As the commotion dies down, Akshara takes her file and enters Harsh’s cabin…
Akshara: First of all, I’m really sorry that I’ve introduced myself as a doctor of your hospital, before you’ve even met me… By the way, I’m….
Harsh: You’re Dr. Akshara Goenka… right? Yeah… I know you…. And why do you apologise? What was wrong in that?
Akshara: (confused) Sir???
Harsh: Yes… Dr. Akshara! I’m very glad to inform that you are, now, a part of the Birla family, that is, I appoint you as the cardio surgeon, in the special team of well experienced surgeons which of course, contains all the Birla family members… You can join your duty from Monday, but yes, you’ll be given cases to study before you join… Congrats!
Akshara: (overwelmed) Oh my god! Thank you sir! But sir? My interview…?
Harsh: Oh! About that, Ms. Akshara…. I’ve seen your resume and I very well know the MD of the hospital you’ve previously worked in… I’ve contacted him to get a feedback and as I’ve expected, I’ve got a very very good feedback, I must say…. And also our hospital would be most honoured to another such good and young surgeons on board… I hope you know my son, Dr. Abhimanyu Birla… (Akshara nods) Yeah… and also I would like commend the way you handled the situation down there…. Really impressed…. I’m very grateful at what you’ve done for our hospital and the patients….
Akshara: Please don’t sir! I’ve felt it as my duty as human to question the thing that was wrong and always stand for the truth, no matter what…. And thank you for showing faith in me… I’ll make sure not to let you down Sir… Good day!!!
She goes home happily….
Meanwhile, Abhimanyu successfully completes a critical surgery and goes to his cabin to rest… On his way, he hears the staff chit-chatting about the day’s happenings and also about the girl who saved the day… (they do not mention the name) He ponders upon what could have happened in his absence…
In his cabin, after getting refreshed, he turns on the T.V ,
T.V : (news channel) They show the whole telecast of the incident. There, he sees Akshara questioning Reporter Indira bravely and advising the media to mend their ways!
Abhi: (smiles) Akshu… My lioness!!! Well done!
Parallel Scene: At the Goenka Villa, as Akshara enters she hears confetti blasts around her and her family cheering her name in joy…
Manish: Akshu….. ( he lifts her and turns her around) My brave girl… I’m so proud of you…
Akhilesh: Yes Akshu… Very well done!
Suvarna: Akshu… Well done… (hugs her)
Daadi: My dear Akshu!! Shabash…
Vansh & Kairav: Hail Akshu! ( lift her)
Akshara: Woah! Kairav bhaiya… Vansh bhaiya… Let me down…
They all sit…
Kairav: But yes Akshu!! Today seeing you stand up for truth, I remembered our moms….
Manish: Yes Akshu! Your two moms were same like that… Lionesses…
Vansh: Moms were Lionesses, Daughter is a tigress…
Kairav: I agree Vansh bhaiya… We have to warn Abhimanyu to be a bit careful around Akshu… I feel pity on him….
Akshara: Oho…. Now you are on his side…. Let me tell you what it is…
Vansh and Kairav laugh and run while Akshara runs behind them… All of them laugh….
Meanwhile, Abhimanyu sends a voice message to Akshara saying….
Abhi: (message) Well done Akshu! My dear Lioness! I’ve always wanted to see this face of Akshara, fearless… brave… I’m so happy to have you in my life as my love…. We will celebrate this moment….. Tomorrow we are going on a date…. Love you….!
But little did Abhimanyu know that this was heard by none other than his father, Harshvardhan!!!!
Precap: Harsh talks to Manjiri about Akshara and Abhimanyu…. The Birlas discuss about Akshara….
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