I just came to post my draft and got the message
Pray for our mysterious writer
Pray for Manha She should be fine soon.We all love her
Vansh’s POV:
Pulling me holding my hand,she made me sit in front of women’s showroom.
“What was the need yaar that dress suited you much “
“Really? How can you think I would be wearing this colour “,she asked with exclamation.
Signing her ever cute expressions that no one could ever deny ,she went inside and I sat there.
“Never going to buy any surprise dress for her, who can imagine we travelled kilometers just because she didn’t like that. Well fault is only mine,but I just couldnt stop myself imagining her resplendent features in that..”
I was pulled out of my thoughts by a hand forwarded towards me,I raised my eyes up to meet , a girl, indeed I could see nothing else than just a girl ,she wished to shake hand but VR doesn’t shake hand with anyone.
She took her hand back and sat on the seating besides me.
Already my heart was singing elegaic elegy remembering my wife who just left me,her innocent husband, to shop all alone, and this girl who sat besides me, her constant gaze was surely a way to elicit my attention.
Well her smile, just smile because I couldnt figure any other thing in her smile as I could with my wife,
My wife’s radiant smile was enough to embroil me in poetry indeed.
“I am Ragini Mehta, Remember the college days….”
And she started narrating herself and her motives, stopped midway to endulge myself in gab too but I didnt respond, until she showed her effrontery by stating that I am looking hapless and stated that overlooking the occasional philandering by me should be acceptable to my wife since men are essentially polygamous by nature.
Well she indeed left no table unturned to effervesce me up,how could she even talk that rubbish?
I showed her the egress and she left all fuming.
For the first time I liked my way to gainsay.
My wife was entering from that way and they hardly prevented the collision.
Signing towards Ragini,she exclamied
“She was Ragini right? Why didnt she meet me? You might have done something that has aroused anger in her? “
I shaked my head like a kid,
How to tell her that I just denied her proposal so easily.
Taking over her shopping bags , I was attentively listening to her ,glancing at her and she was lost in telling me the shopping rules.
I was perhaps lost in our college days when I first met my wife,My Riddhima, her warm ,friendly, enthusiastic, outgoing, easy to please nature, the way she accepted my inane,impromptu proposal ,so softly without any judgements or so.
Opening the shopping bags slightly,my eyes caught The price tag,she had bought the same colour dress that I brought,but had bought much lesser price one,and the reason was clear to me,she just didnt wish to burden more,already we were having a tough situation financially,but the best part of her,she didnt even let me realise her motives of changing the piece,how ,smoothly she manages to never let me down.
I just held her wrist and placed a kiss on her knuckles, her ever glossy smile and brown hair strands shining in the dim sunlight and the pink orange background,man i was forcing myself so hardly not to pull her closer ,as we were yet on road .
I was trying my best not to blink even for once,
“I never thought falling in love is that easy
Thanking you for everything cannot be done even in dreams
If given a chance to feel
I will die my every life to be in your arms
Just for a millisecond”.
The post Its your love that is needed appeared first on Telly Updates.
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