Sunday 7 November 2021

When Two Strangers Meet~ #RiAnsh OS



A figure is seen clinging to a tree branch which is located at a great height cliff ….. It’s almost midnight ….
…. The person’s temple is covered with blood on the left side … When suddenly a droplet of blood falls on the person’s closed eye … She comes to her conscious … At the same time a owl lands on the opposite tree …. It starts hooting … She opens her eyes with a jerk … She realises her surroundings … She shouts for help … Due to the deep wounds …Sleep overpowers her…
She was sleeping peacefully on a comfy king sized bed covered up in a soft bouncy duvet , she slightly opens her eyes , she shrieks in pain as her forehead hurts a little , she sits holding her head …. And finds herself in an unknown room , she widen’s her eyes as some dangerous thoughts overcome her mind , she instantly takes off the blanket and places her foot on the ground , When ….. She hears some sounds of footsteps , which alerts her senses …. , She gets up from the bed and starts taking steps forward , she grabs a vase nearby , as the sounds get increased she holds the vase tight in her fist ready to attack any time , the door of the room clicks open and a person enters in , she was about to hit him when he holds her hand and stops her in nick of time , after passing of few minutes , she takes back her hand from his grip and after composing themselves they look at each other , he leaves out a sigh and finally speaks up ,
” Look Miss …. I am not any thief or any white collar criminal that you tried  to attack me … I am a pure gentleman you know … Moreover ,  who causes danger to the person whom he himself saved ?? ”
She looks at him and speaks out ,
” I am sorry …. I doesn’t mean it , it’s just that I have over thinking & over protective persona ”
” Why are you there at that time that too hanging to a cliff ?? ” He asked as he reminded himself of the incident how & where he found her ,
She reminisced what happened
It’s a place filled with smoke , disco beats echoing in each and everywhere , girls & boys together partying not in their senses , when a man comes across the bar counter ,
” Excuse me , one beer ” he asked the bar keeper , ” hey mister , one more ” a girl beside him got his attention , she was not in her conscious and fell deep down in a completely different world , her eyes are sleepy and are just little open , she would anytime fall into a slumber
” Hey mister , one more vodka ” she screamed at the bar keeper
” ok mam ” he replied scared , he handed her a shot which she drank in a go ” hello miss ! ” The person spoke smiling showing his teeth , she just turned her face revealing her disinterest , the person instantly took a seat beside her ” hey miss ” he spoke trying to take over her attention ” look mister , I am not at all interested in conversating with you better use time for useful things ”
She spoke on his face ” miss wait a minute ” he was cut by her
” look … I am frustrated by the events caused some time back so plzz ”
” Do you want to face my wrath or what ?? ”
” Look mister , I am irritated as my own friends left me in this club on my own birthday … So plzz ”
” Miss plz na … Look I will not irritate you … I will give you company ”
Time passed , she was drinking her drinks when it gets split on his shirt
” I am sorry mr ”
” It’s ok , I will clean & come back ”
He places his phone on the table and leaves to clean his shirt , after some time , the bar got closed he came outside , it’s almost 10:30 pm ,
” I am sorry … ”
” Why ?? ”
” Bcoz I am not sorry ” she said & shot him on his stomach , ” aah ” he hissed in pain , when he looked for her she got vanished , it felt as if she disappeared in the thin air , he checked his pockets for his mobile  to only get a biggest shock that it’s missing ! ” Hey you ! ” He shouted at a man who is scrolling on his phone
” Give you your phone ”
” Keep your rudeness to yourself , why should I ? ”
He showed a knife which let the hell out of him ” now will you ??” The person nodded trembling in fear and handed over his phone , he dialed his men and left from there in his car ,
” Trace where my phone is located ”
He spoke driving rashly ,
After sometime , he got a call , he picked it up in a go ” boss , it’s located in xyz street ” he drove away to the said place
She was walking aimlessly on the road trying to figure out the password , when a light flashed at her , she covered her eyes and slightly opened to see many cars in front of her , many men came out of it and they started chasing her , she started running as fast as she can , but she fell down as a rock hit her leg and she fell on the ground , as the land she was present was  slippery , she got rolled on the floor and fell inside the forest , the thorns of plants pricked her soft milky skin and she winced in pain , she got deep cuts and sharp scratches on her body , her leg is bleeding unstoppable , she somehow stood on her knees taking help of the trees with great difficulty , she again started running , but in rapid speed a knife caressed her stomach in  seconds , she once again fell on the ground holding her stomach , she once again started running ignoring her wounds , she stopped in her tracks holding her knees taking long breaths when she saw herself at a cliff , she saw the men coming forward she started walking backwards , she shot all of them using her gun , ” sorry dear KABIR LUTHRA , I have to take your life ” she said and the next moment he is laying on the ground lifeless and a hole on his head … blood dripping from it , she kept back her gun in her pocket , but unfortunately she stumbled upon a rock and fell of the cliff , but due to her bappa’s grace she got hanged to a tree branch attached to the cliff edge and fell unconscious because of the pain caused on her head …
She was lost in thoughts when he spoke ” Miss …. ? ” His voice broke her from her chain of thoughts
” Where are you lost ? … And why are you in such a situation ?? ”
” Actually ” she started narrating a  story which doesn’t neither took place nor it is related to the real incident
She was walking on the road head dipped in her mobile going through some memes when her gaze fell on the group of men in front of her  smoking , the smoke spread in the air and she started coughing , the men threw the cigarette and crushed it with their foot , they started walking towards her , while she started walking backwards , she started to run from there and they running behind her , she suddenly fell down as someone thrown a tree stem at her , she got up on her knees and again started running , and then she reached the cliff , she turned back to see the same gang behind her smirking widely seeing her helpless,
She started taking steps towards the edge ” common girl , surrender to us , you have no other way ” one of them spoke coming forward , not listening their talks she is just walking fearing what happens next , her mind started making theories of dangerous things when she got stumbled upon on a rock and fell off the cliff , the gang of boys are hell shocked by the incident occurred right now in front of their eyes , thinking she must be dead , they left from there while she got hanged to the branch of a tree at the cliff edge and fell unconscious
” That’s what happened hours before which made me land there ” she spoke and feeling proud of herself for covering up the truth cleverly
After few minutes passed ….
“I think I must leave now ” she said and was about to walk forward when her head hurt , ” aah…. ” She winced in pain ” Miss … You must rest , why soo careless ?? ” He spoke helping her sit back on the bed , he gently blowed on her wound , he glanced at her , their eyes got locked ,
‘ Tik Tock Tick Tok ‘ they breaked their eye-look and stared at the clock as it striked 3:00am
She got up and gazed at him
” Thank you once again ”
” It’s time to leave ”
” Just a second miss ”
She turned back to him ” it’s 3:00 am , better you leave at morning , till then take some rest ” he said and walked out from the room , she layed on the bed , and closed her eyes , sleep engulfed her …..
It’s morning , the sun sparked like a star it’s light peeked through curtains of the room and fell on her face which is sleeping peacefully , she scrunched her eyebrows shutting her eyes tightly she covered her face with the blanket , she opened her sleepy eyes tolerating the brightness of the sun and sat in a sitting position , she stretched her hands in the air leaving out a yawn , just then he arrived into the room with two coffee mugs on a tray , ” Good morning Missy ” he said with a genuine smile , she composed herself and tucked a lock of her bouncy & silky hair behind her ear only for it to flop again , ” Good morning MR.Saviour ” she said as he handed her a mug , she held it and gulped down a sip , the coffee refreshed her and made her laziness to fall apart ” did you made it ?? ” She said raising an eyebrow to which he laughed and spoke ” don’t think that every man is worst in cooking , if so then there would have been no chefs present in this world ” she smiled and continued drinking her coffee
” Thanks for everything ” she said as she finished her coffee
” I must leave now ” she said for which he replied frustrated
” Miss , can’t you just leave to say that word ? ”
” Oh common mister , is it my in-laws house ? That I could stay here ” she said , he sighed and replied convinced
” Fine , atleast accompany me in breakfast ” he left taking the mugs with him , she took off the duvet and stepped down , her feet pained ,
” Maybe this wound needs some time to cure ” she said to herself and went to washroom to freshen herself , she cake out cleaning her face with a towel , she went downstairs to see him sitting at the dining table waiting for her , she came towards him , he gave a bright smile seeing her , he served her the breakfast , they started eating ” I must say , you are bestest in cooking , the one who marries you in future , is very lucky ”
She said munching on the food , he smiled seeing her overloading cuteness , in the middle of the breakfast she asked ” amm….. I don’t know I have the right or not , but I am asking you , why are you present there at that time ?? ” His face saddened and she understood something is wrong ” I am sorry if I hurt you , but you could share with me if you are ok with it ” he looked at her and spoke out about her misery
A beautiful scenery of a vast mansion with hustle bustle is shown , his mother Mrs Uma raisinghania is instructing the servants & workers , her son is coming back after 2yrs to india from United states , it must be special and elegant , she wanted each and every corner of the mansion to be decorated wonderfully with perfection which he loves , impressing him is something next to impossible , ” mom…. Common , he is coming after mere 2 years , not 2 decades ” ishani , his only sister said in a sarcastic way ” when you will become a mother , you could understand ” uma said , hitting her head , just then they heard a horn sound ” seems like he arrived ” ajay , his father said , they stood in front of the main door waiting for him , the gates opened and a black Bugatti made it’s way inside royally , behind it many cars entered in , body guards following the Bugatti , the car stopped and a body guard opened it’s door , he came out of the car ,
The man is tall , beard trimmed in a perfect style , fair skin , gelled black hairs , branded black polished shoes,  Rolex watch on his right wrist with a silver bracelet , decked up in a black tuxedo , his eyes covered in orange shades , this man is the human version of handsomeness and perfection , he entered with a swag spreading his powerful & dangerous aura , adjusting his suit , he took steps towards the door where his family is waiting for him , he stood in front of his mom , she is holding a aarthi thaali , smiling …. Fresh tears made their way , seeing her son after 2 years , he wiped her tears and pulled her into a long warm hug later ishani & ajay joined , he kissed her forehead , she did his aarthi , he came in , all the workers in the mansion in a line in both sides Bowing their heads, he took off shades and glanced at his surroundings , everyone feared to even have a eye contact with him ,
” Beta , go and fresh up , I will serve you the dinner ” uma said and he left to his room , he entered in to see his room cleaned thoroughly and everything is just like 2yrs back when he left india , it’s a large room there are two high back wing chairs with a wooden table , there is a luxury velvet king sized bed , there is a dressing table with a large shining mirror , the windows moved front & back constantly , he turned on the shower , the cold water touched his body and all the hectic feeling washed away with the water ,
He wiped the droplets dripping from his body , he got into his formals and came downstairs , he saw everyone waiting for him , he took his seat , uma served him the foods , in the middle of the food , ishani asked him
” Bhai , mom is wanting to tour around india ” as he listened her say, he just nodded his head in acceptance , the next day , they packed their bags and important stuffs , placing the luggages in their mini bus , they left from the mansion, exploring the beauty of forests & nature , the soothing greenery and the cold breeze just enchanted them,
They stopped to picnic at their farmhouse , they are loading the bags when he got a call and gone aside & attended it , when ishani heard a sound , she looked back & forth to find from where is it coming from , when a sound caught her attention , she bent down to ground and saw something which shook her , a bomb is attached to the downside of the bus , 3 , 2 , & 1 BOOM! , He heard a blasting sound , he rushed to see the bus crushed , and family containing deep burns on their bodies ,
The cold wind blowed and the leaves of the trees responded blowing towards it , the backdrop of the full  moon is black to navy blue gradient ,
The celestial body glowed like a diamond , it’s serene & breath taking , when from nowhere a car stopped at the cliff , a man came out of it , and walked towards the edge & sat down , he held a wine bottle on his right hand , he drank a sip of it , the air touched his hairs caressing them , his swollen red eyes reflected the pain he is holding inside his heart , he wanted to chop their hands & legs , slice their skin and rip their heads ONCE AGAIN , when he gave the most painful & torturous death no one gave on this earth to those bastards who killed his family , he took out his phone and switched it on , a light flashed on his face , he caressed the wallpaper which contained his family photo , a tear or two rolled down his eyes , he kept his mobile close to his heart embracing it , he reminded himself of his mother’s words ” don’t ever fall weak no matter what ” he wiped off his tears promising that he will do so , when his gaze fell on a tiny little petite figure , he gone closer to see a girl hanging to the cliff branch , he instantly picked her up , he saw soo many scratches & wounds on her body and her head severely injured , he held her in his arms and placed her in the back seat of his car and drove away to his home
He collapsed reminiscing the incident when his family died in front of his eyes , she kept her hand on his shoulder , he looked at her , she just blinked her eyes indicating everything will be fine , he hugged her , she later reciprocated understanding his situation , he patted his back consoling him , after few minutes , he backed off realising what he just did , ” I am sorry for reminding you of it , but you actually did good to those a*sh*les ” she said and smiled , he smiled back , she left from there waving him a bye
Such a fool he is , that he instantly got into my trap , I finally got hold of his phone which is containing his true colors , Thank God that Mr Unknown doesn’t got to know anything about me , I completed my mission successfully she thought rejoicing her victory , when something clicked her mind
” Oh my , kabir’s phone ” she checked her pockets and sighed in relief seeing the phone which she snatched from kabir is safe
A week passed , it was midnight , she was watching the moon from her room’s window , when something caught her mind , she left locking the house ,
She was sitting on the cliff , when she felt someone’s presence , she craned her neck to see him standing behind her , she smiled ” hey stranger ” she greeted him for which he reciprocated the smile and sat beside her , they enjoyed the cold breeze and the serenity of the night ,
” The moon is such a epitome of beauty ” she said mesmerized by the beauty of moon for which he spoke ,
” Hey moon ! , The girl beside me is more beautiful than you ” he said with a teasing smile , she blushed ,
When she handed him over a wine bottle , he got shocked ” is it true ??”
He asked for which she smiled and said ” absolutely , not all girls are same that they don’t gift a wine bottle to someone ” he took the bottle and thanked her , ” but ain’t today a strike ?? Every shop must be closed ” he pointed his doubt ” as I heard the news earlier about the strike , I bought the wine earlier ” she said clearing his doubt
” You know what ? , When I asked the shopkeeper for a wine , he looked at me as if he had seen a ghost ” she said and reminding his facial expression and burst into laughter
After some time …….
He felt a weight on his shoulder ,
To see her sleeping peacefully , he smiled at her cuteness , the moonlight made her look more beautiful , he lifted her up in his arms
As she slightly opened her eyes , she found herself in a car , she turned to see him sleeping beside her , when her gaze fell on the sky , she wakes him up ” what happened ?? ” He asked rubbing his eyes , ” the sun is gonna rise , come fast ” she said grabbing his hand , they watched the beautiful scenerio of the sun rising up in the sky , very less people will have the chance to see it , ” I should leave now ” she said ” me too ” he spoke , they went across their cars ,
” Hey mister ! ” He turned back ” your name ? ” She asked
” VANSH RAISINGHANIA ” he replied smiling ” and yours ??” He added
” Riddima only riddima , I am a psychology student ” she answered
By her answer , he clearly understood she is an orphan , they got seated in their cars not before exchanging numbers ….
Days to weeks passed , they become best friends , communicating , meeting several times , cracking jokes , teasing each other , they spent their time with each other ,
One day , she was sitting in her room lost in thoughts …..
” Mmmm….. I just can’t understand what to do , I developed feelings for him , may I confess ?? , No no , my profession of being a secret undercover agent , leads him to some grave danger ” she thought , she was confused what step she should take ,
A ringing sound of a call made her come out of her thoughts , she picked up the call seeing the caller ID
” Hello , Cheif ! Agent ‘ R ‘ speaking here ” she said (who thought it’s vansh ?? ) ” There is a new mission for you rebel ” he spoke , they discussed everything ,
Riddima wore a bullet proof jacket , and a hoodie on top of it , she covered her face with a mask & glasses , her hands with gloves , and her legs in brown boots, she is all set ready for her new mission
She was hiding behind a wall of a old factory which is sealed , observing the events causing inside ,
” Listen , take all of these stuffs to our guest house in South africa , remember , no one should caught you ”
” But sir what about the police and all  ?? ”
” One of the ministers had a part in this plan , so he will manage everything ”
” Ok sir ”
” You may leave ”
The second person is loading the stuffs into a large truck when a bag blasted by a gunshot , all the stuff shattered on the floor , they turned back to see a person all covered up in a hoodie pointing a gun in the air , a few men came out with rods , and tried to attack her , she somehow managed to shoot all of them , she hid behind a pillar and started shooting them one by one , finally , all are laying lifeless on the ground in their own pool of blood , when someone hit her on her head behind her back , before she could do anything , her vision became blurry and she fell on the floor with a thud her eyes half closed , when a bullet hit the person who shooted her on his stomach , he instantly died , the person who shot him came towards her , her vision became normal and she widened her eyes seeing him , when her head pained and she felt unconscious once again …..
She opened her eyes with great difficulty , ” aah ” she hissed as her head pained , he rushed in hearing her voice , he sat beside her ,
” Does it pain much ?? ” He asked
She nodded in a no , he gave her a glass of water , she drinked it and gave it back to him , ” are you a ….. ??” They both asked at a time
They both just nodded to each other
A few days passed ……..
Mustering courage riddima finally proposed him , which he accepted happily , they are now married ,
” So are you guys ready ?? ” The chief asked them on a call which is on speaker
” Yes chief ” they exclaimed
Embarking on a journey together , entangling our hands , with a promise to not leave their side no matter what
Aishu 🙂

The post When Two Strangers Meet~ #RiAnsh OS appeared first on Telly Updates.

11/07/2021 10:12:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments