Wednesday, 3 August 2022

His first and only love-Rikara ff (Chapter 14: Saree trouble!)


“Good morning.” Omkara whispered as he watched his newly wed wife flutter her eyelids.

Gauri looked at him for a minute and then around herself as memories from the previous day came rushing back to her. Then with a smile she replied, “Good morning.”

Omkara had always been a morning person, he never found it hard to wake up early unlike her who loved to sleep late and get up late. This she had known from the time she knew him in school.

“Slept well?” Omkara asked even though he knew the answer to it.

“Ya.” Gauri replied. Suddenly, it dawned on her that she would be looking messy as hell and the very thought of him seeing her like that, embarrassed her but another part of her seemed to feel comfortable with it.

“You look beautiful anyway.” Omkara said as if reading her mind. Gauri looked at him in shock and he winked at her.

“ did you just..?”

“I know you well Gauri.” He smirked and she could feel her cheeks heat up at how her husband had just read her mind.

“Om, Gauri” Jhanvi called from the other side of the room. “Did you both get up?”

Gauri immediately got up from the bed adjusting her hair and Omkara chuckled looking at her desperately trying to adjust herself. Throwing him an angry glare, she went for the door and opened it with a warm smile.
She found Jhanvi standing there with a plate in her hand which had some jewelries and a saree.

“Good morning beta” Jhanvi greeted. “Did you have a nice sleep?”

“Good morning, mom. And yes I had a good sleep.” Gauri replied with a smile. “And how’s your back pain now?”

Jhanvi smiled seeing her concern, “I’m fit and fine beta, look at me, back pains won’t bother me, I’m still young.” Gauri rolled her eyes and chuckled while Jhanvi handed over the plate and said, “And by the way, you can wear this for the muh dikhayi.”

After a little chit chat with Gauri, Jhanvi left the room, calling them for breakfast. “Come down for breakfast both of you.”


Omkara came out from the bathroom after a bath only to find his wife struggling with the saree. He stood there rooted to the ground looking at how beautiful she looked in each and every way. She looked even more beautiful whenever she would get nervous and nothing struck him like a nervous Gauri.

Gauri turned around to find him staring at her and her eyes grew wide in horror. Realising what he was doing, he turned around shutting his eyes close and mentally cursing himself for making her uncomfortable.

“Sorry…” Omkara said. “Um you don’t know to wear a saree?” He couldn’t help but ask.

“You can turn around, it’s fine.” Gauri replied but he could feel she was pouting.
He turned around and found that she was indeed pouting.

“I don’t know to wear a saree..” Gauri said innocently and he controlled his urge to pull her cheeks. God! She was so cute!

“You could’ve told mom that.”

“She gave it with so much love and care, I didn’t want to disappoint her.” Gauri replied looking down.

Omkara went up to her happy to know that his mother’s wishes meant something to his wife. He slowly raised her chin to face him. Her hazel eyes looked up at him worriedly.

“She wouldn’t feel bad Gauri.” Omkara said trying to cheer her up. “Do you want me to send someone for help?”

“Can you help me?” Gauri asked without thinking and before he or she could process the situation, he agreed to it.

Let’s learn to wear a saree Om, you can do this much for your wife right? Omkara thought as he nodded at Gauri.

The moment he nodded, her face lit up like a bulb and he couldn’t help smile.

“That’s not the right way!” Gauri almost screamed at him as he made a fleet, “Don’t you know how to take the fleets?” She asked with wide eyes.

“My job is to help people wear sarees so I would know everything right?” Omkara replied sarcastically while Gauri rolled her eyes.

Finally after a lot of efforts, they were successful in making Gauri wear the saree.

“Wow!” Gauri exclaimed as she looked at herself in the mirror, “You did it so well!” She said admiring how beautifully the saree was draped around her. While Omkara admired her dreamily.

“How do I look?” Gauri asked excitedly like a 5 year old as she turned over to Omkara after she had completely finished wearing all the jewelries along with some light make up. However, what caught him, was that million dollar smile she flashed at him as she asked the question. Oh the things he would do for that smile!

Omkara who was sitting in bed watching her get ready was too engrossed in admiring her beauty with his eyes, that it took him a moment to compose himself and think of a compliment, cause for him even words fell short to describe her beauty. Getting no reply from him, she called him again, “Omkara?”

“Huh?” Omkara asked breaking out from his trance and looking around. “What happened?”

“How do I look?” Gauri repeated her question.

Omkara walked up to her and stood close to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer while she stood in shock with her hands on his chest clutching onto his shirt. “Omkara…what are you..?” She started but stopped immediately feeling the intimacy. Her heart slammed against her chest and her eyes grew wide as he moved his head closer to her ears.

“You look so stunning that I’m having a hard time controlling my urge to kiss you.” He whispered into her ears.

Shivers ran down her spine as his words sank in. Her chest moved up and down as her breaths increased. She looked at him in shock and gulped seeing how deeply he was looking into her. There was a naughty glint in his eyes and she wondered if he would really kiss her.

As if sensing the horror in her eyes Omkara replied with a chuckle, “Don’t worry, I wont kiss you until you’re ready.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. Omkara quickly placed a kiss on her cheek and left his hold on her and moved back with a smirk seeing her become red. She gaped at him wide eyed.

“You know, you’re always free to return what I just gave you.” Omkara shrugged while Gauri went even more red.

“Bhabhi!” Bhavya knocked on the door and Omkara went up and opened it. “Good morning guys!” Bhavya greeted them.

“You look so beautiful bhabhi!” Bhavya exclaimed as she side hugged Gauri.

“Thank you.” Gauri said, still not over the effect her husband had on her.

To be continued….

Hey everyone! How have you all been? Sorry for posting pretty late. Please let me know what you think of the story so far and do vote!

Thanks for reading!
Stay safe 🙂

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