Sunday, 26 December 2021

Free will, hear me, I choose you…


The ship descends rapidly in the sky, descends to the ground.

The liquid begins to leak out.

Imlie starts running in surprise to there.

She does not dare to call the very loud and very bright thing that fell there , an airplane.

Curiosity conquers fear. She accelerates.

Imlie screams when she sees the liquid move as she gets closer.

The liquid puts itself in an imlie-like skin.

Its purpose is that Imlie prefers communication over fear.

Imlie approaches being imlie and her chin working harder than her feet.

The fluid now has the appearance of an average human.

It stretches out his hand, its finger touches Imlie’s head, and its face takes on an expression of surprise.

This time it touches with two fingers and when Imlie speaks, no sound comes out.

No…giri , just Imlie…

The liquid takes on the appearance of Aditya.

It snaps its fingers.

Imlie regains her voice, full of emotions as if nothing had just happened , as if everything was looking normal.

-I thought you were my destiny, she says.

Aditya thinks , evaluates all the memories that imlie has.

It snaps its fingers. everything freezes.

-Interesting. I guess they like to put it that way.

Destiny encompasses everything.

If humans could have a higher will, they would be able to understand.

People have free will.

They can choose.

For human, destiny consists of his choices and consequences.

So if Imlie chooses aditya, Aditya becomes a part of her destiny because she chose it.

Aditya is not her absolute destiny.

That is why free will exists.

I also saw human Aryan in memories.

If Imlie chooses Aryan, Aryan becomes part of Imlie’s destiny.

Moreover, she can get much more life experience with aryan than Aditya if we compare.

Aditya has set himself as a limit for Imlie.

Aditya’s happiness depends on Imlie falling behind her.

Emotional, because Aditya is selfish,

and career, because Aditya has a huge ego,

and materialistic, Aditya has standard income and opportunities.

If i try to list the options she will have with Aryan, i will not have a lifetime to return to my planet.

I wonder if i may tell Imlie that she is a fictional character,

that her feelings are shaped by commercial concerns,

that people with mental health problems want to watch her suffer,

and the more these people speak out, the more Imlie will suffer?

No, that won’t happen.

I dont want that.

Because healthy people love her for what she hides at her core.

A crazy, energetic, ever-growing dream that never stops to get to know life.

The post Free will, hear me, I choose you… appeared first on Telly Updates.

12/26/2021 10:11:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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