Thursday 2 December 2021

Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 2nd December 2021 Written Episode Update: Baji wins the battle


Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 2nd December 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Kashi hears Radha saying I gave his sword so he can save the regime. But this mother’s heart is scared. Give him strength. Make him a fighter no one can win from. Shuibai says she lights a candle in water and expects it to float. Their world is weird. Bhavani says we did right by rejecting Baji’s proposal. We would have to see our Kashi like this Radha. Shuibai says only flowers and toys look good in her eyes. I can’t let swords and wait come to her life.

Kashi lights a candle and says Radha was saying this candle saves the one you pray for in the fight. I pray that Baji stays safe in the battler. Whoever is in trouble, we should pray for them. Take care of my enemy Baji. Shuibai comes and says Kashi, why did you light this candle? She says to Bhavani is she also praying like Radha? Shuibai is about to pick it. Kashi stops her and says I light it for Baji. Shuibai says his mom did it. Bhavani says he’s your enemy, then why pray for him? KAshi says if he doesn’t come back, who will I fight with? Shuibai says come let’s sleep. She says no I will sit here and pray for him to come back. This os my faith.

Scene 2
Mai comes to Radha and says come and see what I saw. Radha says what? Mai says Kashi light a candle for Baji’s safety. Radha says God always shows me the way. I chose the right girl. Shuibai tells Mahadji. He says so what? Kashi prays for everyone. She gets worried. Shuibai says I can’t explain to you. Shuibai tells Bhavani he said it’s not a big deal. Bhavani says we have to go back to Chaaskaman. Balajoshi got injured near our place but Radha brought him here so she can call us here. Shuibai says in the name of friendship first they took our wealth and now they have eyes on our Kashi. Bhavani says she can plan all she wants. It won’t work. Let’s get food for Kashi.

Shuibai and Bhavani bring food for Kashi. Kashi says I won’t eat. Guru ji says you can’t pray for someone’s safety if you eat. I won’t eat until Baji comes back. Annu says she calls him enemy but she’s praying for him. All kids sit with her and pray. Bhavani says this is troublesome. Kashi can’t ever say no to food. She’s hungry and praying for Baji. He should never be important to her. Shuibai says Mahadji is also not understanding. Bhavani says we should go from here before it’s too late. Other kids fall asleep but Kashi doesn’t. She protects the flame. Kashi stays up all night.

Scene 3
The army comes back. A girl tells Kashi Baji is back. Kashi says my prayers worked. My enemy Kashi is here. Mahadji welcomes back Balaji and Bajirao. Radha does their arti. She says I knew my son will win and come back. You are my pride. My prayers didn’t go in vain. Balaji says so lost in welcoming her son that you forgot your husband. She says you always win but it was his first battle. She does Baji’s arti. Chimaji says Kashi also light a candle for Baji’s safety. Radha says then Kashi should also do Baji’s arti. Come Kashi. Bhavani says she’s a kid. You did pray already. Radha says she prayed all night. Mahadji says they are kids and friends. Let her do it. Baji says she will also learn to respect sword and fighters.

Shuibai says but she’s a child. Kashi picks the arti and says to Baji bring your hand here. She gives him the plate and says do my arti. I light candle, you should do my arti now. I didn’t eat or sleep all night. That was also a battle. You should do my arti. Baji says are you crazy? Kashi says do my arti or I will leave. He says as if you leaving would stop the world. Kashi says okay then I am leaving. He says sure. Kashi leaves. Mahadji says these kids. Krishna says to Baji why did you fight with Baji? He won and we should respect him. Why didn’t you do the arti? She says he could do my arti too. And you’re always taking his side. Krishan says you are so rude to your brother. Kashi says stop taking his side then.

Scene 4
Radha takes off Baji’s armor. He says I told battle, my aai is praying for me. She says there is a wound on your arm. Balaji says this is his pride. Baji says my dad prepared me and my mother prays for me. this wound is nothing for me. Radha says I always want to see you win. He says you never taught me how to lose. I will always win and make you both proud. Radha hugs him.

Baji comes to other fighters, he says if it’s pain apply medicine but don’t pain take over your courage. And remember that pain is the difference between education and battle. Kashi says education doesn’t give you pain. Baji says go to your room. This is fighter’s room. we don’t want to hear all this. Kashi says why do you wanna battle? It gives pain. What do you get? Baji says peace. Kashi says education and battle work together. They are equally powerful. Education doesn’t shed blood. Baji asks his fighters battle or education? They all say battle. Baji says we all think the same here so you can leave. Kashi says no one did their arti. You won and they got injured. How are you all equal? Answer me.

Episode ends.

Precap-Shuibai throws sand on Radha’s clothes. Radha says what are you doing? She says throwing sand on your dreams that are growing like a wild plan. She burns the curtans. Baji says to Kashi if you tie this thread around this tree in right direction you become friends forever and if in other direction you become enemies forever. So let’s become enemies.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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