Wednesday 29 December 2021

Love story – Episode 14 (blackmail…)


hi friends 🙂…iam so so sorry for very late 😟😟. Actually i went to my native place so it took time to write the from now it will be regular. Today will be long episode as i dint post for several days..

recap:- naira gets drunk and dances with kartik and later kartik takes her to her house. Naksh and keerthi have some talk in late night and then naksh and kartik discusses about aditya. Avni and Niel meets twinkle finally and they bid goodbye to her. Sirat overhears about her surgery talks and gets upset..


Tina gets ready for her college and she thinks something standing in front of mirror..

Tina in mind: why i cant remember anything which happened in mall yesterday?i met kartik in mall and he apologized me and then…. what happened?i don’t remember anything after that…why?

Suddenly Anu comes there and stands before Tina..

Anu: what are you thinking seriously Tina beta?

Tina notices her lips and understands it and..

Tina: actually maa..i don’t know what happened yesterday. I don’t remember anything happened in mall and that’s why iam thinking about it..

Anu smiles and..

Anu: actually kartik told that you slept in mall and so he brought you here and made you lie on the bed and he left at late evening..

Tina notices her lips and understands it and gets shocked..

Tina: what? can i sleep in mall?that too i wont get sleepy at evening then how come i would have slept?

Anu:leave it.. don’t think much.thank that kartik took nice care for you. He is really a nice person..keep him as your friend always.

Tina notices her lips and understands it and smiles..

Tina:yes..he is very good. Ok..bye iam leaving for college.


Tina goes from there and she walks on road..


Suwarna:kartik..what to do? Today is keerthi’s can we stop?

Kartik: don’t worry maa.. engagement will happen but marriage wont.

Suwarna gets suprised..

Suwarna:how?did you planned everything?

Kartik:yes..i will tell my plan evening. I will first go to college now..

Suwarna:then.. keerthi’s engagement?

Kartik: keerthi’s engagement is night only right?so..i will be there for sure.  So don’t worry about me..


Kartik:ok..bye iam leaving for college.


Kartik leaves for college in a car..


Tina is dodging her phone while walking and suddenly she gets shocked seeing raghav’s message..

Raghav’s message:” dear can’t escape from me easily. If you want freedom then come and meet me at kinder park before you go to college and if you refuse then you will get a shocker of your life”.

Tina gets shocked reading his message and gets scared..

Tina in mind:ohh my godd..what is this?no.. now what will i do?why krishnaji is not supporting me against this devil? anyways..i will go and see what he is planning.

Tina goes to kinder park and sees Raghav standing wearing sunglasses…

Tina in mind:this stupid…once Niel bhai comes..i will make him life behind bars. Wait and watch mr. Raghav..

Tina goes in front of Raghav and Raghav sees her and smiles..

Raghav: finally you obeyed my words..great Tina.

Tina notices his lips and understands it and..

Tina: don’t think yourself great mr.raghav..whatever you plan for me will never happen and i will never let happen.

Raghav laughs evilly..

Raghav: nowadays you started to say filmy dialogues..but that can be only dream. You can’t win against me soon..

Tina notices his lips and gets angry..

Tina: what do you mean?

Raghav shows a photo of him and tina lying on a bed to Tina..

Tina gets shocked seeing it..

Tina:no…no…this can’t be true. can i..i..

Raghav:relax Tina.. this is untrue as i have just taken a photo when i came to your room and morphed it with me but if i send this to online then what will people think about us? Wont they think that we are having an affair?

Tina notices his lips and understands it and gets shocked and stumbles..

Tina shockingly:wh.. what’s wrong with you Raghav?why..why are you doing this?what do you want? please delete this photo please..

Raghav laughs..

Raghav:iam not a fool to obey you. If i want to delete this photo then you should fulfill one condition..are you ready for it?if you don’t then this photo will be uploaded online soon..

Tina notices his lips and understands it and starts crying..

Tina:why are you doing this raghav? Please leave me..

Raghav:iam doing this only to get you have to come in evening to kuldevi temple at evening for our marriage orelse i will upload this choose either me or your bad reputation..

Tina notices his lips and understands it and gets shocked and cries..

Tina pleads: Raghav.. please don’t do this.. please..

Raghav: common don’t waste my time by pleading. If you don’t Tell then i will upload now atself.. so choose fast.

Tina notices his lips and understands it and cries..

Tina:no.. don’t upload. I will come to kuldevi temple at evening.

Raghav smiles..

Raghav: that’s Tina..ok don’t forget to come at evening and if you forget then this photo will be spreaded to everyone. Now you can go..

Tina notices his lips and understands it and she runs cryingly..


Kartik is driving his car..

Kartik in mind:i feel something is going wrong.. why?

Kartik’s car reaches the same area where Tina is running..


Tina runs cryingly and suddenly kartik who is driving the car sees a girl running before his car and he puts break suddenly and the car stops but slightly hits the girl and she falls down..

Kartik gets shocked seeing it..

Kartik:ohh noo..i hope that girl is fine. Let me go and help her..

Kartik gets down the car and goes towards the girl and he gets shocked seeing tina lying down unconscious…

Kartik shockingly:tinaa…

Kartik sits near Tina and he tries to wake her up but she doesn’t so he gets tensed and his hearts starts beating faster due to fear and he caresses her face..

Kartik in mind:krishnaji.. please make Tina fine. If something happens to her then i can’t bear it..

Kartik gets idea and he takes his water bottle and he sprinkles water on Tina and tina slowly opens her eyes and sees kartik holding her and murmers..

Tina murmers:kartikkk..

Kartik caresses her face emotionally and..

Kartik:Tina..Tina..are you fine?i..i..i was really scared that..

Tina notices his lips and understands it and she slowly wakes up and..

Tina: don’t worry kartik..iam fine.

Kartik:iam really happened because of me only. If i have driven slowly then i wouldn’t hit you.

Tina notices his lips and understands it and..

Tina:no.. don’t ask sorry. It was my fault only..i should have not ran on the road..

Kartik:it’s okay.. don’t blame yourself. But why did run on the road?

Tina notices his lips and understands it and remembers raghav’s act and gets sad..

Tina:no.. nothing kartik. I ran because i saw dog behind me that’s why i got scared..

Kartik laughs hearing it..

Kartik:so you are dog i right?

Tina notices his lips and understands it and gets sad..

Tina in mind:yes..iam scared of Raghav dog.


Suddenly Tina coughs continuously shocking kartik..and kartik tries to calm her but she still coughs and so he pulls her to his arms and gives her water..

Both meets with an intense eyelock and tina slowly drinks water from kartik’s hands..

(yeh rishta kya kehlata hai plays in a the background…)

She finishes her drink and looks kartik..


Kartik:it’s okay. Are you fine now?

Tina notices his lips and understands it and..

Tina:yes..iam fine now.

Kartik:you better take rest in your home today as i feel that your health is low today. I will drop in your house now..

Tina notices his lips and understands it makes puppy face.. will come to college. Iam absolutely fine now..

Kartik:are you serious?

Tina notices his lips and understands it and..


Kartik:fine..i will take you to college but if you fall ill then i wont allow you to go to your house okay?

Tina notices his lips and understands it and makes puppy face..

Tina:if i fall ill then what will you do without allowing me to go to my house?

Kartik:i will take to my house..

Tina notices his lips and understands it and gets suprised..

Tina:then i will fall ill wantedly..

Kartik smiles hearing it..

Kartik:why?are you eager to come to my house?

Tina notices his lips and understands it and..

Tina:yes..iam very eager to meet your family. Please take me to your family one day.

Kartik in mind:i will propose to you at evening and if it’s okay..then i will take you as my girlfriend to my that everyone will be happy.

Kartik:ok..i will take you. Now come lets go to College..

Tina notices his lips and understands it and..


Kartik takes Tina in his car and drives towards college..

They reach college and tina goes in separate way to her class and she sits near Tanvi and Kunal..

Tina: hi Tanvi..


Suddenly Tina sees a message in her phone and she dodges it and gets shocked seeing Raghav sent that photo and warned her..

Raghav:“this photo reminds you of my warning..even if you forget then this photo will make you remember our talks. So don’t forget to come to kuldevi temple at evening..bye sweetheart”

Tina gets tensed seeing it..

Tina in mind:now krishnaji is only there to save me from this stupid.. please krishnaji save me from this guy.

Suddenly kartik enters and everyone greets him and they sit while Tina gets reminded of Raghav and she starts to cry hiding her head bending down..

Tina in mind:if..if..if Raghav marries me then…

Kartik notices Tina and thinks..

Kartik in mind:why is Tina not lifting her head?there is something wrong with her behaviour.. i will take class on e- commerce and it’s resources okay?

Students:ok sir..

Kartik takes the class by writing on the board..

Suddenly he turns and looks Tina still bowing down and..

Kartik:miss. Tanvi..why is Tina bowing down?

Tanvi:sir..i don’t know. But she is upset after she saw her phone when she came here..

Kartik:ohh..then ask her to meet me after the class and now make her to listen to my class.

Tanvi:sure sir.

Kartik starts taking class while Tanvi asks Tina to listen and tina hides her tears and listens to the class without any interest..

And later kartik finishes his class and turns and sees tina’s gloomy face..

Kartik in mind:i know there is something wrong with you tina..i cant see you in pain so please share with me then iam there to solve every problems of your life.

Kartik:ok.. everyone please bring your assignments tomorrow without fail.

Students:yes sir..

Kartik:and miss.tanvi..kindly ask miss.tina to meet me in chemistry lab okay?

Tanvi:ok sir..

Kartik goes and after college hour overs kartik impatiently waits for Tina in the lab..

Kartik in mind:why is Tina taking this much tie to come?let me go and check..

Kartik goes to Tina’s class and sees no one except tanvi and Kunal and he goes to them..

Kartik: excuse me miss.tanvi and Kunal..

Tanvi and Kunal looks kartik and..

Tanvi and Kunal:yes sir..

Kartik:miss.tanvi i asked you to send Tina to lab right?then why dint she come yet?

Tanvi and Kunal gets worried and..

Tanvi: actually sir..i have informed her but i feel that something is wrong with her as she is behaving weirdly..

Kartik gets shocked..

Kartik:why?is she facing any problems?

Tanvi: don’t know sir..but once the bell rang she started to fear and she ran away cryingly and i don’t know why.

Kartik gets worried hearing this..

Kartik in mind:what is Tina’s problem? I can’t see her like this..i want her always to be happy. I should find her problem somehow and will solve it..

Kartik:ok..thank you for your information.

Tanvi:it’s okay sir.

Kartik leaves from there while Kunal and Tanvi gets suspicious..

Tanvi:hey Kunal..i find something fishy.

Kunal:yes..even me too. There is something between kartik sir and our Tina. I can seee kartik sir’s care for Tina..a professor can’t care for a student like this so..

Tanvi:i doubt whether they are in love.

Kunal:even me too..but we will clear our doubt tomorrow with Tina. But before that i hope Tina gets fine from her problems..

Tanvi:yes..we will pray for her happy living.


Kunal and Tanvi too leaves from there..


Everyone runs to sirat’s room..

Mishti:bhai..what happened?where is sirat?

Naksh:that’s what iam also wondering..where is sirat?she isn’t here at all..

Akshara gets worried..

Akshara:iam scared naksh..did she do something wrong?

Naksh hugs akshara and..

Naksh: don’t worry maa..sirat won’t do anything wrong.

Akshara:no..naksh..i doubt whether she ran away after hearing our talks. Because she used to run away even in her childhoods.. don’t you remember naksh?

Naksh mind gets strike and..

Naksh:yes..i really forgot about that. We will go and check her out.

Akshara:yes.. come lets go. be here. I , kuhu and naksh bhai will go and search her..


Bhabhimaa:akshara..Mishti is right. They are young so they will search fastly but we can’t so we will sit and pray here for sirat.

Akshara sadly:ok..

Naksh kuhu and Mishti goes out for searching sirat while karishma, akshara and bhabhimaa sits and prays for sirat…

Akshara cries:krishnaji.. please bring my daughter back. I can’t live if anything..

Karishma stops akshara and..

Karishma: don’t worry akshara. Krishnaji won’t do injustice with good be strong. We will get our sirat back.

Akshar slightly smiles and nods and they pray..


Sirat is seen running fastly and suddenly she gets tired and she breathes heavily due to continuous running..

Sirat in mind:why is my life like this? to escape from surgery…i should run like this. My god.. please save me.

Sirat again runs and suddenly her legs gets twisted near a park and she was about to fall but Ranveer holds her…

Ranveer slowly makes her stand and both meets with an intense eyelock..

Sirat breaks the eyelock and she was about to run again but she feels pain in her leg and she holds her leg and cries..

Sirat cries:krishnaji..what do you want from me? please make my leg fine.. orelse i will get caught.

Ranveer looks on and he pulls her leg from her hand while sirat gets shocked..

Sirat:hello…what are you doing?

Ranveer: don’t get scared miss..iam just stretching your leg to make it fine.

Sirat:ok..fine..but do it soon before they come..

Ranveer gets shocked..

Ranveer:who?are you running away from someone?

Sirat realises that she is blabbering and..

Sirat in mind:kya ladki mey??i..i was about to tell the truth. Thank god..i realised it before.

Sirat: actually.. actually.. actually..i want to go for boxing practice but my family is not allowing as they feel that iam sick. But iam absolutely fine so i ran away without telling them so they are searching me..

Ranveer:ohh my godd..why are you doing this?they are telling for your safety only right? yesterday you was unwell so they would have cared for you.. better take rest and go Tomorrow.

Sirat gets angry..

Sirat:hey bandhar.. tomorrow i have important match so i need to practice today.i am really fine that’s why iam doing this..

Ranveer:fine..i will do it fast. But be cool always and don’t show your anger’s not nice for you.

Sirat makes a puppy face and..

Sirat:iam sorry..i get anger when iam in hurry or tensed.

Ranveer:it’s okay..

Ranveer stretched sirat’s leg faster and her leg gets fine and sirat gets happy and she hugs Ranveer happily..

it’s all about love… song plays in the background…

Sirat:thank you so much. Really you can’t understand how happy saved my life. Thank you so much..

Ranveer gets confused..

Ranveer:how did i save your life?

Sirat:ohh iam sorry..i was just blabbering out of happiness. Ok..bye i will go now.

Ranveer in mind:this girl is strange..that day she accused unwantedly and yesterday she was having panic attack and today she is behaving normally and happy..what kind of women is she?i cant able to understand her at all..

Sirat gets shocked seeing naksh kuhu and Mishti coming towards her and she runs back and hides behind Ranveer shocking him..

Ranveer:hey..what happened?

Sirat family came..i should not go in front of them.please do something and help me to get rid of them..

Ranveer:what kind of human you are?that was shouting and accusing me like devil and today you are behaving like a KG kid for getting help from me..

Sirat makes a puppy face and..

Sirat:iam..iam sorry for that day.but please save me today..

Ranveer smiles hearing her..

Ranveer in mind:i still love her..but i was controlling my heart as she misbehaved with me that day but today she apologized and now my heart is again falling…

Sirat:hey.. please save me.. don’t smile too much.


Ranveer: i told..fine lady..

Sirat relaxes her breathe..

Sirat: thank god..i thought you told fine baby..

Ranveer in mind:i should be careful with my tongue orelse i will lose everything..

Ranveer:ok.. come with me now. I will make you hide behind the tree..


Ranveer makes sirat hide and he stands alone while naksh Mishti and kuhu crosses that place and suddenly Mishti sees Ranveer and stops..

Naksh: Mishti..why are you standing simply now?

Mishti points Ranveer and..

Mishti:naksh bhai…he is the same guy who saved sirat yesterday from falling down the cliff.

Naksh: really?


Naksh: then i will go and thank him and also i will instigate him about sirat..

Mishti and kuhu:we will also come..


Naksh kuhu and Mishti goes to Ranveer and..



Mishti: actually do you remember me?

Ranveer:yes.. yesterday i saved a girl and you came and took her.i think you are her sister.

Mishti:yes..iam her sister but cousin. And this is naksh(pointing towards naksh)her real brother. And she is kuhu (pointing towards kuhu) my own sister and sirat’s cousin..

Ranveer:ohh..nice to meet you all. And naksh..i know you already. But this is the first time iam meeting you..

Naksh gets suprised…

Naksh:how do you know me?

Ranveer smiles and..

Ranveer:iam kartik’s cousin ranveer Goenka. I know that Manish uncle is angry on you but don’t worry everything will become fine soon.

Naksh smiles and hugs Ranveer..

Naksh: thanks for your support Ranveer. Ok..can you tell me one thing?

Ranveer: what’s it?

Naksh: did you see sirat now?

Ranveer thinks about sirat’s help and..

Ranveer:no..i dint see her.why?

Sirat who is hiding behind the tree overhears their conversation and gets tensed..

Sirat in mind: so this guy Ranveer is my  future fiance’s cousin.. that’s great. But why is he not sending them away soon.. hope he doesn’t show me off to them.

Naksh: because she is Missing..i don’t know whom she have fooled now and got hidden.

Sirat gets tensed hearing their conversation..

Sirat:ohh noo..

Ranveer: what? what do you mean naksh?

Naksh: actually she is my stupid sister. From childhood she have habit of running away and fooling others..if she doesn’t like something then she will run away from house and will hide with someone by fooling them.i don’t know who is that lucky guy today..

Ranveer gets shocked..

Ranveer shockingly:why did she run away now?

Naksh and everyone gets worried and..

Naksh: actually she have nerve disorder. So doctor told to do surgery today atself and if she doesn’t do then she will face lot of problems so we’re planning to do her surgery but she got scared of surgery and ran away..

Ranveer gets shocked and his heart gets broken hearing this as his heart loves her..

Ranveer sadly:sh..she is young..but why is she facing this problems?

Naksh: it’s all related with her past. One incident made her life hell..i will tell you about this later because now I have no time..i have to find her before the admission Tiime gets over..

Ranveer in mind:ohh..krishnaji..i never knew she is facing a lot of problems..iam sorry for hurting her but please make her fine soon.

Naksh:ok.. bye Ranveer. We will meet later and i will go and search her..

Ranveer:no need naksh. Actually the person who sirat fooled is none other than me.

Naksh kuhu and Mishti gets shocked…

while sirat closes her eyes in fear..

Sirat in mind: now iam gone..



Ranveer tells everything and three of them gets shocked..

Naksh:this ladki has fooled you

Mishti:ok.. bring her out soon. Because we need to take her to hospital immediately..


Ranveer goes and brings sirat while sirat stares angrily at Ranveer..

Sirat in mind:you fooled me mister. I will never leave you one day..

Ranveer looks her anger and..

Ranveer in mind:iam sorry sirat..i have to break my promise for your safety.

Naksh holds sirat and..

Naksh:are you mad sirat?why did you do this?

Sirat:bhai..i cant do surgery then what shall i do to escape from it? Iam ready to die instead of doing surgery..

Naksh:shut only care for yourself..then what about us?if you die peacefully then can we live happily? Already naira left us…so don’t talk rubbish.

Sirat:iam sorry bhai..but iam scared of surgery then what will i do? is not a big thing. You won’t feel any pain at all…when they do surgery then they will give you anesthesia so that you won’t be in conscious when they are doing surgery.

Mishti:yes di..after doing will be freed from every complications too. You can live freely and happily like others.

Kuhu jokes:if you do surgery then i will change my curly hair into straight hair di..

Everyone stares kuhu and they laugh including sirat..

Naksh: finally one bhagwan agreed to change her hair after so many years. Till now her hair was like pasta and now i can atleast see her hair normal..

Kuhu:shut up bhai..

Sirat:fine..i will agree as you all are telling it’s easy. But if i feel any pain then i will run away in middle atself.. okay?

Naksh: okay..we agree to your conditions too.

Mishti:then come with us now…

And everyone turns to Ranveer and..

Naksh:thanks for your help Ranveer. We will surely meet one day again as we couldn’t talk much today.

Ranveer:it’s okay..which hospital you are doing surgery..if possible i will come and meet later on.

Naksh:city hospital..

Ranveer:thanks..bye everyone.

Everyone turns to go while sirat turns to Ranveer and..

Sirat: don’t think that i forgave you since you consoled me..iam still angry on you and i will always be.

Ranveer smiles seeing her cute face..

Sirat: don’t smile again..i will make your smiling face into crying face. and fight come..we should go fast.

They take sirat away from there while Ranveer stands there still..


Niel and Avni are getting into the bus and..

Niel:we should reach home safely..

Avni:yes..thank god that twinkle is safe.


Avni:i should reach my home soon. My mother told that today is my cousin keerthi’s engagement. So i have to reach before it starts..

Niel: don’t will reach soon. This bus will reach udaipur within 5hours..

Avni: okk..

After sometime Avni sleeps and falls on niel’s shoulder shocking Niel..

Niel in mind:ohh..this girl. I should not disturb her anyhow. Let me make her more comfort..

Niel makes his shoulder straight for Avni’s comfort and later he too sleeps and falls on Avni’s head…

Some guy notices them and clicks their photo..


At late evening:

Suwarna is making keerthi ready in her room..

Keerthi:maa..i agreed to do this engagement only because as you gave me confident that my marriage will surely cancel. It will surely get stopped right?

Suwarna: don’t worry beta.. your marriage will surely get cancelled. Kartik have planned something to stop your marriage.

Keerthi smiles..

Keerthi: that’s why i love my bhai very much..ok..did Avni reach from mumbai?

Suwarna:surekha told that she will reach in some minutes so don’t worry about her as this is just a fake engagement.. are right maa..


kartik is readied in salwar kameez and he is seen lost somewhere and he walks in the corridor thinking seriously..

Kartik in mind:what happened to tina?i cant able to wait till tomorrow to know her pain..i hope she is fine now. If she is fine then why dint she see my message yet?did something happened to her? don’t think foolish.. nothing will happen to your Tina and i will never allow anything to happen to her..

Suddenly he hits Ranveer..

Ranveer:bro..what happened? Where are you lost?

Kartik half mindedly:iam lost in Tina..

Ranveer gets shocked..


Kartik comes out of his serious thoughts and..

Kartik:i..i..iam sorry..i.. just..

Ranveer laughs and..

Ranveer: don’t struggle to say the truth kartik. now i found the love a girl named i right?

Kartik stumbles..

Kartik:no.. ac.. actually..

Ranveer: please don’t hide with your brother Kartik..if you don’t love her then promise me that you are saying truth.

Kartik:fine..i cant win against you. Yes..iam in love with Tina.

Ranveer gets happy and he starts jumping in joy.. brother is in love!!!.. this is the most happiest news.. now you should give me a treat.

Kartik gets sad and..

Kartik:iam in love but i don’t know whether she loves me or not and also there is some problem..

Ranveer: don’t worry bro.. everything will be fine.i hope she is also in love..ok what’s the problem?

Suddenly Swarna shouts from upstairs..

Suwarna:kartikkk.. come and take Keerthi and make her stand in stage.

Kartik:i will tell you later Ranveer..

Ranveer:ok..even i want to tell you something. We will talk afterwards once the engagement gets over.


Kartik goes to get Keerthi while Ranveer too disperse from there..


precap: kartik proposes Tina and tina gets shocked. Ranveer gets jealous seeing Abir and sirat. Mishti gets insulted. Naksh confuses aditya. Niel and Avni are locked in ice room. Twinkle fall’s on aly’s arms…

The post Love story – Episode 14 (blackmail…) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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