Friday, 17 December 2021

Meet 17th December 2021 Written Episode Update : Isha reveals truth to the family


Meet 17th December 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Masum says in anger ritual can only be done if her bangles are in one piece. Meet and Ragini gets up. Babita says to Raj I told her today in morning how important this ritual is for my son but she doesn’t listen to anything always do something wrong she always prove that she doesn’t care about our feelings, I’m tiered of explaining her again and again why can’t any ritual get complete without any hurdle. Meet walks to Babita says sorry. Babita stops her and ask Raj to says her no need to be sorry to me, says yo Meet I’m doing all this for you, your relation, if you don’t understand then no need but I’m worried about my son, hut look at her she doesn’t care at all, your bangles are broken for the ritual. Masum says if we are talking so can you ask her for last time do she care about our family ritual, we put lots of efforts for ritual but she doesn’t have any care for that. Isha take Masum name and says please before you scold her I want to confess something. Meet thinks I have to stop Isha if everyone get to know about her don’t know what will happen. Isha says it’s not Meet fault it all happen because of me. Masum says wao now kids will defend her. Isha says first listen to me and says to Meet they all want to know truth, you did so much for me I cannot see how they are behaving like you and says to everyone few days back I went to a friend’s party there some boys mixed something in my drink and clicked my bad pictures and were blackmailing me, it’s not Meet Bhabhi fault it’s all because of me. Ram scream at Isha and says people are right girl should not he given freedom. Raj says to Ram what are you saying is this they way you handle this situation. Meet says to Ram and Raj, Isha did nothing wrong the fault was od boys who misbehave with her, I accept Isha did wrong by not telling us, if she would have told earlier then nothing could have happen but how can she tell people have made assumptions that it’s always a girl’s fault, you never asked her what’s her problem, you shouted because of this reason many girls don’t come out in open to speak because they think there family will not support them because of which these blackmailers trap them. Meet Ahlawat says to Isha don’t cry, I promised myself to save you every time, nothing will ever happen to you but we forgot to win your trust, never thought of teaching them self-defense or give them admission in slef defence because brother is here, he becomes bodyguard and take freedom from girls, we are sorry we gave you everything but forgot to give you believe, a believe that says your family is with you always, where you can share what you want anything and your family is with you in all problems so I’m sorry from our family side, from now own never think you are alone we are always there. Isga says thankyou and hugs her. Ragini says Meet Ahlawat is right it’s my fault she doesn’t believe me, she try to tell me but I was not that worthy, sorry Isha. Isha walks to her says don’t be and hugs her. Ragini says sorry to Meet. Meet says what are you doing sge is like my younger sister if I’ll do something for her I don’t sorry or thankyou in return. Isha says Bade dil wali Bhabhi I’m sorry for misbehaving. Meet says I told you, you are like my younger sister. Raj says Meet did great job and says to Babita time is passing for ritual.

Everyone sit down for ritual. Ragini and Masum doing ritual. Babita says to Meet Ahlawat go and sit with daughter in law. Meet sit beside her. Babita keep lord Ganesha idol in there hand and says he will help you in every situation. Meet and Meet Ahlawat bow in fron of idol and keep it in plate. Ragini ask Meet Ahlawat to put on Rad Bangle in Meet’s hand. Babita now ritual is completed. Meet Ahlawat says thanks to Meet and sorry.

Same night Manushi ask Kunal in how many acers your bunglow is built. Kunal says you can’t imagine. Manushi gets call from her mom she disconnects it. Anubha pray to god please give her some mind, record her voice note and send it. Manushi receive message she gets up and go towards window and hear voice message saying hope you are doing good and happy with your in-laws, since you are married to Parth so I’ll be sending your marriage certificate. Manushi says when I was in house she disrespected me a lot and when she come to know that Parth is from rich family so acting like my well wisher but I won’t let my in-laws know that I’m from a poor family. Parth hear everything and get up.

Meet see needle gets scared and try to run away from it. Meet Ahlawat, Ragini and Isha try to stop her. Meet says I won’t let anyone touch me. Isha says don’t move. Meet Ahlawat try to calm her says you donated 2 bottle blood for me and today you are scared if a needle. Meet says that time God gave me strength so I could do, we always get hurt from table or chair while you walk nothing is wrong I’m fine. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll not tolerate negligence and ask Isha to hold her and check where is she hurt. Ragini says who asked you to fight them. Meet Ahlawat says she took contract to fight against crime alone and ask nurse to give her injection. Meet start shouting. Raj and Babita walks in room. Meet jump and go to Raj says I don’t want injection, it’s not my time pass to fight but I cannot see anything wrong. Raj says yes I know that but I’m seeing from so many days something wrong is happening with you two so I decided that you both need a break. Meet says break from injection. Meet Ahlawat says but Meet passport is not ready. Raj says so what there are many good places here I’ll book your tickets for hill station go see some ice enjoy. Meet says no need to spend money and I’m promising I’ll handle myself. Babita says you need to focus on eachother so you need to have holiday it’s important now go to some new place and start new journey but most important is injection. Meet Ahlawat ask aunty to give injection.

Everyone in hall Raj says when you all insisted so I talked to travel agent he said it will take one week to make passport. Meet thinks thank god now I can study easily. Ragini says if passport is not ready so they can’t go anywhere in our Country, there are many places to visit. Raj says I also said same. Sunaina says first honeymoon in country, other on in foreign not bad. Everyone laugh. Raj ask Meet so tell where do you want to go. Meet says is it necessary. Meet thinks if I’ll go out then how will I prepare for exam.

Babita says one of my friend who belong from Rajasthan royal family and he want that Meet Ahlawat and his wife need to stay in their luxurious resort. Raj says it’s final Rajasthan. Meet says to Anubha on call come on time I’ll not leave without meeting you. Anubha says don’t worry we will come.

Amma walking in corridor. Manushi looking at Amma says comeon dadi you can fall down so that you hurt yourself and she have to cancel her honeymoon plan.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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