Friday, 11 March 2022

Meet 11th March 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet finds the next clue


Meet 11th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet hidw herself inside weapons box and thinks to get justice I need to reach to that file anyhow. Meet Ahlawat try to go inside police station.

Constable walks to Hawa Singh and says weapons are here where to keep. Hawa Singh mocks him and says keep at usual place and take note of every box and make list of delivered items we need to give data to government. Constable keeps it in room. Hawa Singh walks to box number 4. Meet Ahlawat looking from outside. Hawa Singh says let me check one box, I’ll check the big one because we need sell them out too. Meet pray inside says don’t let Hawa Singh see me. Hawa Singh open box and check. Meet hide herself below the cloth. Hawa Singh grab a gun and see. Meet Ahlawat I won’t let Meet go inside alone. Hawa Singh stab the gun knife in cloth and it hurt Meet on her hand. Hawa Singh says this stuff is good and keep the gun inside. A constable says to Hawa Singh we cannot keep these box in open. Hawa Singh says then why did I kept you think of something and ask him to lock all the boxes. Meet says how will I survive in box if he will lock them. Meet Ahlawat outside says I need to think of something. Constable locks the box and give to Hawa Singh. Hawa Singh keep that keys with him and ask constable to keep in store room. One constable says to other we will keep in store room first let’s go and have tea and they leave.

Meet remember how Meet Ahlawat taught him to control anxiety and she try to make a hole in box and pray to god says give me strength to catch the real killer of my father and grab to file to know the address of Mohan Lal because he was with the criminals when my father died.

Three ladies trying to walk inside police station. Meet Ahlawat disguised as women walking with them. One of the constable sto then and ask where are you going. Lady says Hawa Singh called us. Hawa Singh ask what happen and ask constable to let them go in. Meet Ahlawat passes by Hawa Singh. Meet Ahlawat and other two ladies start dancing. Meet hear song and says what happen. One of the constable dancing with Meet Ahlawat. Hawa Singh start dancing with Meet Ahlawat and he trying to take keys from him and he succeeds. Meet Ahlawat go from there and start the smoke machine he run to box and says don’t panic Meet I’m here and start unlock her. Meet and Meet Ahlawat run from there and go inside file room. Meet Ahlawat touch Meet’s hand she shout. Meet Ahlawat see her hand says you are hurt. Meet says I’m alright just think of Hawa Singh guard the gate and tell me if he come. Meet looking for file. Hawa Singh coming towards them. Meet Ahlawat tell her Hawa Singh is coming. Meet says distract him I’m still looking for file. Meet Ahlawat hide himself. Hawa Singh for Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat touch him from behind and run away. Hawa Singh chases him. Hawa Singh try to remove his Duppata but he don’t let him. Meet drops a rack in file room. Hawa Singh gets drunk and fall. Meet Ahlawat rush towards Meet and they both come out of room. Meet’s hand bleeding badly. Meet Ahlawat pick her up and run towards exit.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat out in market. Meet Ahlawat applying bandage on her hand. Meet says thank god you came out Hawa Singh was hitting on you. Meet Ahlawat says I have to get in because you were inside and huet yourself what if something happens to you. Meet says you were there to help me, nothing can happen to me and this pain is nothing for father, dying is also less infront of my father. Meet Ahlawat says shutup and put his finger on her lips and hugs him, he says I was scared for you, thankgod you are safe. Meet says all because of you. Meet Ahlawat says did you get information from that file. Meet says yes I got the infe he was transferred next day of my father’s death to North east side, he is posted Assam side in some small station, now we can get his info and address from that station, now it will be easy for us.

Ram thinking about Meet and his behaviour. Ragini folding her clothes. Ram says to her thankyou. Ragini says what. Ram says I didn’t get to know when you made my family as yours and accepted everyone and give them equal love, so thanks for that. Ragini says they are our kids too. Ram says yes but I can be wrong, Meet was in trouble for Tej but now Tej is alright but I think Meet is still in trouble. Ragini says really something is troubling her, I’ll go and talk to her don’t worry. Ram says this thing make you special. Ragini leaves.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet in car. Meet video calls Mohan Lal chacha and greet him. He ask who is this. She says I’m Meet daughter of your senior Ashok Huddah. Mohan Lal in shock and says it’s wrong number and disconnects call. Meet call him again but he disconnects again. Meet Ahlawat says maybe he don’t remember. Meet says it’s only few years when dad was alive and he is coming to our house from the day he was promoted and he use to come daily he was our family member, I cannot believe that he will forget me. Meet Ahlawat says this means he knows something that he cannot tell or he don’t want to tell. Meet says that’s what I want to know.



Update Credit to: Tanaya

The post Meet 11th March 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet finds the next clue appeared first on Telly Updates.

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