Sunday, 6 February 2022

Pyaar aur Parivaar- Balance b/w love and family (Part 24)


At Birla House:

After talking to Harsh, Neil packs his bags and gets ready to leave for the camp. Before leaving, he had to do an important work i.e., informing and convincing Abhimanyu…. He slows goes in Abhimanyu’s room mustering up courage and memorising what and how he has to put it in front of him… As he enters he sees his brother not able to decide what to wear for the engagement…..

Neil: (trying to act normal) What’s up bhai? You look confused…

Abhi: Oh… Thank god Neil… Now tell me what to wear for tomorrow??

Neil: But bhai… This used to be my problem which you used to solve…. Since when did you start worrying about this??

Abhi: Ever since I’ve fallen in love…. Now if you are done with your KBC, choose one fastly…..

Neil: (looks at all the sherwanis and thinks) Um… This one is my choice for you…. Do you like it??

Abhi: Perfect!!! Thanks Neil…. This is looking so nice…. Now come on! Let’s select one for you too….

Neil’s face falls…. Abhimanyu notices this and…

Abhi: What’s it Neil?? Tell me….

Neil: I…. I have to tell you something….

Abhi: I’m all ears… Say it…

Neil: I… I’m going for a camp organised by our hospital…. for the 2nd and 3rd year students…. I’ve to go today itself….

Abhi: (angry) Sir told you right?? You are not going anywhere… I’ll talk to him….

Neil: (stops him) No bhai…. Harsh uncle didn’t say it…. infact I insisted in going there to volunteer….

Abhi: But why Neil??

Neil: Our Hospital arranges this camp every year and sends one of our doctors to volunteer… It was your and Akshara’s turn this time…. But as it’s your marriage, not only you both but no one in our family can go…. and other doctors will be busy in other works so somebody has to go…. And I promise I’ll be here by your marriage date…. Please let me go???

Abhi: (reluctantly) Ok fine…. Go… And take care of yourself….

Neil: Sure bhai…. (hugs him) Love you bhai…

Abhi: Love you too… (hugs him back)

Neil: Ok! It’s getting late… I’ll leave…. Bye Bhai…

Abhi: Bye Neil…. (he goes)

Aarohi reaches the bus stop and starts searching for the bus alloted for the students…. Meanwhile, Neil also reaches there and calls the staff and asigns them work…. As they both are not noticing there paths…. They bump into each other and fall…. Neil falls on top of Aarohi… They share an eyelock…. They get up and set themselves…

Neil: I’m sorry… I didn’t….

Aarohi: (interrupting him) Oh you must be…. Hey you kala chashma… Can’t you watch your step?? Seeing a beautiful girl, men like you come and pretend to be gentlemen…

Neil: Oh hello… Excuse me! You weren’t watching your step yourself… Even after this I was apologising you…. and you…

Aarohi: Oho…. Nobody is eager to take your apologies here…. You chamkadhar!!!

Neil: Me chamkadhar….. See yourself….. Chipkali!!!

Aarohi: You…!

Neil: Oh… Stop sticking to me, will you? I have so many important things than just arguing with you…. (starts going)

Aarohi: Same here! (turns her face away and starts going)

They both find their respective buses and board them, trying to forget the argument they had…. Little do they know that their destiny is planning something else for them…..!

Goenka House:

After Aarohi left, Akshara immersed herself in preparations for her engagement so that she’ll be distracted…. As she completes her part and sits down in her room, she gets Abhimanyu’s video call…

Akshara: Hi Abhi….

Abhi: Hi Akshu…. You have forgotten me right??

Akshara: Why do you think so?

Abhi: I haven’t got even a single message from you….That’s why…

Akshara: Actually Aaru had to leave for some project….. So I had to help her in packing and after she left, I had to prepare for our big day right? So that’s why??

Abhi: What a coincidence! Even Neil has gone to the same camp to volunteer the students….

Akshara: That’s nice…. But Abhi, I’ll miss her so much…..

Abhi: Hello…. You’re missing only your sister not me, right? (pouts)

Akshara: Now don’t become such a ‘jal kukde’…. Of course I’m missing you…. But I’ll be seeing you tomorrow right… But I met my sister after these many years and now I’ll be seeing her on the the wedding day itself…. So for obvious reasons, I’ll be missing her more…

Abhi: Oho… If this is the case before marriage, then after marriage you’ll not even think about me….. because I’ll be with you only na??? Oh no!!!

Akshara: No Abhi! You and Aaru., you both are equally important to me…. I love you both equally…

Abhi: But jokes apart…. It’s the same in my case…. I love Neil so much and I’m missing him so badly….

Akshara: Ok now…. Bye… Badepapa is calling…. Let’s meet tomorrow…

Abhi: Bye… Love you….

Akshara: Love you more…. Bye…. (END CALL)

They both smile, waiting for next day…

Precap: Aarohi and Neil reach the camp….. The staff inform her about her being assistant to the volunteer doctor…. She excitedly goes to meet him, thinking it’s Abhimanyu….

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2/06/2022 02:11:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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