserves it.
Barfi walks to Deep, she push Isha away and open the knot says come Deep we have already wasted time. Deep says please think one time more. Barfi says nothing is left to think and they both start walking away. Isha faints. Everyone rush to Isha. Ragini ask Sunaina to bring medicine. Barfi says tgis girl is so drama queen, she always fall and if I take her my home she will fell again, I understand she is trying to separate me and my son. Ragini remember what Manjari told her about Barfi, Ragini shouts enough. Meet hear Ragini’s voice. Ragini says you have said enough my Isha is in panic attack, what did you said you want to give her all the luxury that’s why you need this house, you are lier, you don’t care about Isha, you are not a mother you are here to trade your son now I won’t accept anything because my daughter is jot burden on me. Meet outside hear everything she gets up. Ragini says to Meet Ahlawat you were right and Manjari was trying to open our eyes but I kept her quiet, she was thinking about Isha’s future but I was thinking how to keep her quiet she was not wrong today I realised she was the real family member, she thinks a lot about our family before she go away please go and bring her back. Barfi says to Deep come there is nothing left to stay and they start walking away. Meet open door and come in there way, she stops them says you won’t go anywhere. Barfi says you were thrown out and now you are back. Manjari says yes because I’m stubborn when come to relation, I don’t have time to waste at all, she take Deep and says this is your love for Isha, leaving Isha here in her worst. Meet Ahlawat says to Deep Manjari is right you should stand for you. Manjari says to Deep if you can’t leave your mom then you don’t deserve to be with Isha. Meet Ahlawat says she won’t be able to live without you, it’s not easy to love someone you have to stand for that person see what is happening around you go and stay with your love. Manjari says to Meet Ahlawat don’t say anything he doesn’t have strength to stand you just stay with your mom, she will exploit people and you just stay still, you know Isha will love you and support you forever but still you are behind your mother. Barfi shouts at Manjari. Manjari shouts back. Barfi walks to Deep and give him cold look. Manjari says if I called police then you will spend your time in jail. Barfi says to Deep will you say anything, come with me. Deep says no I have heard a lot since childhood, I did everything without questioning you but not now I’ll do what I feel like doing and now you son will marry Isha without any money, I thought you will be happy because of marriage but that was all drama so stop it and give Isha your blessings and if it’s about money and luxury then you son will give you but I won’t leave without marrying Isha. Barfi start walking away and leave. Deep walks to isha hold her hand and apologies.
Meet Ahlawat looks at Meet says thankyou Meet Hooda because only Meet can fight for the family at this level and nobody else can do this except you.
Deep and Isha get’s married. Ragini apologies to Manjari for her behaviour. Ram also apologies to her says we thought you are coming in between of our happiness. Manjari says now only inc cream can help me to forget everything so give me ice cream and I’ll forget everything and says let’s begin the ritual. Deep and Isha takes pehra. Meet looks at Meet Ahlawat and remembers her marriage.
Deep puts mangalsutra and apply sindoor. Deep and Isha congratulates eachother. Meet Ahlawat give them blessings and ask Deep to take care of her. Meet give them blessings and thinks once I get my kid from Manushi all of my problems will be solved.
Meet Ahlawat says to Manjari when I saw you for the first time at garba event I realised that it was you, my heart was right at that time and you eyes were not able to kie to me so tell me your intentions why did you come back this is your last chance. Meet thinks what should I do, should I tell him the truth.
Update Credit to: Tanaya
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