Thursday, 18 November 2021

Ishq mein marjaavaan 2 OS. Part-3


So guys thanks for all the comments ♥ and I love each one of you 🥰.so, don’t feel that I ignored you please 🥺🙏❣

So guys let’s start.

Suddenly she started feeling suffocated. So she ran outside Seeing her running outside everyone present there became tensed they also ran outside to see what happened to Riddhima. After coming outside they saw Riddhima sitting on the bench and rubbing her chest.

Dadi/uma- what happened Riddhima?

Riddhima- Nothing maa/dadi

Dadi- what do you mean by nothing. We are feeling tensed about your health. What happened to you from morning I am seeing you tensed and in the morning also you felt dizzy. What happened beta?

Riddhima- Nothing dadi I am just feeling suffocated you don’t get tensed see now I am absolutely fine.

Uma- Are you sure?

Riddhima- yes maa now we can start the puja come.

Then everyone came inside and started doing puja after that all goes to their respective rooms for the preparation of night. And Riddhima,uma went to kitchen uma stopped Riddhima for coming to the kitchen as she is not well but she being ziddhima not listened to uma and goes to the kitchen.

Riddhima- Maa tell me what I want to do and make for the night?

Uma- Riddhima I am saying you go and take rest. I and Mrs. Desouza will see that.

Riddhima- No maa you go and rest I will handle.

Uma- see who is saying your health is not well and you want to do this ha now listen to me very careful I am your mother so do as I say.

Riddhima- so, like you say that you are my mother then at that point I am your daughter so listen to me. And see now I am absolutely fine 🙂.

Uma- Aree

Riddhima (puppy eyes) – Maa please 🥺

Uma- ok you want to do something.

Riddhima- yes maa.

Uma- then make meethi Bhaat bcz vansh like it na and in karwa chauth it is necessary to make one, you make it ok.

Riddhima- ok maa.

Uma- After that you have to go and rest is that clear.

Riddhima- okay as you say.

Riddhima started making meethi Bhaat after making it she went from there to her room.

In the riansh room.

Vansh- Puja done ✅

Riddhima- yes jaan

Vansh- Now your wait is over after half an hour moon will come.

Riddhima- hmm jaan. But before that I am feeling hungry.

Vansh- then eat something.

Riddhima- no no it’s just half an hour.

Vansh- ok

Riddhima- vansh how am I looking.

Vansh- beautiful, hot, s*xy but one thing is Missing.

Riddhima- what jaan.

Vansh goes to the dressing table and took the vermilion from there. (Some part is taken from the show only sorry 😜) and goes to Riddhima. And was about to fill her hairline but due to air it goes to his mouth so he suddenly started Coughing.Then Riddhima goes to the table and bring the water for vansh but he denied.

Riddhima- vansh I am doing the fast then why you are not drinking the water.

Vansh ( while coughing) – No….. Riddhima……….i….. don’t…….. want….

Riddhima- vansh you have done fast for me 🥺.

Vansh- hmmm Riddhima.

Riddhima started crying.

Vansh- what happened Riddhima why are you crying did I done something wrong.

Riddhima- no vansh this is for the happiness I am very happy that you are doing fasting for me.

Vansh- Riddhima you are my jaan if someone happens to you and what is the need of living in this earth.

Riddhima- 🥺 vansh

Vansh- ok now no more crying. Let’s go down only 5 minutes are left for the moon to come.

Vansh and Riddhima goes down to the poolside for completing their fast after seeing the moon. All were present there and moon also came so they started doing the rituals. Riddhima was doing Aarti of vansh then she see the moon and then to her moon.

After that the both drank the water from each other hands and then they ate the sweet. And Riddhima was about to touch vansh feet but vansh stopped her.

Vansh- Riddhima no need to do this. I am your husband and we share the relation in which both are equal ok.

Riddhima- hmm

While talking suddenly Riddhima feel dizzy and feel down.

Vansh- Riddhimaaa

Vansh taken in arms and goes to their room in the mid only he told angre to call the doctor and everyone was tensed about Riddhima. Doctor came .

Vansh- Doctor check what happened to Riddhima.

Doctor- yes Mr. Singhania. Please you all go outside then only I will check her.

Vansh- no I can’t leave my sweetheart like this.

Doctor- please try to understand we have to check then only we can tell you what happened to her.

After many insists vansh move out and doctor checked Riddhima and comes out for telling what happened to her.

Vansh- doctor what happened to Riddhima? Is she alright? Nothing happened to her na? She is absolutely fine na?

Doctor- relax Mr. Singhania. And congratulations 🎊 your wife is pregnant.

Vansh- really doctor.

Doctor- 😊yes. (with worried face) but………..


Now again suspence 😜 think ha byeee before going I want to tell you that tomorrow 18th November “life of Kakkar’s” is coming on Neha Kakkar YouTube channel please goes and subscribe that channel and do watch that video it also relates to our real life ♥ please guys see that also.


The post Ishq mein marjaavaan 2 OS. Part-3 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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