Friday 5 November 2021

Love that feel right #Riansh (immj2) part 3


In the morning vansh came into the room and saw ridhima…laying on the floor. He went to her and looked at her pale face, leaning down he caressed her face. On feeling the warm touch on the cheek she opened her eyes. she jerked his hand and he stood up after being embarrassed as she caught him…

She was trying to get up by taking support of the window pan. Seeing this he came forward to help her but she showed her palm and said “I…I…do..nt ne.e.d…you…” He did his signature action of turning his neck with the sound “aahhuummm” . she get up and looked at him…at his messy look and nail mark on his chest. Seeing that her heart ached and she closed her eyes in pain and collecting her all courage she said “yo…you…you..sss…iiissstttiilll….lllaaa…lllove…Rrrraaaa…. Ragini di”
As her eyes met with him she instantly looked down…vansh said in a cold voice ” none of your business…I love her or not”

Ridhima closed her eyes and said: it… my business…be…coz I …I…am yuu…your wife…for ..for….the…world…it….it’s a di…different thing..that yo…u don’t con…consider …me your…wife…

She said all this with so much courage and with fear too…fear of facing his anger…vansh looked at her and said ” if in case I have affair with her then what you will do…nothing…you can’t do anything…..”

Ridhima looked at him with pain full eyes and said closing her eyes ” I…I…will…I will…divorce you…”
Vansh temperature raised and pulling her with waist to himself and said with dangerous tone ” fit one thing in your mind you can’t go away from me at any cost either you want or not….but have to stay with me…you can’t go away from me until unless either your or mine breath will stop…..”

Ridhima: tha….then kaa…kill me….beee bee…because I…I…cann’t iiss….stay like…like this.

Vansh: I am not cheating on you and you don’t have to be insecure about this…and if you try to escape with this excuse then you can’t escape…you have any other problem then tell me…

Ridhima: I….I…can’t stay in these four walls…I…I…feel suffocated here…

Vansh thought for some time and said ” if tried to become over smart then ready to face me….you can out but will not talk to Kabeer”

Ridhima nodded in positive….saying this he went to the bathroom and after changing he went out and came with a food plate…vansh ” have it”

Ridhima: I….I…don’t ..I don’t want it.

Vansh: why so?

Ridhima: I..I am no.t…

Vansh: marna h kya? Kl se kuch nhi khaya as I was not at the house…

Ridhima: do..n’t wo.r.ry I…I..k.n.ow m.ust be busy in…in…your IMPORTANT work…

Vansh: yeah!! I was busy…

Ridhima: can…can you tell me…in which meeting…you…you.. were busy…

Vansh: who told you that I was in a meeting…

Ridhima: ek…exc…except… for office what other things can..can. be important to youuu…

Vansh: there is….and what happen to you and why are you asking so many questions to me…I told you work was important then accept it.

Ridhima in mind : yeah!! I know hooking with your brother’s wife was important for you….cheating on your wife is important for you…

Vansh: are you going to eat or should I make you eat with my hands.

Ridhima waved her head left and right saying No…she started eating.Day passed like this and Riansh were sleeping at night….it was something 2:40 or 2:50, when Vansh heard the sound of crying…he switched on the light and saw that Ridhima was curled and crying clutching her stomach. He ran to her patted her cheek ” Ridhima…Ridhima…what happened” he was worried as she was crying rolling here and there without opening eyes…then his eyes falls on the mattress which was red… covered with blood….

Vansh was horrified ” blood…what happened …is someone hurted her ” he cupped her face and said ” Ridhima look at him what happened tell me…i will not leave that person…tell me…..wait let me call the doctor first” he was about to go when she clutched his hand and he looked at her…” Don’t worry I am calling the doctor…nothing will happen to you…I am here na….”

Ridhima opened her mouth with difficulty ” take…meee.ttooo theee…bathroom”

Vansh wiped her tears and said, ” you need doctor ridhima…see how much blood is lost…”

Ridhima: no… hurted me…it’s…it’s my period….don’t know why this time so much pain…and flow.

Vansh: relax…I will take you…but you need a doctor then too…first let me call me doctor then you can change your dress…

Ridhima: I have pain medicine…

Vansh took her in his arm and his white shirt became red…..he made her sit on the side of the bathtub…due to pain she was not even able to stand….she tried but can’t. vansh ” if you are not able to do then don’t do…it will give you pain… sit here only  and you use hand shower…”

Ridhima: but…but…it… it is away from me here…

Vansh: wait

He goes out and brought the chair. Keeping the chair near the tap, he made her sit there. Vansh” you take shower and call me when you will be done…” She nodded and he went out not before removing his shirt.

Ridhima took the shower but didn’t call vansh when he found it late then he knocked on the door…” Ridhima are you okay!! “

Ridhima: hmm

Vansh: did you need any help…

Ridhima: wo…wo mai…wo…

Vansh: what happened?

Ridhima: I forgot to bring my clothes…

Vansh: wait I am giving you…

He went to her beg and searched ” Ridhima kya Pahano gi”

Ridhima:… can give me anything…

Vansh: hmm!!! mujhe pairing smjh nhi aa rhi.

Ridhima: give… m.e an.y.. black one…

Vansh: there are many black….are you want blacktop or suit…or Saree ….

Ridhima: arree bl.a.ckt.op.. and… lower…

Vansh: but there is not any black lower…only uppers are

Ridhima: check in another bag…

Vansh: what is this ridhima….you don’t know how to keep clothes…who keeps things like this..uppers in one bag and buttoms in another…you can’t keep them in pair….

Ridhima didn’t say anything and vansh again said ” I am not getting your clothes ….take my bathroom and come out…”

He handed his bathrobe to her…Ridhima ” wo…wo…I need pad…”

Vansh: which pad and where it is…

Ridhima: sanitary pad that girls use…

Vansh: tell me where it is…

Ridhima: my all pads are finished…

Vansh: then…from where I can get this…

Ridhima: any chemist shop…

Vansh: take this towel and wrap it…I am coming.

He goes to out to buy the pad but all the nearby shops were close as it was night…then a thing clicked in his mind that Ragini is also a girl s must he havee…he again came back with full speed….without thinking once he knocked her door and luckily she only came to open the door not Kabeer…seeing him in front of her room she was surprised and asked what happened…

Vansh: do you have pad?

Ragini: what??

Vansh with an irritated face ” sanitary pad…do you have or not…if yes then give me..if not then tell me I should check somewhere else…”

Ragini: you are asking this from your girlfriend…
She traced finger on his face…

Vansh jerked her hand and said ” no!! I am asking this from my ex because my wife…present wife is waiting for me…so please do the honour of telling me “

Ragini: yesterday you were…

Vansh angrily said ” what…yesterday I was…I just took your help to go in the Guest room that’s it so that I should not pour out my anger in my room…”

She went inside ” give me two-three extra…I will pay for that” she came out and handed the whole pack and said, ” seems like you forgot our live but I still love you…”

Vansh: really…then what is this ( pointing to love bite) I don’t think so Kabeer forced you….

He goes to their room and handed the pads to her and then taking her in his arms he brought her out of the room….he made her sit on the bed and gave her bag of clothes…she took out and as she tried to stand up she again hissed in pain…

Vansh: wait!!!

He went to her and helped her in standing…” Take my support…I will close my eyes and will tie (taking her duptta) with it…” She knew that he will not going to take her advantage if he wanted then he must be continued that day…yeah he is arrogant and haughty but not characterless….he placed her clothes on his shoulder so that she don’t have to take so much efforts and place his hands on her waist while she holded his one hand and removed bathrobe with other….soon changed her clothes…

Vansh made her sit there and asked her to take her medicine…” You sleep on this side of the bed and I will sleep that side “

Ridhima:wo…wo I will manage there only…

Vansh: shut up that mattress is spoiled…what is the problem with sleeping on the bed….

Ridhima: What if your bed spoiled too…

Vansh: for that, you don’t have to worry…you lie down.

She laid down but her stomach was aching….vansh saw that and asked ” what happen? should I call the doctor….and what is your problem why are you not consulting to doctor…”

Ridhima: I…I will…I will go tomorrow….
She said with so much difficulty….
Vansh took his phone and searched about the remedy and then went out….came with masala tea and water bottle… ” drink it and apply it on your stomach….there was not any hot bag so I filled warm water in this bottle…it has no harm I have checked… “

Ridhima looked at him dreamily as today he was healing her pain instead of giving….but said nothing as she knew there was no use of argument….vansh ” first drink tea then use it otherwise tea will have no effect on your ache…” Ridhima started shipping and she was making sounds while drinking which was irritating vansh ” Ridhima why are you making these weird sounds…can’t you drink quietly ” Ridhima gulped all tea in one go only…and started rolling bottle her stomach…..

In the morning at 6 O’clock, vansh opened his eyes and he turned his face to ridhima’s side and rolled down from the bed as Ridhima was staring at him…..vansh was panting heavily ” what?? Why are you staring at me like….aren’t you sleeping”

Ridhima: your…your this bed…this bed is too soft and I am…I am not habitual of these..these luxurious things..
Saying this she looked down and continued ” so…so I am not able to sleep”

Vansh: how is your pain now…

Ridhima: it… good.

Vansh: aao brush krlete hai…..then I will bring breakfast for us…

Ridhima:you…you…you…you don’t have to worry for that I will do it…(keep looking down)

Vansh: I am not asking from you…..

Saying this he took her to the bathroom and after getting fresh…again he placed her on the bed then went out and ordered workers to remove the mattress from there and made breakfast for both…then moved to the room. Ragini felt jealous after seeing this and went in the room with anger.

Both were eating silently…Ridhima was glancing at him secretly and she shivered when he caught her….asked ” why are you staring at me again….”

Ridhima: wo…wo I…I…I want to ask…who made this food….

Vansh: why you don’t like this food.

Ridhima: no…no…i was just asking…

Vansh: Tell me how is this.

Ridhima: it…it is God but…

Vansh: but..

Ridhima: I don’t like pea…and there is so much pea

Vansh: who is forcing you to eat them…keep them aside…

Ridhima: wo..wo I said because cook new that I don’t like pea…so he always made my food without them…

Vansh: I made this food…do you have any problem.

Ridhima gulped in fear as indirectly she defamed his cooking: no…no…it’s awesome…I will them also…

Vansh: I am not saying that you should them…keep them aside and finish eating…

Both finished food and vansh asked ” where is your other beg in which your new casuals ” Ridhima looked at him with fear ” is he going to through me out as I said he put so much pea in food….or because of the night…”

Ridhima: what…what…happened?

Vansh: get ready we are going to the doctor…

She nodded and he left her in the bathroom and then again helped her like night…then they went to the doctor…In the doctor’s cabin, the doctor asked vansh to go out then she talked with Ridhima…Doctor called vansh and asked Ridhima to go out in which vansh helped her…

Doctor: Mr. Raisinghania your wife is taking lots of stress and pressure…and even she is depressed…she lost the ability to express her emotion….she is recessive and introvert but at least you can become friendly to her…otherwise she going to become mentally unstable if she keep taking this much stress….she need to pour out her emotion and I don’t think so for that any one is better then her husband….you need to take care of her otherwise you going to lose…yes you will lose her because she have suicidal thoughts…

Vansh felt a wave of fear listening to her.He can’t lose his wife at any cost…in morning also he saw a dream where she left him…then she asked about divorce and now this doctor……Vansh remembered how she many time asked him to kill her…vansh “I will take care of this and what about her stomach ache…”

Doctor: stress only  triggered her flow and stomach aching…she too weak…try to interact her more…keep her emotions out she is feeling suffocate…take her out on a dates and crowdy area so that she can easily distract her mind and don’t pressurize… I know each husband and wife have problems but try to solve them by talking and giving time to each other….she needs your time and love only these things can mend her condition….otherwise sorry!!! because now she only thing what if she committed…

Vansh: no!!! No I will take care of her…tell me what more I can do for her…she can’t go away from me…

Doctor: daily take her out and talk to her…. and try to understand her feeling and emotions…keep on thing then she shall not stress herself….she should express her self freely….

Vansh: I will do that!!!

Doctor: take these medicines and if she needed me then call me…

They came out of the hospital….In-car vansh tried to talk to her but as usual, she was just replying to him not talking by keeping her emotions inside her…He stopped the car in front of a big mall…


Ridhima: why we are here…

Vansh: for shopping…

Ridhima: you go…I will shit in the car as I can’t walk too much (looked down and got ready to hear his angry voice)

But the surprise to her, he didn’t say anything and took her in his arms…she was looking at his face with unknown emotions…they went to the common store and he made her sit on the chair…he asked sale’s man to show her clothes to her…..they started showing Ridhima after looking at price tag she reject them..

Vansh: tumhe inme se koi psnd nhi aya…

Ridhima waved her head left and right like a child…” What need of buying clothes…I have”

Vansh pointed to some gowns and asked them to pack them…Ridhima ” they are too much costly”

Vansh: I am paying nah!!!

Ridhima: but I can’t wear those clothes which I can’t afford to buy…

Vansh: keep them as my gift…

Ridhima: I can’t take gifts from the person whom I can’t give anything…

Vansh: I am not any person damn it….I am your husband…now no more argument. (This time his voice was a little much high so she got scared and kept her mouth shut)

Then he asked for his clothes….He was trying his dress and asking her for her choice…she was saying the same for each one that was “nice” He got irritated with it but said nothing about her behaviour….Then went to the cosmetic store…..

Vansh: don’t worry about money…..choose things those you want…you can pay me later

She nodded and he waited for her to start giving orders….she was looking at things and then said ” I have all the things…”

Vansh: check nah…somethjng must be new and you desired…

She nodded in no. Vansh” give her  dark shades of lip colour ” Ridhima shockingly looked at him ” they suits on you…and dresses those I gifted you will need like this shades only”  girl showed the box of lipstick and vansh choose for her….” Show some neckpiece and earrings “. They did shopping like this then went to food…vansh ” what you want to eat…”

Ridhima: I don’t know what is the menu here…

He asked the waiter to give her the menu and she looked at all dishes….all were too costly and foreign for her…she looked at which was containing lost price that was 500 Rs. When she read the name…it was water….she looked she ordered that has a second low price even though she didn’t know what she was ordering but she ordered….soon their order was delivered Ridhima’s order was containing ” juice ” that worst in taste but she was drinking…vansh’s order was containing Chinese and he was loving eating…

Ridhima was looking at him and when he saw her then she again started drinking his not so good juice…vansh taking his chair went to her and said ” eat” and offered chopstick….she denied it but he said eat then she had to…

Ridhima: I don’t know how to hold them…

Vansh told her but she wasn’t able…”Wait” he called a waiter and asked for a fork…then started eating with their tools….they came back home in the evening…..

In night…

Vansh: dawa khaki

On which ridhima nodded…Ridhima ” want to use bathroom….” He came to her and tried to pick her but she refused only asked her to support she will walk….he waited for her outside the door…she came out again he helped her…her legs were little shaking…vansh ” what happened….is any problem should I call the doctor…”

Ridhima: no!! Just waist and legs are paining…… You sleep you already tire by taking me in your arms….they must be paining nah…

Vansh: nhi!!! Tell me if your legs paining a lot…

Ridhima: no!!!

Vansh went to her side and kept her legs on the bed. Ridhima ” you can’t touch them….”

Vansh: I can…tell which part is aching.

Ridhima: that bulging part after knees…

Vans touched that part…she hissed in pain..vansh ” can I slide your gown up to knees….” Ridhima looked at him for a while and remember how he helped her in the night….when her dirty blood coloured his shirt he didn’t feel disgusted about that and was even concerned about her…how he whole day roamed taking her in his arm without complaining once…even today he didn’t yell at her…yes he is authoritative and dominating…but she enjoyed her caring nature…..someone this for her for the first time….she was in relationship with kabeer but he never did anything like this….her hurt is overwhelmed with his gesture today…she knew about his mood swing and his bipolar nature….Ridhima ” but how can you”

Vansh said with so much concern and intensity “just allow me Ridhima…”

She wasn’t able to say “no!!”. He brought the oil and asked her to lay down with the help of stomach….then sliding her gown up to her knees, poured oil on them as his finger touched her skin a shiver ran in both bodies….feeling his touch with concern made her close her eyes and curl his toes and fingers….her body was melting with each passing time…she clutched the bedsheet tightly….

Leaving the bed vansh went to switch bore and switched off all the light…

When Ridhima didn’t feel his touch then she opened her eyes saw dark all around ” vansh…what happen”

Vansh: nothing I made light off so that I can give massage to your waist too…will you allow me…

Ridhima get up turning her side and switched on the lamp that was placed near them…” Are you giving me the opportunity to choose then I am denying for it…”

Vansh: when I gave you pain, you never denied.Today I want to heal your pain…. give me a chance….

Ridhima: but why today you are becoming medicine to my pain…

Vansh goes to her face and said ” I gave you pain but now I want to heal you ….heal you with my love….with my respect…..can be live a moment where
We will stay like actual husband and wife…with love and truth….leaving all the things behind…in a world where we can express ourselves freely….where you have me to share things and have my shoulder for caring….”

Ridhima: I don’t want it if it for a moment….I don’t want to live in any dreamworld when I know  that in the morning nothing going to stay like this….I don’t want to see the dreams of those things which are not meant for me….I don’t want any bad habit….I just don’t want any imaginary world….I don’t want all this…”

Vansh: I know I hurt you to the core… I am not saying forgive me but want a chance where I can heal you… can punish me…..

Ridhima: vansh everything can’t work according to you whenever you want to come and hurt me and then love me….
Tears falls from her eyes….yes she expressed herself and cried….went out her pain and heart……she was sobbing heavily with hiccups……she was crying today.

Vansh cupped her face ” I know I was blind…jerk and animal….that is why I am saying don’t forgive me I don’t deserve…….punish me and make my life hell the way I made……(in mind : then leave me….and free yourself from a person like me…” He wiped her tears and kissed her forehead…..

She was just crying because her tears are falling after so many saying she is feeling light and relaxed in his arms…..

Ridhima: how much I tried to mend things between us but you never appreciated them….why are you like this…..
She started hitting his chest with her small hands….
” you made me emotionless….vansh I did wrong with you….you don’t know how much I loved you and accepted you as you are…then why…vansh why…”

He was quietly listening to her…and she was crying resting her head near his heart, he was wrapping arms around her and in between she hitting him and complaining him.

Ridhima” why you want to take revenge on me…”

Vansh : I wanted to take revenge but not now….tell me did you reject viyom’s proposal and he committed to suicide for this…

Ridhima: I never knew that he will commit suicide….Yes, I rejected her proposal because I never loved him not because of his poverty….(sobbing) everyone says that I rejected his proposal because he was poor……but it is…

Vansh: but it is not true….I know I trust you….I have seen it today…

Ridhima asked like a kid ” you trust me vansh….” Started crying…

Vansh: yes!! I trust you Ridhima….you can’t harm anyone….I came to know by living with you….

Ridhima: I rejected his proposal because I

Vansh: because you don’t love him….you don’t have to explain anything to me….

Vansh’s thoughts were broken as he received someone’s call…

Vansh: hello Angre!!! How are you?

Angre: I am good….when will you come back…I can’t manage so many things alone…

Vansh: you are not alone my love …..sweetheart is with you…are you taking care of her….

Angre: yeah! I am taking care of her…..Ridhu helping me a lot…..and even she going to start her company…

Vansh: that’s good…she is going to stand on her feet…

Angre: she use to miss you but when you love her so much then why are you away from her….why are you not telling her truth….she also loves you and you both can happily live

Vansh: every ending can’t be happily ending Angre…. Ask her to move on and get married to a good guy….

Angre: Any good can never love her the way you can….she always avoid this topic….

Ridhima: Bhai with whom are you busy…

Angre: my friend cum brother!!!

Ridhima: you both most of the time busy with each other…..why don’t you call him here so that your phone can rest for some time…..

Angre: he doesn’t want….

Ridhima: listening to this from three years….leave I am going to the office…

She went out and said bye to them…..vansh was happy to listen to her happy voice…

Ridhima was living with Angre….she don’t know that vansh sent him to help her and keep her safe….Angre is managing Vansh company secretly from ridhima….earlier Ridhima was working in his company….she thought to stay single because she doesn’t need any man in her life for living her live happily after what vansh did to her….

The post Love that feel right #Riansh (immj2) part 3 appeared first on Telly Updates.

11/05/2021 08:11:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments