Friday 5 November 2021



At night

Aryan is alone in his room. Someone knocks the door.

“ door is opened . come in.” says Aryan.

He gets surprised seeing Alia.

“ mom, what are u doing here now?” asks Aryan.

“ oh, so now as u r married, ur mother also can’t come to meet u?”asks Alia sarcastically.

“ no mom, i didn’t mean that. I know u r worried….” Alia interrupts Aryan

“ yes, I am worried about ur behaviour. What happened to u today suddenly? Why did u stop  ur father from playing?” asks Alia.

“ mom,….the game stopped because as everyone wanted to finish the ceremony early.” Says turning his back towards Alia.

“ well, then u should have replied that u were fine, so that I could have played. Why don’t u understand sweetheart? I and ur father love each other. So never do anything like what u have done today.” Saying this Alia leaves from there.

Shahana who was near the door  hears everything but Alia doesn’t observe her while leaving. Aryan gets sad as his mother wasn’t concerned about him. She was just concerned about herself. Shahana sees Aryan in tears. She feels bad for Aryan. She angrily walks away from the room. Alia is in her room. Suddenly the door bursts open.

“ hey,u? what are u doing here? And don’t u have the manners that u should knock before entering someone’s room?”shouts Alia.

“ I have manners. I will show them towards someone who deserve it.” replies Shahana.

“ how dare u talk to me like that? Just because Purab and Aryan are supporting u, u  have got the guts to talk to me in that tone.” Shouts Alia.

“ u misunderstood aunty. I was quiet until now because u always criticized me. hence, I never cared, I know how much ever I try, u can never like me. but today, my husband is in pain because of u.  your son got hurt and instead of taking care of him, u hurt him more with ur words. What sort of a mother are u?” asks Shahana.

“ what do u mean?” asks Alia acting as if she hasn’t done anything.

Shahana raises her eyebrow making Alia realize that Shahana knows her conversation with Aryan.

“ so, my son has started to complain about his own mother to his wife? Nice, finally u turned him against me.” says Alia.

“ oh no. can’t u see how much ur son loves u? he will never complain about u to anyone even if u torture him everyday. That’s because he loves u. and Aryan didn’t tell me about this. I heard ur conversation with Aryan. I was standing outside the room.” Says Shahana.

“ So, u became a stalker..” Alia gets interrupted.

“ before u complete, let me remind u, u were in my room. Mine and my husband’s room. I was just coming to my room. And I am warning u for one last time, stay away from my husband if u want to hurt him or else I will become helpless to become bad towards u. and u r someone whose past is not very good.” saying this Shahana storms out of Alia’s room.

Alia fumes in anger. Shahana goes back to her room and sees Aryan slept. She kisses on his fore head and sleeps next to him.

In kitchen

Rhea comes to refill her water bottle. While filling, Meenakshi comes there. Both of them feel awkward. Meenakshi remembers Ishaan’s question. As Rhea was about to leave Meenakshi says that she wants to speak with her to which Rhea agrees. They go to the terrace.

“ u wanted to talk to me?” asks Rhea.

“ yes. About u and Ishaan. I know as a mother I should love both my children equally. But I love Ishaan a bit more than Shashank. Probably, that’s because he was the first one to call me mom. And I have always tried to give him best, whether it’s professional or personal. So, I selected Prachi as his life partner.” Says Meenakshi shocking Rhea.

“ I thought Prachi had all the qualities to become my Ishaan’s wife. But , Prachi loved Ranbhir. Luckily, Ishaan didn’t fell in love with her. So, it was easy for him to move on. But u…, he loves u.” Meeankshi gets interrupted by Rhea.

“ I know u don’t like me…. ” Rhea gets interrupted by Meenakshi.

“ let me finish ,Rhea. I know u love my son and my son loves u. Give me one good reason why should I accept u ?” asks Meenakshi.

“ well, I know I don’t deserve Ishaan. I am nothing infront of his goodness, his conduct and everything. But I promise u I will improve. And I think I have started to improve. Example is I am ready to get punished for the crimes I have committed. I am not running away. And this change was brought in me by Ishaan, I guess for the first time in my life I decided to change myself for someone else, well, a good change, for Ishaan. I know u want me to leave Ishaan. Ishaan asked a question in the evening. Whether the princess should give up? No, the princess shouldn’t give up. I won’t give up my love. This is not because of my stubbornness. All this time, only he has been doing something for our love, and this time I want to do something. The best thing I can give Ishaan is me. so, I will never give up on him and will always stand by him. I have an answer for Ishaan’s question. It’s time for u to find answer for his question.” Saying this Rhea leaves from there.

Next day

Someone knocks on Rhea’s door. Rhea founds Prachi. Prachi gives her a dress and asks her to come down asap. Rhea gets surprised. She wears a beautiful lehenga and comes down. She comes down and gets surprised as everyone looks at her. On top of it, Prachi is dressed in a simple manner compared to Rhea,though she is the bride. Rhea moves towards Pragya.

“ Mom, what’s happening?” asks Rhea.

Before Pragya could answer Meenakshi interrupts.

“ I have fixed my son’s alliance.” Declares Meenakshi.

“ what?” asks Rhea shocked looking at Ishaan who is avoiding eye contact with Rhea.

“ did Ishaan agree?” asks Rhea.

“ well, he is my son. Ofcourse, he agreed.” Says Meenakshi.

Rhea fiercely moves towards Ishaan who is still trying to avoid Rhea.

“ u said that u never gonna give up on me. u asked a question yesterday, whether the princess should give up or not? No, the princess won’t give up on her love. I am never gonna give up on my love. I will never leave u. is that clear?” shouts Rhea.

“ tell me u are not lying, if u are lying then u are a dog.” Says Ishaan surprising Rhea.

Everyone bursts into laugh.

“ what’s going on?” asks a confused Rhea.

“ u heard me right. I selected a bride for my son. But ask him who is the bride?” says Meenakshi.

Rhea looks at Ishaan. Ishaan takes out a ring from his pocket and sits on his knees.

“ will u be my bride?” asks Ishaan.

Rhea gets emotional and surprised. She looks at everyone who are clapping and asking her to accept. She accepts. Ishaan puts the ring to her finger and they hug each other. Meenakshi comes to Rhea.

“after talking to u, I realized that u really love my son and u will never betray him. I am sorry that I realized it late. I whole-heartedly accept u as my to be daughter-in-law.” Says Meenakshi.

Rhea hugs her and thanks her. Ishaan and Rhea take everyone’s blessings.

After some time

At hospital

Shahana’s pov

“ I know what I am thinking is quite…..unacceptable. but I don’t know I have a feeling that Aryan is not Alia aunty’s son. This DNA test will prove everything.”

Shahana remembers how she had collected Purab’s ,Alia’s, Disha’s and Aryan’s hair samples. She decided to check all the three  samples with Aryan’s so that she can confirm whether Aryan is really Alia’s child or not or Disha’s?.

“ when will the reports come?” asks Shahana.

“ by tomorrow night.” Tells doctor.

“ but tomorrow is Prachi and Ranbhir’s wedding. It’s ok, I will come before the wedding begins. Nobody will notice me missing as everyone will be busy.” Thinks Shahana and tells doctor that she will collect the report personally and asks him not to give the report to anyone else.

Alia who has been thinking about Shahana’s words notices that Shahana wasn’t at home.

As she was about to ask Aryan about Shahana, she notices Shahana coming.

“ where did this girl go? It’s really doubtful as tomorrow is Prachi’s wedding and this girl is busy with something else. She is upto something. Is it something about me? I have to know. How will I get to know?” thinking this Alia comes out.

Alia bribes Shahana’s car driver and makes him reveal that Shahana went to a hospital. Alia gets more anxious knowing this. She asks the driver to take him to that hospital. She enquires the receptionist. She meets the doctor whom Shahana has met. But doctor lies to her that Shahana has come there as she was suffering from severe head ache. Though Alia couldn’t believe doctor’s answer, with no other option left she was about to leave. Just then a nurse calls her and takes Alia aside.

“ u want to know what that girl spoke with the daughter?” asks nurse.

“ yes.” Replies Alia anxiously.

“ I know it. I heard their conversation. But nothing comes for free.” As soon as nurse says this Alia pays her handsome amount.

“ I heard that she wanted to get a DNA test done. She wanted DNA test reports of Aryan Khanna’s with three other samples. I don’t know who the other three are. Ans she said that she would collect the report personally tomorrow evening at 6.” Reveals nurse.

The post KKB FAN FICTION (HATRED TO LOVE) Episode 89 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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