I know….. I know….. I have delayed a lot in posting the update but what to do!!! Was stuck amid work and work!!! Though I cant assure you of regular updates; I’d like to say that am gonna try to give some regular updates!!!!
The story so far: For whoever forgot the story; lemme give you a glimpse of the last part….. Ishani and Siya reach the office to surprise Angre but the most surprised seems to be Riddhima!!!!
Peek in to know further!!!!!
…. To find his love standing gracefully in front of his eyes after such a long time while his love was aghast of his sudden presence and was trying to decode of how she’s supposed to react and even in this chaos running in their mind; they just ran towards each other which was a momentary reaction. Jumping on her love wrapping her legs around his waist with her hands locked on his neck he wrapped his arms around her waist with his head on her crook. They were trying to freeze the moment so that they can fill their hearts with each other’s presence after 2 weeks of distance. She started kissing on his face showering her love while he kept adoring the pouts her lips made while kissing him; without bothering of the surroundings, he instantly pecked her those lips making her gasp which instantly turned to a blush. Gently letting her down on her feet, he kissed her temple when they heard a gasp making them turn around to find Angre and Ishani chuckling with Riddhima’s eyes all widened trying to understand what was happening
Angre: Arrey yaar….. I know you both love each other but that doesn’t mean you forget our presence too (wink)
Siya and Aryan were all embarrassed; Aryan rubbing behind his neck his eyes fell on Ishani who was smiling; approaching her he hugged her greeting her and once again took Siya into a hug and turned around to face Angre
Aryan: If at all you have any issue with our love then you can close your eyes (chuckling)
Riddhima (shocked): L…..o….ve!!!!!
Riddhima who was all silent, confused was now all shocked; was trying to form a sentence as there were many questions running in her heart
Aryan whose eyes fell on her understood what was running in his best friends mind and smiled at her he approached her and was about to speak but then his eyes fell around and then he realized that his idiotic friend was missing
Aryan: Where’s Sejal? Angre…. did you send her somewhere?
Angre: I have no hand in all this!!!! I have been asking them for a long where she is but to no avail!!!
Angre: Riddhu, where’s Sejal?
Riddhima didn’t understand if she was supposed to reveal or not; she was just glaring at them and the girls behind them all confused and understanding her stand Ishani smiled and took the initiative
Ishani: Relax Riddhima, (to Sejal) Sejal come out!!!
Angre & Aryan saw Sejal coming from behind the chair with a sheepish smile playing on her lips. She saw Angre glaring at her with his raised eyebrows making her bite her tongue
Angre (stern): Will you take the initiative to explain something!!!
Sejal (nervous): Si….r…. sir… vo….
Aryan (firm): Sejal stop blabbering and tell me what happened? Why were you hiding behind a chair and what’s Angre asking of???
Sejal (about to cry, closing eyes): Vo….
And before she could speak she heard some chuckling and opening her eyes she was welcomed by the four trying hard not to laugh at her panic-stricken face!!! She was all shocked and took a few moments to digest the fact that they were pulling her leg; she smashed Aryan hitting his ass for pranking her
Sejal: Idiot…. idiot…. I was afraid ki you all were angry on me (angry)
Aryan (rubbing his ass): Yaar Seju…. it was not my plan…. Angre started and I just followed his footsteps.
Angre (laughing): Sorry Sejal but your face was worth watching….
Sejal (whining): Siiiiirrrrrrrr!!!!!!
Ishani (hugging Sejal): Stop it you both…. stop bothering my poor friend
Sejal nodded innocently with Siya and the boys chuckling
Aryan: But Angre what did Ishani’s this poor friend do?
Angre explains everything about how Sejal answered his call and gave him a mini panic attack because of which he ran to her cabin to come face to face with his love and sister.
Aryan (chuckling): Seriously Seju……but am sure it can’t be your idea; so, who’s idea is that? Ishani or Siya?
Angre (as if thinking): Siya is so innocent to plan something such
Aryan (mocking): And Sejal doesn’t have that brain to think all this
Aryan (lovingly): And Riddhima is so innocent to even think of planning such idiotic pranks
Angre (facepalming): And only one person has the capacity to freak persons and …..
Aryan (teasing): And….. and ….
Angre: And only one person is left and that’s…. that’s my not so innocent, a pure idiot, a prankster and my over smart love
Listening to his description Siya along with Sejal and Aryan burst into laughter while Ishani was shooting daggers at her husband
Ishani (anger): You think of me as not innocent?
Siya (teasing): He even said ki you are an idiot
Aryan (pouring kerosene over her already burning fire): And was blaming you as a prankster
Sejal: Ishani he was indicating that you are even over smart (giggling)… and Ishani if you forgot he was even referring to you as a witch
Aghast over how all were planning his cremation, Angre was glaring them with eyes wide open
Angre: Are you all even my friend and sisters?
Ishani (stern): Stop intimidating them and tell what you were describing me as
Angre (buttering her): Ishu…. jaan…..
Ishani: Don’t you dare jaan me!!!!
He with the expectation that someone would help him from his beasty wife turned towards everyone gesturing for help but the trio were in their own world enjoying the rift they created between the couple and then his eyes fell on Riddhima, whose eyes were struck on them trying to understand the aliens and instantly an idea struck Angre and smirking internally as he got a way to escape his wife’s anger and divert everyone’s attention
Angre: Arrey…. will you all just instigate my love against me or will you even look after her (pointing Riddhima)? Aryan and (raising eyebrows) Sejal… if you are done with creating a rift between us; then look after Riddhima who’s staring at us as if she met some aliens.
Aryan: Shit!!!! I totally forgot she’s all new to this
Sejal (side hugging Riddhima): Riddhu, this is our small circle of friends….
Angre: So, Riddhima I know you consider me as your boss, but once we leave premises, neither am your boss nor you are our employee. Sejal is a part of our crazy family and I consider her as my sister. So now I’d like to invite you into this crazy circle of ours as a sister (lovely) to me; maybe I’d get a sensible sister in form of you (wink)
Riddhima didn’t actually understand his stand but was definitely overwhelmed by his gesture. Sensing confusion in her eyes Aryan decided to take the lead,
Aryan: Riddhu, let me make it clear to you from the perspective of out-of-office family. So, our family considers, you know my Mumma, Sejal’s dad so lemme introduce to this family of ours…… She is Ishani Angre’s wife and this is Siya, my love.
Riddhima’s eyes widened as her that duffer Aryan has a girlfriend and as if reading her thoughts Sejal spoke her inner voice
Sejal: I know ….. I know you might be wondering how come this duffer friend of ours has a girlfriend right!!!
Riddhima burst into laughter …… a laugh which held pure innocence, her past carefree nature, no worries, no tears, that laugh filled with joy, purity, serenity. All who were laughing along with her paused for a moment to find that serene laugh of her forgetting the world beside her. Aryan and Sejal were in tears witnessing her that laugh which they got to see after months together, and being aware of what all she was going through these days they found her laughing so apt and instantly jumped on her for a hug shocking Riddhima first and later understanding the situation, she stopped laughing before hugging them back. And her laugh was observed by another pair of eyes which held pure adoration for her, that laugh definitely snatched his heart off his boundary.
Aryan: If at all I knew me introducing my girlfriend would bring a smile on your face then I’d have done it long back
Riddhima: Shut up!!! You are posing as if am laughing at your relationship status or your girlfriend, (eying Siya) I wasn’t….. I mean, ….. I wasn’t laughing at your relationship (apologetic look)
Siya (smiling): C’mon yaar Riddhima, I know; I know that you were laughing at him being duffer (laughing) which is indeed true
Siya and Riddhima shared a smile and a warm hug before she moved towards meeting Ishani
Riddhima: It was nice meeting you, Ma’am
Ishani: Yaar Riddhima, none ever called me Ma’am so please don’t do that it would feel like am some elderly person which am definitely not and vaise bhi (lovingly) I consider Sejal as my sister so you aren’t someone different; you are my sister too so prefer calling me Ishani, which would be apt!!!
Riddhima was hesitant but then gave in followed by a warm hug.
Riddhima: Aryan you never told me of your relationship!!!
Aryan: Sorry yaar Riddhu, I never got a chance vaise bhi lemme tell you, we have been in relation for past one year….
Sejal (drama): A year since Siya’s life turned upside down
Ishani and Angre chuckled at the statement-making Siya giggle and Aryan threw daggers on her. Spending some moments with them the couples excused to take their love for lunch dates
Ishani: Sejal, Riddhima why don’t you join us …….
Siya: Exactly Di, we’d get to know each other more
Angre: I agree, come join us; we shall have lunch together
Riddhima (hesitant): Thank you sir for inviting us….. but, I ….. I won’t be able to make it as….. as I have to go along with sir for a meeting. I guess Sejal can join you
Aryan: Riddhu, if it’s about going with Vansh then I’d speak to him….
Riddhima: NO!!!! I mean…. no Aryan, it’s not ethical. We’ll definitely have an outing some other day but not now.
Agreeing everyone left with Sejal not opting to go as she didn’t want to be a third wheel between the couple who were going on a date after 2 long weeks.
Moving out of RidJal’s cabin the sisters ran to their brother’s cabin but were disappointed to find the cabin empty, and out of blue, they heard a loud shriek in their ears making them jump over their places with boys rolling on the floor laughing hard. There stood Vansh behind the door just to freak his not to innocent sisters. Observing Vansh laughing along with the boys made the girls pout before hugging their brother
Ishani: Not fair bhai (pout)
Vansh: Is it fair that you both were trying to prank me as you did for Angre (laughing)
Siya: How did you know?
Vansh: You forgot that your brother is….
Aryan & Angre (unison): THE GREAT VR!!!!
All burst into laughter.
Vansh: Acha now tell me how was your journey!!
Siya: Everything’s good bhai. But I have a doubt, how did you know we were coming to your cabin?
Vansh: Because your not so calm laughter was echoing in the whole office
Ishani (biting her tongue): Sorry!!!
Vansh: It’s okay…… listening to that chaos I reached Ri…. I mean I reached Sejal’s cabin and saw all the ongoing and understood how you both have made fun of our boy’s emotions so thought why not I take the revenge and observing you all coming out I planned everything (wink)
Siya: Not fair (pout)
Having some conversations, the couple made their way for their date while Vansh checking the time decided to move for his meeting.
RidJal’s Cabin,
Sejal: What do you feel of Siya?
Riddhima (smiling): She definitely seems much more in love with Aryan and am glad Aryan met a person like Siya who’d complete him. But am curious how did they meet? What’s their story?
Sejal: That’s a small yet big story, I’d tell you, vaise bhi I have been a prime witness of their story (laughing)
Before they could have a proper conversation on ArYa’s love story, Riddhima’s intercom started ringing
Riddhima: Yes sir
Vansh: Riddhima get the file and other necessary documents ready, we’d be leaving in a few minutes
Riddhima: Sure sir!!!
Upcoming: ……. Um….. Should I reveal?
Why not you guys peek into the story once I post it
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