Tuesday 2 November 2021

saath nibhana saathiya fan fiction: Gaura forces Kokila to dance on broken glass/remake


It was Gopi and Ahem’s 25 wedding anniversary. The whole Modi family was happy and they would celebrate. But some of them had the feeling that something bad would happen. Ahem constantly felt like he was being watched and he was constantly seeing someone staring at him through the window but whenever he went to take a closer look there was nothing. He eventually dismissed these events and decided to enjoy his day with Gopi.

At some point through the celebrations, Gopi suddenly remembered that she hasn’t seen Vidya in a while. She had gone to meet with Shravan and hasn’t returned yet.

“Maaji, have you seen Vidya lately?” Gopi asked.

“No Gopi, I haven’t seen her in a while actually.”

“Maa, I will go look for her.” Meera said. “Maybe she is preparing some surprise for you?”

“Ok Meera. Please look for her, I am worried.”

Meera went into Vidya’s room but Vidya wasn’t there. She began to look around and try to find Vidya and then someone kidnapped her through the window.

More few minutes passed. Gopi was wondering why Meera and Vidya aren’t coming back.

“Maaji, you see, both of them aren’t coming.” Gopi said. “I am starting to get really worried. I want to look for them also. Could they have planned something together?”

“It’s likely.” Kokila replied. “But if you feel worried then go and look for them if you will calm down this way. My bahu should not be worried on such a day right?”

“You are right kakiji.” Paridhi said. “No one will ruin our happiness today. I am sure in that.”

And Gopi went to look for the two sisters.

“Meera Vidya, where are you?” She said into the emptiness, walking through every room of the house. And then again, she was kidnapped all of a sudden. She felt someone tying her with a rope that was stretching from outside  the open window.

Some minutes later Kokila became visibly worried as well.

“Motabhabhi, I am starting to think that something is seriously wrong here.” She said. “Gopi, Meera Vidya, they all disappeared suddenly. How is that possible?”

“Mom, relax.” Ahem said. “What if Gopi is also planning a surprise for our anniversary?”

“No Ahem, they would be back by now.” Hetal said. “Something is happening. Three of our family members are missing and…”

“Wait!” Kokila suddenly said. “I know. I know what has happened! It’s Gaura, Gaura has kidnapped them!”

“But why would she?” Hetal asked.

“Come on, don’t you know her? She probably wants to revenge us for the way we exposed her in front of her family. No, no! Gopi, Meera Vidya, they are with her and… Who knows what she will do to them! I have to find them now!”

“Kakiji, wait!” Paridhi shouted.

“Dadi sasuma, let us come with you!” Sona added.

But Kokila was determined to find and help her family. She went outside and then, she saw a letter lying down in front of the door.

She opened it and began reading.

“Jai Ambe Kokila. I know that your family has an occasion to celebrate today. It’s the wedding anniversary of Gopi and Ahem. But unfortunately, I can’t wish you on that day. You ruined my family and you think you will celebrate freely? No way! Kokila did a very big mistake when she instigated my family against me, and now she is going to pay for that! You are so naive, all of you! I was hiding in your house for a few days and you saw absolutely nothing! Kokila, your daughters and your bahu are with me now! They are your pride, aren’t they? They will die today!”

There was more to the letter but Kokila left it and started going forward.

“Mom, where are you going?” Ahem shouted after her but it was no use. And just then, he found the letter and continued reading.

“Come outside, Kokila! Today everyone will get what they deserve! Come and face me, I am waiting!”

“Mom, come back, don’t go to her! Mom, that’s a trick!” Ahem said.

“Ahem, what does the letter says?” Hetal asked. “Please tell us!”

“Gaura has kidnapped Gopi and Meera and Vidya. Now she wants to kidnap my mother as well!”

“What? Let’s go after Kokila, now!”

And they went in Kokila’s direction but with no luck. She was already kidnapped and was with Gaura.

Gaura was dragging her on the road with her car. Kokila was shouting in pain but her friend seemed to pay no attention at all.

And in the meantime, Dharam also arrived to the Modis. He had found a letter by Gaura saying that everything will end where it had started. So he was sure Gaura will keep her enemies in her village. He informed the Modis about the same and added that Gaura’s black clothes are missing from her room, which means that she has planned someone’s death today. He then promised to take them to the place.

And while the Modis were wondering how to find their missing family members, Gaura stopped the car to a secluded place. Kokila was badly injured and she could faint in any moment.

“Get up!” Gaura demanded. “Get up I said!”

Kokila made an effort to stand up but she couldn’t.

“Oh, I see that you can’t.” Gaura said. “Don’t worry, we will use another way then!”

And then she started dragging Kokila by her hair.

“Where are Gopi Meera Vidya?” Kokila asked. “Once I find them, I will kill you Gaura!”

“Oh come on. You are in such a bad condition and yet you have the strength to joke around? Ha ha. You better open your eyes and see where are we!”

And then, Kokila heard Gopi screaming.


And then Gaura took Kokila to the others. They were tied to a pole with their hands up in the air.

“Gaura maasi, why are you doing all this?” Gopi said. “Please, leave maaji, what did she do to you?”

“Gopi, you know very well what she did!” Gaura replied. “She made my family turn against me!”

“Gaura, if you want to kill me, do it then!” Kokila said. “But please, don’t torture my family!”

“What are you thinking? You think my problem is only with you? No, I have a problem with the whole family! Look at her, the most  sanskaari bahu in the world! Every time I tried to do something mean, she was coming in between and was failing my plans! And what about Meera? I made her Dharam’s wife only to take revenge on  you and what did she do? She turned him into another person! Your two granddaughters took away the peace in my family.”

“Baaji, please leave dadi  alone!” Vidya shouted. “She never did anything to you!”

“Shut up Vidya!” Gaura said and pulled her hair. “She took away my family, my happiness, my Dharam, she took away everything I had! Now it’s her turn. I will take away her family in front of her eyes and she will not be able to do anything!”

“Maasiji, Maaji didn’t kill your brother, circumstances did!” Gopi said.

“Gopi, I know you love her a lot so you will also join her in the grave, I promise you! But first, you will see Meera Vidya dying, then it will be your turn and finally Kokila’s!”

“Gaura, I beg you, do not hurt them! Do whatever you want with me,  I will not say a word, I promise. But my Gopi, Meera Vidya, do not touch them!”

“Kokila, you better be silent, for your words will be in vain. You want me to kill you so you can get away that easily? No, I will not do that. I want to torture you first. Then you will start asking me to take away your life and maybe then I will consider such an option. But it’s too early for that now! First you must witness the death of your beloved family and then, I may make your wish come true!”

And next, Gaura started breaking glass and they turned into little pieces.

“Maasiji, what are you doing?” Gopi asked.

“This is the place where me and Kokila first met.” Gaura replied. “Our friendship began here, our story started at this place! So today, it will end here as well! Kokila, I want you to dance now. Do you remember how we used to dance when we were children! Now get up and dance the same way on the glass pieces. Come on, do it!”

“No, maaji, you will not dance!” Gopi shouted.

“If you don’t agree then I will shoot them right here and now!”

“No, Gaura! Please don’t! I will dance but just…”

“Maaji, what are you saying? You will not do that!”

“”Gopi, please stop it. I will do anything for you. If my dancing means your safety then I am ready to do it.”

And Kokila began making efforts to get up.

“Maaji, please don’t!”

“Dadi, please don’t listen to her!” Vidya said.

“Gaura Suryavanshiiii!” Meera then shouted. “You shall untie us, now! Do it immediately or I will kill you, I promise! Keeping us here is the biggest mistake of your life!”

“Shut up Meera! Look at you, look at how tightly I have tied you! You can’t do anything to me now! Don’t irritate me or I will shoot you!”

“No Gaura maasi, please don’t! Meera is just a child, please don’t take away her life yet!”

“So if you want your daughter to live then tell her to keep her mouth shut!”

“Meera, please don’t say anything!” Gopi then said.

“Come on Kokila, get up already!” Gaura said. “Get up or I will shoot her!”

“No, no! Gaura please don’t, please!”

Gaura was visibly happy of how they were begging her to spare them.

Finally, after so many attempts Kokila finally got up. But she could hardly stand on her feet.

“Come on, start now!” Gaura said and began singing the song about the story of two friends. And Kokila was dancing.

“No, maaji!” Gopi shouted. “Please stop, don’t do it! Gaura maasi, please tell her not to do it, don’t make her do such extreme things, don’t you see the condition she is in! She will die, my maaji will die!”

“Don’t worry Gopi, this is Kokila Modi! She can’t be killed that easily! Don’t you see her! She finally got on her feet despite her injuries. That’s what I call strength! She is doing this because of you, don’t you see!”

And Kokila kept on dancing. The pain was unbearable and you could see it in her eyes. But she  didn’t gave up anyway. She was trying her best to do as she was ordered.

But at some point, she couldn’t take it anymore and she collapsed on the glass pieces. Her injuries now got more serious than before. Way, way more serious.

“Majiii!” Gopi shouted. “Maaji, please wake up!”

“Kokila, what happened to you?” Gaura asked in irritation. She then got closer to her.

“Kokila, wake up!” She demanded. “What happened, did you get tired?”

“Gaura Suryavanshi, stop that already!” Gopi said. “Now maaji may die because of you!”

“No Gopi, she can’t die that easily, I am not over yet! She must see you dying first, then Meera Vidya and her turn will be then but not yet!”

“Dadi, please open your eyes!” Vidya pleated.

“Please dadi!” Meera added. “Baaji, please stop that!” She then said to Gaura. “If you want, I will forget about Dharamji and never return in your house again but just, stop this torture!”

“It’s too late to turn back now, Meera.” Gaura replied. “Your dadi is already dead, it seems. She ruined my plans but now, I am happy because she finally met her end! Now the same awaits you!”

And while Gaura was taking revenge on the Modis Hetal and the others were waiting for some news in the mansion.

“That Gaura, why did she decided to do this in such a day!” Paridhi said. “We were so happy and she took away our happiness again!”

“Don’t worry Paridhi, I am sure everything will be alright!” Hetal replied. “Ahem, Dharam and Jigar were now traveling, let’s hope they will arrive there soon! We should not lose hope!”

Dharam had already informed the police about his mother’s misdeeds and they were on their way. But who knows if they would be able to capture Gaura?

Some time later. It became clear that Kokila will not wake up.

“It turns out your maaji has died.” Gaura said to Gopi. “So now it’s your turn to follow her!”

She then took a gun and pointed it at Gopi.

“No,  baaji, please, please please spare  my mother!” Vidya said in tears.

“Don’t worry, you will follow her soon enough. She is sad about Kokila so I will make them meet now!”

And Gaura fired a gunshot at Gopi. Then another. And another. Gopi was dead.

Meera and Vidya couldn’t believe the terrifying scene they were forced to witness.

But then Gaura fired again and this time it was Meera’s turn. She would only leave Vidya alive for she was pregnant. But after she gave birth, she would do something about her as well.

And so Kokila, Meera and Gopi were dead. Gaura was looking at the blo*dy scene when police sirens could be hurt in the distance.

“Ha, ha!” Gaura laughed. “Me in prison, that is never going to happen! You will never defeat me, never!” She said and started running. She walked passed everyone and everything and she hid into the forest. She would stay there while the danger passes.

She then realized that she was still holding the gun in her hand. She threw it away in the near by lake and the water just  swallowed it  in seconds.

Gaura then looked at herself. It was already a late night and her reflection could be seen in the water. She stared at her black clothes having some blood on them and admired the scene. She then looked at her beautiful long hair that was covering her shoulders and smiled.

“That’s it.” She then said. “It’s finally over! I finally took revenge for you, my dear brother! Your murderer is now in the grave, and her family joined her as well!”

Police, on the other side, kept on trying to find Gaura but they didn’t succeed. The Modis were devastated on learning about the tragic deaths of Kokila, Meera and Gopi. Dharam was also very sad for his beloved Meera had left him too soon. And Gaura finally lived in peace. But she wanted to see her work once again.

A few days later, when she made sure that no one is looking for her, she returned to that place and found it empty. However, the glass pieces that Kokila danced on were still there. Kokila’s blood was on them. Gaura admired the scene a lot.

“This is the blood of my best friend!” She said. “Finally, the moment I’ve been waiting for!”

She then went away and left everything as it was. She didn’t clean nor the glass or the blood. From time to time, she would return to the place and would admire her work.

“Everything ended where it had begun.” She said. And sang the song about the story of two friends.

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