Friday, 26 November 2021

Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 26th November 2021 Written Episode Update: Kashi removes the leaf from Baji’s mouth


Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 26th November 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Kashi sticks the leaf on his face. Kashi says Ganga helped me make it to shut you up. You can’t take off. Speak now. She laughs and leaves. Krishna tries to remove it. Krishna says you are my friend and she’s my sister. I can’t be mad at her. I don’t get her.

Shuibai says let’s go home please. He says to start that fight again. Why don’t you leave me alone? Balaji tells Radha about BalaJoshi and Mahadji’s fued. Radha says any father would be hurt if kids go to opposite camps. But kids come running to you. His man comes and says someone is waiting for you. Radha says to Bhavanibai you didn’t tell me your son is also a fighter. When you told me the difference between fighters and businessmen, I didn’t know your son was a fighter too. He’s brave and you should be proud of him. Bhavani says thank you for taking care of my son. Take this gift from us. She shows her jewelry. Radha calls Mai. She says Mai distribute this is poor people and ask them to pray that Mahad’s son Bala gets better. Mai takes it. Radha says to Bhavani I didn’t do a favor and I am not greedy. We asked wealth for the regime not us. My husband is a fighter who doesn’t take a penny from anyone. And the proposal for Kashi was a mother’s wish. Nothing else. She leaves.

Scene 2
Bhiu, Krishna and everyone try to remove the leaf from Baji’s mouth. Kashi says it will be removed. If I take it off, he will say something that I would want to do it again. Bhiu says he will stay quiet. Radhi removes it with onion. Baji says how dare you.. She says don’t dare with me again. You will know you should be nice to girls. Annubai said you won’t say anything but you can’t shut up. He says you also insulted my grandfather’s sword. He is my mentor. He’s a fighter and regime’s pride. You don’t care but you forget the same fighters and swords protect you. Kashi says to Krishna I think I made a mistake.

Bhavani says to Shuibhai we should give the wealth Radha asked for. She did us a favor by saving our son. Shuibai says no. They will make an army and claim they’re equal to us. She welcome Kashi like it’s her DIL. We are here to take our son only. We will take it from him.

Radha says to Balaji how would it impact Bhavani? Shuibai is also so egoistic. You should speak to Mahad again. He says you get very hasty. Regime isn’t done hastily. I won’t let my friendship suffer. She says for the regime talk to him again. He says give me time. Radha says we don’t have time. Balaji says trust your time. I trust it too. Radha says something brought Kashi here. We have to make time ours.

Scene 3
Kashi says to the sword I am sorry. I didn’t want to insult you or any fighter. I was only talking about my brother and father’s relation. I respect everyone. I say people who wanna fight can fight and people who want to play can play. Forgive me. Radha says you are forgiven. You are so nice, how can one not. What do you like to eat? She says I like all foods. Radha says tell me what would you like. Radha says I.. Shuibai says Kashi, guests shouldn’t propose their choices and eat what they get. Otherwise they think you don’t get things in your house. Radha says we serve the guests. I wanted to know what the kids would like. Sorry if you didn’t like it. And I know she gets things most kids can’t even imgaine. she leaves. Shuibai says Kashi, you can’t tell poeple demands who’re not of your scale. If you tell anyone you won’t have your worth. Kashi says what’s worth?

Radha’s man comes to her. She says you warned Mahad. Increase his fear and then tell him how much wealth do you want. He says I get it. He sneaks in. Balaji’s men stop him. He fights with them. Radha comes there. The goon tries to run out. Balaji’s men capture him. Baji and Mahad come out too. They ask who are you? The guards ask why did you come here? You can’t run from here. He throws spices in their eyes and runs. Baji tries to go. Mahad says your dad will get him. Bhavani says also find the person who came in here. Someone must have supported him from inside. Radha says in heart if he gets caught, it will all be over.

Episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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