Sunday, 10 April 2022

Meet 9th April 2022 Written Episode Meet takes stand for Isha Update


Meet 9th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Babita says to Meet please promise me that you won’t bring out the Deep topic infront of Meet. Meet says I’m won’t step back when it comes to stand with family but I won’t go with your truth. Babita says what do you mena to says that your principles are more important then your husband’s status mind, my son has supported you in everything cant you do this much. Raj says Meet Ahlawat is all alone this time but for now you have to support him and we can think on this again afterwards but this is not the time are you trying to understand. Meet says I promise I won’t take Deeps name but I cannot see someone else in trouble.

Sunaina and Tej sitting in hall. Sunaia says from day’s we didn’t shop at all look at this I have shortlisted something. Ram snatches the phone and says leave this and let’s play some. Tej get excited after seeing them and ask how did come. Meet Ahlawat says I brought them here. Tej says it’s a good surprise. Sunaina says it’s not my surprise I didn’t ask him. Meet Ahlawat says I brought them. Meet walks to the. Ram Lakhan get’s excited and hugs her. Ram Lakhan says we cannot believe that we have waited nine months to see you in police uniform. Meet says you can see me later and tell me how did you come. Meet Ahlawat says actually Anubha and Dadi went our for there handicraft business so I went to railway station to drop them and they will stay with us for few days. Tej get’s happy after listing the. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat you said you have some important work. Meet Ahlawat says yes dropping them to station is important. Meet says things have gone so far Mom and Dadi are on tour and I didn’t know. Meet Ahlawat says how will you know you came yesterday from your academy and then tomorrow you have to report again but something important sure happen in your absence I became favourite in your house. Meet looks at him. He ask what happen. She says nothing.
Sunaina thinks with so much effort I skipped Ram and Lakhan thoughts from his mind now again they will start blackmailing him. Tej playing with them. Sunaia says to Tej I’ll make guest room ready for them. Tej says how will they stay alone in guest room they are kids os they will live with us. Ram Lakhan get’s excited and says we will play. Tej says you will study and if you behaved then we all will go out. Masum walks to them and thinks pity Sunaia she try to be so important for Meet now with help of Ram Lakhan I’ll make them fight.

Meet’s room all messed up and try to fix it. Meet Ahlawat come out of bathroom. Meet says wait. Meet Ahlawat says what are you doing here. Meet says this is my room too. Meet Ahlawat says this is not right to calim things and you want to talk something important to me. Meet says yes but not in this condition she tease him and says get ready and come down then we will take. Meet Ahlawat ask her to get out and he closed the door.

Isha crying and missing Deep says I have become all alone when you are not with me everyone hate you so much that they want me to get engaged with someone else how I’ll live without you and see a knife on table she grabs it and says I cannot imagine my life without you this is the only last thought I can think of and she about to cut her wrist. Meet see her and rush towards her to stop. Isha says leave it and ket me die. Meet try to stop and says are you mad. Isha says I want to die. Meet says what will happen after that Deep will be heart broken in jail and every family member will be in shock and guilt there whole life, you will take this coward step and will go to God what will happen of others. Isha says I’m sorry I cannot understand things. Meet says when there is problem in love then make it strong, do you think Deep did this. Isha says I don’t believe that he did I’m sorry I cannot understand what is going on. Meet says first promise me you won’t try to suicide if you didn’t promise then I’ll shout and call everyone. Isha says I promise I won’t repeat this and I don’t believe Deep could have done something like this, Meet Ahlawat have also believed that Deep did wrong with us, Meet Ahlawat fight for my small happiness and today he is against my biggest happiness. Meet calm her down and give her water says my father said me once when you life is tough you have two option one run away from situation or run along the situation if you will run along there could be chances to win but if you run away then you will loose, stop thinking about suicide. Isha says you are right won’t do this again. Meet says keep faith in me we will fight and win, you have to be strong. Isha says I promise wont take coward step and hugs her. Meet says come I’ll drop you to your room. Isha no I’m feeling much better, she thanks her and leave. Meet thinks now what I’ll do, I have promised Mom and Dad too but Isha need me so I have to talk to Meet Ahlawat about Deep but how will I talk to him about Deep without taking his name, how will I do.

Meet Ahlawat looking for Meet calls her name many time. Meet blindfold him and says you are under arrest. Meet Ahlawat make fun of him. Meet says stop your nonsense it’s a test for you, you have to do as I ask. Meet Ahlawat agrees. Meet ask him to step down two staircase and walks 10 step in straight line and give him cup if tea. Meet Ahlawat do the same and says oh this is tea made by my wife and have a sip. Meet says take right and walks and ask him to take jalebi. Meet Ahlawat love the act and praise Meet. Meet says now your third test and give him ice cream cone. Meet Ahlawat says anybody can te this is icecream. Meet remove his blindfold and see chilli inside ice cream cone. Meet says you have a lot of faith in me that you were ready to eat this cone with chillies but I didn’t misuse it because I don’t want to break your faith it’s very important to have faith in relation. Meet Ahlawat says why are you stressing on faith. Meet says because faith is very important in life. Meet Ahlawat says do you think I have trust issues on you. Meet says I never said that. Meet Ahlawat says I understand you and I know you want to say something, you when I was alone I have to make myself understanding things, I was also over emotional like you, I never thought Deep will play with me, I got trust issues and I broke myself, I know how I got out from that. Meet says I know but sometimes things are different. Meet Ahlawat says I have seen from every side and everyone was hurt, I got big punishment for blind faith that’s why no more and start walking away. Meet says do you trust me or if conditions change and you will stop believing me. Meet Ahlawat says no I won’t stop believing you.

Tej Ram Lakhan playing in room. Sunaina walks in and ball hot her on her face. Everyone apologize to her. Ram says to Lakhan I’m thirsty so I’ll go and grab a water are you coming. Lakhan says yes and they both leave. Tej apologize to Sunaina for messing the room I know things are lying around and it’s all messy but you know these things have made me so happy today that I can’t explain first time I realised how much fun we were missing don’t you think we should start filling this gap. Sunaina thinks I’m sorry Tej but don’t get any feelings of mom for these kids and ays I understand you but you cannot understand me. Ram Lakhan walks in. Tek says we have keep things aside and sleep and they clear the room.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat sleeping. Meet kicks Meet while sleeping. Meet Ahlawat fall down of bed and says what happen to her. She try to se her but she attack again. Meet wakes up and see him on floor and ask him what are you doing here. Meet Ahlawat says you were kickboxing me so I’m trying to save myself. Meet says I’m sorry come up I won’t do it again. Meet Ahlawat says what is the guarantee that my life is save there. Meet says what are you talking about guarantee did I hit you. Meet Ahlawat says yes you kicked me hard on face and it’s paining. Meet says show me and see her blow air on his face says its done. Meet Ahlawat says what is this you kicked me hard and blowing air so politely. Meet blow air again and ask did I hurt you somewhere else. Meet Ahlawat says yes and point at his lips. Meet says okay and punch him, he fall down from bed and she ask is it alright now. Meet Ahlawat get’s angry and go out of room and come back wearing cricket kit. Meet says who sleep like this and you will be save in this. Meet Ahlawat says tomorrow I’ll wear rugby kit and he lie down. Meet thinks why he don’t understand that Deep is not wrong to know truth I want him to meet Deep.

Next morning Meet and Meet Ahlawat jogging. Meet ask him to look for the bruck on ground and save him. He thanks Meet. Meet says from the academy I got this habit of being alert, and physical and mental health both are important. He says such deep thoughts don’t match with your personality and this road goes towards central jail, so brought you here by purpose. Meet says yes, I tried to not think about it but you can’t runaway from thoughts. Meet Ahlawat says just stop it and boards an auto. Auto driver adks should I wait for driver. Meet Ahlawat says wait for 2 min if she comes its fine or else we will leave. Meet Ahlawat starts timer. Meet walks to him. Driver says it’s responsibility of wife to listen to husband’s. Meet Ahlawat says come seat. Meet doesn’t seat. Meet Ahlawat says let’s go. Meet stops them and says your auto has two numbers blurred on number plate, so let’s go to jail.
Driver says sir don’t do this to me. Meet Ahlawat says why drag him in our fight. Meet says you dragged him and we were talking not fighting. Driver says please get down let me go.

Meet Ahlawat starts jogging. Meet follows.
Sunaina gives Ragini guest list. Ragini checks the list. Raj walks to everyone and says its Meet’s first day at duty where is she did she go. Meet says not without taking your blessings. Raj says god bless you. Babita says to Meet all the best. Ragini says I will pray for you that you find your father’s death culprit and he gets punished. Ram drops curry on Meet’s shoes. Meet says its fine. Meet Ahlawat cleans it. Meet gets awkward. Tej whispers don’t do it infront of everyone or else there will be problem.

Babita walks to Meet Ahlawat and says husband’s don’t do this stop it. Meet Ahlawat says its Meet’s first day and I don’t want her to shine to reduce. Meet says I will get posting details today. Babita says come on time for engagement, Meet stops Babita and says I had promised I won’t talk about Deep infront of Meet Ahlawat but I also promised Meet Ahlawat I will always think about this family and so I won’t be part of this engagement I am sorry because Isha isn’t happy with what is happening. On one hand we say Isha has all the rights and on other hand she is forced. My father always taught me not to support wrong or not let wrong happen and this is injustice.

Babita says to Meet, enough of your stubbornness, isn’t attending engagement your responsibility. Meet says you have full right to get angry but do think once and you will see as a daughter in law, I should see there is no justice and so I have even asked Meet Ahlawat to meet Deep. Babita scolds Meet and says don’t act oversmart, it’s painful for Meet Ahlawat.
Raj tries to stop Babita. Babita says stop supporting her, this is how a daughter inaw is. Meet says I am doing this for Isha, no one is thinking about her happiness and Meet Ahlawat you said Isha has full right to make decisions and now its about her life partner she isn’t even concerned. Meet Ahlawat says times where different then, Meet says don’t you think Isha should marry someone she likes. Ram shouts enough, Isha will never have a better man than Shantanu and it us a right decision for her future. Isha in tears. Ram says Isha you will marry Shantanu and that to today itself.

Raj walks to Meet and says you know I always support you but this time you are not judging the situation well, do think once, its big day for Isha and hope you attend it. Babita says not required, it doesn’t matter if she comes or not but engagement will take place for sure and leaves. Raj says don’t worry all will be fine Meet, have a nice day.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat alone, Meet says to him, can’t you see tears in Isha’s eyes, I knoe you don’t want to see you in pain, Meet Ahlawat says she is hurt now but in future she will be fine, just like us and Isha will be happy soon. Its your first day today, all the best.

Pre cap: None

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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