Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Kaamna 7th March 2022 Written Episode Update: The Board gives the decision regarding the custody of Yatharth


Kaamna 7th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Yatharth is walking in the school playground, he is really tensed Ayesha manages to find him, she asks if uncle also came to the school, Yatharth explains they both came together and has a meeting, Ayesha thinks that even her Grandfathers car is parked in the parking, she asks him to come with her.

Vibhav explains that someone who was not able to be a good husband then how can he be a good father, if Yatharth lives with this man then his future would be destroyed, it was an opportune moment that Akanksha left him at the right time but now Manav while using Yatharth is trying to seek revenge from Akanksha, Vibhav questions the esteemed women if they do not agree that when a child is taken away from his mother, he tends to lose his childhood, Vibhav requests that this board should allow Akanksha to be the sole guardian of their son, he sits down when Mr Kholkar explains even if the board has taken its decision he feels that it is not right to not give them both a chance, Yatho and Ayesha reach the conference room.

Mr Kholkar asks Manav to present his point, Manav explains he feels they are taking it from the point of view of a mother but they must look at it from the point of view of a child whose mother left him in the following night after his birthday, they must look at it from the perspective of a child whose mother left him without informing him about anything who was constantly calling her and even when he tried to call her, she did not care to answer her mobile. Manav mentions they should think about it from the point of view of the child whose father did not have the strength to tell the truth and he got to know it from someone else, and that seven year old boy thinks if his father sees him crying then would emotionally break down, he started going to school on his own, so he hid his tension and cries by himself, now when he has broken his words have also started breaking, he has started to stammer, it is said that one suffers a pain the first word which comes out is Maa but what does the child know that the biggest pain of his life would be given by his mother, and then one day that seven year old child wipes of the tears of his thirty four years old father, revealing he knows that his mother would not come back and so they are going to be there for each other, Akanksha gets angry and is about to stand up when Vibhav assures that the case is on their side so she must not be worried.

Manav calls the respected members of the board revealing they all are parents and as the parents, they tend to make sure that their children stay ahead of everyone, he is also doing the same and doesnot want his son to drown in that storm which is going on in his life, Manav stands assuring he doesnot have any problem with his son meeting his mother but they should give him some more time since he just desires to help his son come out of this, Mr Kholkar explains that he only gave him a chance to speak but he did not stop, Vibhav informs even he felt like sleeping, Mr Kholkar suggests they should do the voting and Akanksha gets four votes, after which Manav also gets the same, Mr Kholkar then gives his vote to Manav revealing that as parents they do not show their emotions but seeing Manav today he feels that he should also show his emotions, Yatharth and Ayesha rejoice standing outside the meeting room, Mr Kholkar realizes it so calls Ayesha, she takes Yatho inside holding his hand, she thanks her Grandfather and even gives him a flying kiss, he replies that his day has been made with her flying kiss, Yatharth also thanks him calling her as Nano uncle, Akanksha gets up to leave but Vibhav stops her requesting that she must sit down, Mr Kholkar then asks them both to go to their classrooms since he needs to finish this meeting, Yatho in excitement hugs his father and rushes off. Vibhav calls Mr Kholkar by his name but he in anger advises Vibhav to call him as Chairman sir.

Sakshi mam answers the call asking Ayesha about the result when she explains that the result came in favour of Manav, hearing this Sakshi gets really excited so she asks Yatharth to ask Manav to call her after the meeting.

Vibhav addresses Mr Kholkar as Chairman sir revealing it is evident that he is taking this decision under the influence of his grand daughter, Mr Kholkar asks if she doesnot have any relation with him, since even if she is his step daughter then has a relation, he asks when was the last time he called her and does he remember today is her birthday, Vibhav questions what is he talking about as he knows today is her birthday, Mr Kholkar smiles revealing her birth month is July, Vibhav doesnot know the birth month of his own daughter so how will he fight for someone else’s child, he is also a father like Manav so understood his feelings as only a father can understand it, Mr Kholkar explains there is no need of it since the decision was made by voting but he desires to show them something which will prove he did not take it under any influence, he asks the Peon who turns on the projector. It plays the recording of when Yatharth ran away seeing Akanksha and she tried to present him with gifts, how he got emotionally traumatized and even ran away seeing her, and even cried standing in the corner, Manav turns to look at Akanksha who gets nervous, they all witness how Yatharth replies to her, Vibhav consoles her requesting that she calm down, Mr Kholkar reveals he had done a lot of home work before coming to this meeting since it was relating to a child, and he could not let someone’s life be ruined because of his wrong decision and this time he did not come under the influence of anyone, he requests all those who are standing with the mother to raise their hands, he after a while exclaims Mr Kapoor got a reality check since he also did not raise his hand to support Akanksha, Vibhav questions if there is a need to do this drama, Mr Kholkar informs Manav that the decision has been made in his favour, Manav wiping off the tears thanks Mr Kholkar and looks at Akanksha with disgust.

Precap: Manav thanks Mr Kholkar revealing he never thought that he would support him, Mr Kholkar explains his daughter was snatched from his eyes and he could not do anything, he prays he had the strength like him, Manav reveals that it is said children learn a lot from their parents, but he will be the first father who has learned a lot from his son. Ayesha informs Akanksha there is a story behind this sarree, Vibhav warns her saying it is enough but Ayesha threatens Akanksha to never wear this sarree ever again.

Update Credit to: Sona

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