Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 10th November 2021 Written Episode Update : Tewka and friends threaten Commissioner


Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 10th November 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anu says to David ofcourse for me everything is easy that easy that i can cook while sleeping. Helan mocks her. Tiwari walks in worried and says Anu please come with me I need to talk sometime important. David says what is it that you want to talk in person. Anu says what ever you want to say say infront of everyone. Helan says come with me David lets eat icecream and they both walk away. Anu says what is this now they will think something is going on between we both. Tiwari says it’s not something like that, I came from bank and got to know Vibhu has got recovery agent job, I told you that I have missed two emi of my loan so Vibhu is irritated on me as if I took something from him. Anu says he is doing his job. Tiwari says he can do his job with love please explain him. Anu says I cannot help you in that because we both had fight I’m sorry I cannot help you. Tiwari beg infront of him. Anu says enough of your drama, I don’t say sorry to him if I’m wrong and you want to say sorry because of your fault, okay I’ll try something. Tiwari says thanks to him and walk away.

Angoori in Kitchen cooking. Vibhu walk to her and ask is Ammaji here. Angoori say she went. Vibhu says thankgod and says I’ll pray to god that she live long. Angoori says I also pray same and I think she might be my mother in last life because she always help me everytime. Vibhu says anyways and flirt with her and says someone who love bring gift for you. Angoori says yes one time Tiwari brought guft for me. Vibhu says please foget Tiwari for one time he always come in between, there are many people who can gift you more good then him and flirt with her again and says I brought perfume for you. Ammaji walk in and ask what you brought. Vibhu says but you were out. Ammaji says I left my phone cam eto take that but what were you saying. Angoori says he got his first salary and brought perfume from that. Ammaji ask for who. Vinhu says ofcourse for you. Ammaji blush and says then apply it. Vinhu apply perfume oh her and mocks her in english says you die soon. Ammaji blushes and Vibhu walks away. Ammaji saysthis is good and aak Angoori her phone. Angoori says come in I’m cooking lady finger.

Masterji, Gupta and Prem sitting together near tea stall. Prem says I got call from bank and says I we want to you to open account in our bank because how much we get in one month your kids spend it in buying kite . Gupta says you shou say this thing to every three persons daily because someone will get trauma and come to me for there checkup. Commissioner sitting in ladies dress guven by TMT. they three laugh at him. Commissioner says why are you laughing. Prem says tell me one thing do you give all your clothes in laundry that you are wearing bhabhijis clothes. Commissioner says what rubbish are you talking these are my clothes. Gupta mock him. Commissioner says I think so you don’t know about fashion. Prem smocks him. Commissioner says if not knowing about fashion is crime then I would have hang you three with silk cloth. David and Helan walks in and look at Commissioner. David says whne did you became mrs. Helan says he might be disguised to cath a thief. Commissioner says why you all are not able to look propely, these are today’s fashion. Helan says I’m a lady and I know how ladies cloth look like, it you are girl or someone made you fool now its your choice and start laughing at him.

Vibhu come downstairs and shift David to sleep with him. David wakes up and ask now again you’ll sleep here. Vibhu says I don’t feel sleepy there. David says go and have some drink you will feel sleepy. Vibhu says what kind if chacha you are asking me to do wrong thing go and sleep I’ll switch off light. David says why are you switching off light. Vibhu says because I’m unable to sleep in light. David says and I cannot sleep in darkness. Vibhu says don’t try to be funny, shutup and sleep. David says sleep properly you kept you leg on me yesterday. Vibhu says I did it by mistake don’t worry it wont happen again and let me sleep. David goes to sleep and keep his leg in Vibhu. Vibhu wakes up and give him look.
Anu walks downstairs and calls Vibhu, throw pillow at him and says please come with me I feel scared sleeping alone. Vibhu says what kind of gurl are you, first you ask me to go downstairs and then call me again. Anu request her again and says cone in 5 minutes I’ll not wait much long. Vibhu says don’t threaten me. David says go atleast we bith will feel safe. Vibhu go.

Angoori on dining table. Tiwari walks in says serve some food. Angooi says I’m doing that. . Tiwari start smelling Angoori says what happen to you. Tiwari says some good perfume I can smeel. Angoori says guees. Tiwari says its difficult question, there are only two people in this room one is me and other is you so still I need think from where it is coming. Angoori says it’s m and I like to apply perfume since I was child this Ammaji gave me. Tiwari says wao and I use to thought what she got to respect her. Angoori says but this Vibhu buy and gave To Ammaji. Tiwari says and she took it, he is my enemy and you apply his perfume right now remove it. Angoori says but for that I need to take shower. Tiwari says I don’t want to smell this. Angoori cry and leave.

Manohar lock TMT in jail and says so you three are culprit. Tillu says tell us why did you put us in lock-up. Manohar says that is secret. Teeka says as if my knowledge we stole shoes from temple but that time we were in another position and now we are in another position. Malkhan says now we are reputative talk to us with respect. Manohar says I’m just following rules. Tilku says to Manohar call him in front of us. Commissioner says he was following my rule and ask Manohar did you apply oil to stick and uce slab is available. Manohar says everything is ready. Tillu says I’m feeling nauseating. Malkhan ask tell us what we did. Commissioner says I have been disrespected because of you and calling me with different ladies name I’ll not leave you. Tillu says just tell us what we did. Commissioner says the dress you gave me was full of disrespectful for me. TMT says sorry and Teeka says we thought this dress will good on you. Commissioner says I don’t to hear you today I’ll not leave you. Tillu says you you cannot threaten us. Commissioner says so you will threaten me what you can do. Tillu says we know what you did. Malkhan and Teeka says sgut up. Tillu says you know we got job in loan recovery agent so we found a file of a police officer who took loan for construing house who doesn’t pay ut from last 8 months. Malkhan ask who is he. Commissioner ask Manohar to bring juice in any glass. Malkhan says plese ask them to put cashew too.

Tiwari says to Anu so you are saying that you will make Vibhu to leave his job. Anu says I’m ready to live with jobless person but cannot live with two people and says I Have a plan.

Angoori and Vibhu singing and dancing

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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