Friday, 6 May 2022

You touched my heart Season 2 ArShi SS Part 1


You touched my heart Season 2 Part 1

You touched my heart  Season 2 is not the continuation of You touched my heart  Season 1.Season2 deals with the same theme,but the story is different.I dedicate this to Revu who wants an ArShi story from me.I have not posted You touched me season1 on TU.If anyone is interested to read Season1,plz tell me.

Khushi was in her bridal attire.

Sashi Gupta;her father who was paralyzed wept.

Her mother Garima and aunt Madhumati cried bitterly.

Garima:Khushi,please don’t marry Arnav Singh Raizada.

Madhumati:Khushi…now also it’s not late.He has not tied mangalsuthra around your neck.Back out from the wedding.

Tears flowed from Khushi’s eyes.

K:Please don’t cry Amma buaji…you all know that for bauji’s treatment we need money and Raizadas have offered us money.

M:But in return you are sacrificing your happiness and dreams Khushi.Every woman has a dream of her Prince charming.You also dreamt the same.But your Prince charming cannot give you any happiness.

K:Only time can tell that buaji.I have full faith in Devi maiyya.I am sure that once I will also have a normal happy married life.


M:Those Raizadas are so cruel.For their boy they are spoiling an innocent girl’s life.You were working for them.Anjali Raizada and Shyam Juneja;her husband took advantage of your financial crisis by bringing this proposal to you.And their Nani Devayaniji…inspite of being an elderly person she also supported them.

K:Please don’t blame them buaji.They didn’t force me.They requested me to save Arnav Singh Raizada’s life.They could have hidden the truth from me.But they didn’t do that.Irespect them for that.

G:But Khushi…

K:Amma buaji…I don’t want to hear anything more.Please bless me.

Shedding tears they blessed Khushi.Tears rolled down her cheeks.



Anjali brought her younger brother Arnav to the mandap.

Arn:Di…what is going on here?


it is your wedding.

Arn:My wedding?Is it with a Princess?

Anj:Yes chotte.Your bride is a Princess.Now you look at her.

Arnav looked at Khushi.Arnav looked at her innocently and gave a childish smile.

Khushi became upset.

Arnav imagined her as a white Princess.

Arn:But di…which princess is this?She hasn’t dressed up like any fairy tale princesses.

Anj:Chotte,that’s because you are only thinking of English Princesses.She is an Indian Princess.

Arn:Indian Princess?Which Indian Princess?Damayanti?Rukmini?

Anj:She is Khushi.Rajkumari Khushi.

Arn:Yey….I am marrying a Princess.

Arnav was excited.

Arnav followed Anjali’s instructions to complete the wedding rituals.

Arnav was scared of fire during saath phere.

Arn:Nani…di…I am scared.

Khushi held his hand.

K:Arnavji…no need to get scared.I am with you.

Arn:Rajkumari Khushi…do you know magic like the princesses of fairy tales.

K:Yes.So I can’t protect you always.No need to be scared.

Arnav was relieved.

Arn:Now I’m not scared.

He held Khushi’s hand tight.

Anjali,Shyam and Devayani smiled.

Finally Arnav-Khushi had saath phere too.

They had grahpravesh too.

Anjali took Arnav to the bedroom.

Devayani looked at Khushi painfully.

D:Sorry Khushi bitiya…It was our circumstance which made us marry Chotte to you.Doctor had told us that he will become normal like before after marriage.

K:It’s ok Naniji.I understand.But why did you say that he will become normal like before?I mean…wasn’t Arnavji mentally retarded since birth?

D:No no.Chotte was not retarded.He was normal like anyone else.He was very intelligent.Excellent Business Man.He was the one who made Raizada Industries successful.But…somebody’s evil eyes fell on him.

Devayani wept.

Khushi was shocked.

K:How did Arnavji lose his mental balance?

The post You touched my heart Season 2 ArShi SS Part 1 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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