Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Love story – Episode 4 (Kartik learns the truth)


hi friends!!.here is the next episode 😘..

Naksh brings Keerthi to hospital and admits her…

Naksh: doctor..please save her soon. Sh..she is injured by bullet.. kindly save her please.

Doctor: please don’t panic..we will examine her and let you know.Kindly wait for sometime please..

Naksh:sure doctor.

Doctor takes Keerthi in while naksh waits outside and decides something..

Naksh in mind:Manish uncle is my Papa’s friend..so I’ll better call my papa and ask him to inform it to Manish uncle.

Naksh calls naitik and tells everything and cuts the call and waits..

Later Manish, suwarna and kartik rush there..

Manish:naksh beta..where is Keerthi now?

Naksh:uncle..she is taken inside icu. Doctors asked me to wait outside as they want to examine her.

Suwarna cries..

Suwarna:ohh my godd..why krishnaji is punishing our innocent daughter?

Kartik consoles suwarna..

Kartik:maa.. don’t cry. Keerthi will get fine soon..i know my sister is a fighter. So nothing will happen to her..

Manish:naksh beta..did you see who tried to kill Keerthi?

Naksh:no uncle.. actually we were dancing so i couldn’t notice suddenly. Once he shot Keerthi..i hurriedly brought her to hospital so i couldn’t notice him.

Manish gets angry..

Manish:who the hell is he?i don’t know what enemity he has with Keerthi..i wont spare him once i catch him red handed.

Kartik:papa.. don’t worry..we will find who that person through  the cctv camera in the club.

Manish:yeah..kartik and naksh you both do that work okay?

Naksh/kartik:sure uncle/dad.


Tina enters the same hospital and messages Niel..

Tina messages:”bhai..i came to city hospital for getting my reports which was scanned yesterday. And i will donate my blood this year too like last year..so don’t worry about me. I will go to college by myself after i finish the work here so you go and do your work nicely. Bye my lovely brother”

Tina goes towards the donation area and..

Tina:excuse me..

The nurse turns towards Tina and..

Nurse:yes..what do you want?

Tina notices nurse lips and understands it..

Tina: actually i want to donate my blood..so..

Nurse:then go to the nearby ward and give your blood. And before giving your blood..please mention your blood group.

Tina notices nurse lips and understands it..


Tina goes to nearby ward and gives her blood and..

Tina:sister..where should i collect my reports of my ear scan which i have taken yesterday?

Nurse:please go near icu and you will find a scanning room and there you can collect your reports.

Tina notices her lips and understands it..

Tina:ok sister.

Tina goes towards icu..


Doctor comes out from icu tensed shocking everyone..

Manish: doctor.. please tell me whether my daughter is fine or not?i hope you have made her fine.

Doctor gets sad..

Doctor:sir.. actually she is safe from danger as she have brought immediately and iam really great ful to that person.

Everyone looks naksh and Manish hugs naksh emotionally..

Manish:thank you so much beta.

And kartik too hugs naksh..

Kartik:i don’t know how to thank you naksh for saving my sister..thank you so much.

Naksh:arrey..what’s this?it’s my duty to save a person when that person is in danger right and that’s why i did it. I don’t need your thanks as i think you all as my family too like my father.

Manish gets emotional..

Manish:my friendship with naitik is great and that’s why i made Keerthi work under you though her fiance aditya is having a company.

Something strikes on naksh’s mind on hearing Aditya’s name..

Naksh in mind:aditya is my big rivalry and too he hates me. Would he tried to harm Keerthi on seeing me dancing with keerthi?I’ll ask him..

Naksh:ok.. don’t get emotional uncle then you will lose all your energy nowatself before seeing your daughter.

Everyone smiles while doctor gets serious..

Doctor:but there is one complication.

Everyone gets tensed hearing it..

Manish:now only you told that she is out of danger then what now?

Doctor:sir.. actually she lost more blood and she needs blood immediately orelse she will slip into danger. If anyone have b+ then please come and give your blood..

Everyone gets shocked hearing this while suwarna cries more..

Suwarna:for how long will my daughter suffer?why is god doing injustice with her??

Kartik hugs suwarna and..

Kartik:maa don’t get sad..Keerthi just needs blood so we will give her blood. Then she will get fine.

Suwarna wipes her tears and..

Suwarna:then i will give my blood to my daughter.

Doctor:then come with me madam..

Suddenly a nurse boy comes to the doctor..

Nurse: doctor.. someone have donated b+ blood now. So you can use that blood to save the patient.

Doctor gets relieved..

Doctor:thank god..i was sad that our hospital dint had b+ blood but somehow we got. Who donated the blood now?

Nurse boy:a girl named Tina khanna.

Kartik gets shocked hearing it..

Kartik in mind:is she donated the blood or is it some other Tina khanna?

Doctor:fine..you can go now.

Nurse boy goes while doctor asks everyone to wait outside and he goes inside to transfer the blood to Keerthi while kartik gets engaged in thoughts..

Kartik in mind:if it was the same Tina khanna..then i should thank her though she donated formally.

Kartik:papa..just a minute, i will go to receptionist and come.


Naksh thinks..

Naksh:now keerthi will get fine i think..let me go and confront aditya in this time.

Naksh:uncle..i have an important meeting so I’ll go and attend and come.i will come and visit Keerthi at evening..

Manish:sure beta..once again thank you so much for saving our daughter.

Naksh:it’s okay uncle.

Naksh too goes from there..


kartik is walking away from icu and suddenly he hits a girl and both of them falls on each other..

She is none other than Tina and both looks each other..

They break their eyelock and they standup and..

Tina:sir..i..iam sorry.

Kartik:it’s okay.. actually i was coming to meet you only.

Tina looks his lips and understands it..

Tina:sir?but how do you know me that iam here?

Kartik: actually i knew it from a nurse boy. I was doubtful whether it was you but now i confirmed it that it’s only you who have donated blood.

Tina notices his lips and understands it..

Tina:yes..sir i only donated blood. It’s my duty to help people’s by donating blood and so i donate my blood every year and this year too i donated.

Kartik smiles hearing it…

Kartik: actually this year..you have saved my sister. And that’s why i want personally meet you and thank you for it

Tina looks at his lips and understands it and gets shocked..

Tina:your sister?

Kartik:yes..she was suddenly shot by some guy and lost more blood and so they are transferring your blood only to save her. Thank you so much for your kind work.

Tina looks his lips and understands it and gets sad..

Tina:it’s okay sir. And iam sure she will be fine soon and please tell her that i wished her for recovery.


Suddenly a  doctor comes there and touches Tina’s shoulder and she turns back..

Doctor:miss Tina khanna..

Tina looks at her lips and understands it.

Tina:yes.. doctor.

Doctor gives the reports to her and..

Doctor:ask your father or brother to call me because i want to personally speak to them.

Tina looks at her lips and understands it.

Tina:ok doctor.

Tina goes from there while kartik gets confused..

Kartik in mind:what’s the report?

Kartik: doctor..what’s the report that Tina got now?

Doctor:do you have relation with her?

Kartik:no..but iam her professor and i doubt her actions. She behaves strange mostly nd that’s why..

Doctor:ohh ok.i will tell you her secret but don’t tell it outside because i promised her brother.

Kartik:ok doctor.

Doctor:she is deaf…

Kartik gets shocked hearing this and steps aback due to shock..

Kartik:b..bu..but h..how is she replying when we look at her face?

Doctor:she can read everyone’s lip movement and understand.

Kartik recalls how Tina only replies looking at his face and gets sad..

Kartik in mind:that means..Tina is deaf. Ohh my godd..

Kartik: can’t she able to hear again?

Doctor:she can..but she is adamant to do surgery.if she does surgery then there are 80% probability of getting her hearing power but she is scared of surgery so she is refusing.

Kartik sadly: why are her parents not encouraging her to do surgery?

Doctor: if Tina gets feared then she will suffer from asthma attack so they left her to her wish.now they believe only in god to give her hearing ability..

Kartik gets shocked more and unknown tears fall from his eyes..

Later he wipes his tears and..

Kartik:ok thank you for informing me doctor. I promise i will never tell this matter to anyone..


Doctor goes away while kartik still stands sad and shocked..
Kartik in mind:she is such a nice girl but why did god do injustice with her?


A guy named Aly comes in front of twinkle and slaps her..

Aly:what do you think yourself? what’s your relation with Soumya?she was my maid..so i shouted her as i have rights but who the hell are you to make her run away?

Twinkle gets scared at his voice and stumbles..

Twinkle:ac.. actually..i..i helped her to run away as she told that you all are kidnappers and that’s why i helped.i never knew that she worked under you..i..iam really sorry.

Aly holds twinkle’s hair in anger making her pain and shouts..

Aly:you did wrong by helping her without asking me..so you should bear the punishment for it.

Twinkle gets scared and cries..

Twinkle:please.. leave me. Iam really sorry.

Aly:i don’t have habit of forgiving..so you have to know the punishment of mistakes now.

Aly forcefully takes her from there and he makes her sit in the car and drives somewhere..

After sometime they reach a house and Aly makes her stand before lord and..

Aly: now i will make you sit in the place of Soumya..you have to work here from today. And i will give you such a hard works that you will regret for your mistakes for your whole life.

Twinkle cries..

Twinkle:noo.. please.

Aly:and to watch Soumya..i appointed 15 guards but it went useless and now to protect you from escaping.. i have decided something where you can’t escape at all.

Twinkle looks worriedly at Aly..

Aly:i will marry you and will keep you as maid so that you won’t escape.even if you try to escape then people will taunt you..so this is my idea.

Twinkle gets shocked..

Twinkle shouts:no.. please don’t do that.

Aly:iam sorry..it’s your punishment for your mistake. So bear it..

Aly takes sindoor and comes in front of twinkle while twinkle cries…


Aly:your tears have no use so stop crying.

Twinkle feels heartbroken and closes her eyes seeing Aly near her and Aly fills twinkle’s maang shocking twinkle..


Niel is sitting in police station and he reads Tina’s message..

Niel in mind:i purposely dint go near Tina as she will ask me to drop her.i want her to become independent and fearless girl..hope she becomes like that.

Suddenly Avni runs inside police station hurriedly..

Avni: inspector.. inspector..

Niel gets shocked hearing her voice..

Niel:i feel familiar voice..who is it?

Niel goes out and sees Avni and gets shocked..


Avni sees Neil and comes to him..

Avni:hi Niel..

Niel:hi.. what’s the matter?

Avni worriedly: actually twinkle’s professor called me and told that twinkle is missing in hostel too.

Niel gets shocked..

Niel:what?where did she go?

Avni:even her phone is off..

Niel gets worried..

Niel: ohh noo.. is something danger for twinkle?

Avni:maybe..iam scared.

Niel:i wont let anything happen to my twinkle..I’ll go mumbai today atself and check.

Avni:i will also accompany you..

Niel:sure..then we will go today afternoon. Get ready and come and stand here and i will pick you in my Jeep.


Avni leaves from there while gets engaged in thoughts of twinkle and he worries..

Niel in mind:krishnaji.. please make everything fine. Please keep my twinkle safe..


Sirat and akshara are in the club..

Sirat:maa..why dint naksh bhai dint come yet?iam standing in this position because of my bhai only but he is not there to see my 1st match..

Akshara:sirat beta.. actually i forgot to inform you something.

Sirat gets worried..

Sirat:what’s it maa?

Akshara: actually naksh wont come today as he is in hospital for a purpose and i will tell the complete matter once you finish this match okay?but you should give naksh a beautiful suprise by winning this match..

Sirat hugs akshara and..

Sirat:sure maa..i know my bhai wont do anything without a reason. So i will make my bhai happy by winning this match.

Akshara smiles..

An announcement is made and sirat hugs akshara..

Sirat:maa..it’s time to go on stage and so bless me.

Akshara blesses sirat and she goes near dias..


Surekha:Ranveer..come lets go to boxing match.

Ranveer makes a face..

Ranveer:mom..i know you like to watch boxing but that doesn’t mean you should go and watch in live right?so watch it from tv atself.

Surekha:i know you get 1sr rank in laziness..so just shut up and come with me without being lazy. This boxing match happens rarely in Udaipur so i wont miss the chance.

Ranveer:ohh my mummy..you are too bad.

Surekha:yes..iam bad.so don’t waste my time..just come with me.i may find a beautiful girl in that boxing match also.

Ranveer gets shocked..

Ranveer:what?are you trying to get me married to a boxer?no way..i cant get punches for whole life.already girls are impossible then if i marry a boxer then i will become mad only.

Surekha laughs..

Surekha: don’t worry I will gift you a shield as a wedding gift so that you safe yourself when she punches. And i will see match live for free because of my boxer bahu.

Ranveer makes a face..

Ranveer: selfish mom..

Surekha:i accept that iam little selfish..fine come now.i don’t want to waste more time now.

Ranveer: ok..I’ll come for you but if i feel boring then I’ll return.

Ranveer takes surekha to boxing stadium and they enter and suddenly Ranveer’s phone rings..

Ranveer: mom.you go inside and i will come after attending the call.


Surekha goes inside while Ranveer attends the call and later enters the stadium in wrong direction..

Ranveer in mind:why this path is dark?did i enter in wrong way?
He turns to go out but suddenly stops hearing a laughing sound.

Voice:today iam going to be the winner..no one can stop me. I know iam cheating but it’s fair in boxing.

Ranveer gets shocked hearing this..

Ranveer in mind:who is this?is this lady going to cheat and win?no..i wont let anyone cheat and win.

Ranveer goes to the area where the voice came and sees a women putting stones inside boxing gloves and gets shocked..

Ranveer in mind:oohhh my godd.. this lady is putting stones in her boxing gloves. If she hits the opponent like this then…no i wont let her to cheat and win.

Ranveer was about to call but the lady goes from there to stage which shocks Ranveer..

Ranveer: ohh nooo..now what will i do to stop this match.

An announcement is made..

Announcement:miss sirat Singhania and miss. Loisel Raichand please come on stage.

Everyone cheers for them and they go to stage facing each other while loisel smirks seeing sirat..

Loisel in mind:no one can stop me from winning..even Mary Kom will lose in front of me.

Ranveer goes to the audience area and gets shocked seeing sirat and recalls their first meet..

Ranveer in mind:so my first crush is boxer. But how will i stop this match because i don’t want my crush to get hurt.

Suddenly the boxing match starts shocking Ranveer..

Ranveer in mind:ohh noo..

Akshara cheers for sirat loudly..

Akshara:sirat..you can do. Common win this match..

Suddenly loisel starts attacking sirat in her face forcefully and due to the stones inside her gloves sirat feels pain and blood starts oozing from her face..

Sirat in mind:why is this girl’s hand is like stones?i should somehow defend.

Sirat tries to defend but the power of stones make sirat weak and she falls down..

Loisel smiles while akshara gets shocked and cries..

Akshara:siraaaaatttt…no.. don’t lose courage. Please wake up..

Ranveer gets worried..

Ranveer in mind:ohh godd..now what shall i do?i know that fool is cheating that’s why she have fallen down.lord..please make my crush win somehow.

Sirat doesn’t wake up and the referee starts counting..


Akshara shouts:sirat common wake up soon. You are a strong girl na..so common.

Sirat hears her and she gets up slowly which shocks loisel..

Loisel on mind:what the hell?i have hit her hard but though she woke up..now i won’t leave her.i will bang her hard so that she won’t wake up..

Loisel goes and hits sirat hard on nose which makes sirat cry..

Sirat in pain:maa..

Ranveer gets angry seeing this and he goes in middle of the stage and shouts at loisel..

Ranveer:just stop it now..you have crossed your limits.

Sirat looks suprised at Ranveer while referee comes and tries to chase Ranveer..

Referee: excuse mister..it’s boxing. So it’s common to get hurt. I think this (pointing towards sirat) girl is weak and that’s why she got hurt soon.

Ranveer holds referee’s collar shocking everyone..

Ranveer:iam not here to support this girl (sirat) but to support justice.

Everyone gets shocked..

Referee:what do you mean?

Ranveer: if someone puts stones in the boxing gloves and if they punch the opponent then what is that called?

Loisel gets shocked hearing this and she fears..

Loisel in mind:did this man came to know my truth?..ohh god..please save me.

Referee:that is called cheating.

Ranveer: that is what happened now. And that’s why i shouted..so stop this match right now.

Everyone gets shocked hearing this while sirat gets angry..

Sirat in mind:ohh..that’s why i felt like stone’s hitting me when loisel punched me.now i wont spare that idiot..I’ll show who is sirat.

Loisel:n..no.. this man is lying.

Ranveer:then open your gloves and show it before the audience if you dint put stones inside.

Loisel gets scared..

Loisel stumbles:w..wh..why should i obey you?

Sirat comes to Ranveer and..

Sirat: kindly you can go now. I will handle this girl..


Sirat:just go now. I know how to teach a lesson to the girls like her.

Ranveer hesitantly goes but still he is scared..

Ranveer in mind:ohh god..why did my crush agreed to fight with her without making her remove stones.krishnaji..please don’t hurt her and please make her win.

Sirat angrily:lets start the match.

Loisel sees sirat angry and fears..

Loisel in mind:why is she looking danger to me?

Referee asks them to start the match and they start boxing..

Sirat punches loisel’s face angrily and loisel falls down..


Referee raises sirat’s hand and declares her as winner.

Everyone cheers for sirat while Ranveer smiles looking at sirat..

Ranveer in mind:so your anger gave you the power. What a girl you are!.

Then Ranveer runs immediately to stage and removes loisel’s gloves and pours every stones down from the gloves which shocks everyone.

Everyone gossips:what the cheater that loisel is..we hate her. Sirat is the real women..

Sirat feels happy hearing everyone praising and she runs and hugs Akshara..


Akshara caresses sirat’s head and..

Akshara:i know you will win for sure. But today you won because of that good guy only..so go and thank him.

Sirat immediately looks Ranveer and remembers how Ranveer was gazing at her on their first meet..

Sirat:but mom..

Akshara:if he dint tell the truth then you wouldn’t have got the courage. So just go and thank him.


Sirat comes to Ranveer while Ranveer smiles seeing sirat which makes sirat irritate..

Sirat with irritated:thank you for telling the truth.

Ranveer keeps on smiling seeing sirat and..

Ranveer:i think i no need your thanks and i just want your smile. So can you please smile.

Sirat gets angry but controls as she knees that her mother is watching so she talks silently..

Sirat angrily: excuse me..i know you have some other intention. But that will be just your dream and not your reality so just stop your stupid works and be away from me orelse i will kick you. And i told thanks for just helping and nothing beyond It..so just be away from me.

Sirat goes away angrily while Ranveer still smiles seeing sirat..

Ranveer in mind:i don’t know why.. but i couldn’t control my heart whenever i see you. And i can make everything possible..so I’ll change this dream into reality.

After sometime everyone leaves from there.


precap: sirat sees kartik hugging Tina but don’t see the face. Aly troubles twinkle. Niel carries Avni. Naksh fights with aditya.

The post Love story – Episode 4 (Kartik learns the truth) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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