Monday, 8 August 2022

Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 8th August 2022 Written Episode Update: Kashi catches on Mastani’s trick


Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 8th August 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Baji brings Nana Saheb to Kashi and says I spent a night with him but it’s difficult to handle him, how do you manage all this alone? Kashi says all women do it, I am surprised that you even noticed it and asked me. I am lucky to notice all this. Baji says I am surprised that you manage all this so well. Baji says today is the first time I have seen you smile after many days. Kashi says I just want my son to be happy. She recalls telling Mastani that she won’t stop Baji. Baji says I know you never stop me from anything. Nana Saheb has his family but Mastani is alone so I have to protect her. Kashi says you don’t know the truth. I won’t stop you, you should be with the one you think need you. I just want you to think clearly of what you should do. Baji nods and leaves.

Mastani sees Baji leaving Kashi’s room. She tells Matank that I don’t Kashi will fill his mind against me. Matank says you shouldn’t trust her and take your steps before her.

Radha is preparing for the pooja. She welcomes Guruji.

Baji comes to Mastani’s room and sees her unpacking. He asks what’s going on? Mastani says I know I can be attacked here but I saw you with Nana Saheb and I can’t separate you from him so we will stay here. I don’t want you to sacrifice things for me. Baji says your life is in danger here. Mastani says but you can’t leave your son for me. Baji says you think so much for me. Mastani says I was thinking we can to a place for some days and detox together? Baji says that’s a good idea, I will do pooja and then go on a vacation with you. He leaves. Matank tells Mastani that you played well. Mastani says I never wanted to do all this, I just wanted my love.

Kashi sees Baji and Mastani’s bags leaving the palace. She sees only bag and says I know what Mastani is up to. Kashi comes to Mastani and says you are going on a vacation rather than Baji leaving his family forever? You convinced him to go on a vacation with you so I would lose my challenge? I told you that I would leave my rights on Baji only if he leaves the house with you forever. Mastani says you would go back on your words? Kashi says you played tricks but I am sure that Baji won’t even go on a vacation with you. If you lose this time then accept your defeat like a good person. She leaves from there. Mastani says Baji is mine so he will choose me only.

Mastani tells Baji that you have to promise you will come to me after the pooja. Baji promises her and leaves.

Baji and Kashi prepare to sit in the pooja together. Matank tells Mastani that they are all sitting there as a family and you are hiding here. Baji and Kashi do pooja together but they don’t hold hands so Guruji makes them hold their hands. Mastani is hurt seeing them together. Matank says Baji will be yours soon so don’t feel sad.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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