Hi guys here we go with the 4th part.
And a small message from aishu di @Aisha08, that she will not be able to post anything because of her grandfather’s demise, she will post once everything will be back to normal. May her grandfather’s soul rest in peace.
Riddhima and the siblings ran towards hers and Vansh’s room, they were shocked to see Vansh was laying on the floor with blood oozing from his head and the oxygen mask which was attached to his nose to keep him breathing was laying their opposite to him and he was breathing heavily to catch his breaths. And the nurse who was appointed to took care of Vansh was no where to seen which irked Riddhima more.
Riddhima ran towards him and took his head in her lap crying while stroking his hairs.
Riddhima: Someone just call the ambulance fast. Vansh try to breath…
She shouted in her broken tone while Vihaan looked at her and called the AMBULANCE.
Vihaan: Bhabhi, ambulance will be here in sometime, you just calm down.
Riddhima: Are you even serious Vihaan? Here my Vansh is laying lifelessly in front of my eyes and I can’t do anything and you are saying me to calm down. GREAT!..
Siya: Bhabhi just don’t take stress it’s not good for your and baby’s health.
Just then they heard a siren of the ambulance. A doctor came there with some boys and made Vansh lay on the structure. Riddhima, Ishani, Siya, vihaan and that girl ran behind Vansh and the doctor. They made him lay in the ambulance and riddhima sat beside him crying bitterly holding his hand.
The siblings along with dadi followed the ambulance in another car towards the hospital. They admitted him in VIP ward and his treatment was started while Riddhima was looking at her love’s lifeless body through the glass on the door she cried her heart pained seeing him like this.
She kept her hand on her tummy and smiled sadly.
Riddhima: Baby, don’t worry your papa is strong nothing will happen to him. He’s not weak, he is the VANSH RAISINGHANIA the strongest person in our live. He will definitely come back for us.
She said unknown to the fact to whom she was convincing herself or that unborn child who was growing in her womb.
After some time the doctor came outside with a tensed face. Riddhima looked at the doctor and rushed towards him.
Riddhima: How’s… h..e?
Doctor: We are sorry but Mr. Raisinghania’s condition is worse. It’s seems like he was injected with something harmful while lead him to breath heavily but now his condition is going worse and worse, we can’t say anything until and unless he himself come out and open his eyes like a miracle. And if he open his eyes before 2 hours then maybe we can be able to save him. For now you can just pray to God for his well-being.
Riddhima and the whole family was taken aback by doctor’s last word. Riddhima was standing their numb with tears in her hands. She suddenly started running while dadi kept shouting her name from behind.
After running for sometime she reached to a small temple Close to the hospital. She covered her head with her dupatta and went inside. She knelt down in front of the idol of Bappa and looked at it with hurt expressions.
Riddhima: Why Bappa why!? Why always me? Why always you have to take my test? Why you always snatch my happiness from me? You snatched my parents from me when I needed them the most I didn’t said anything, that warden of my orphan made me beg on streets then also I didn’t said anything, I spent my numerous nights without eating then also I didn’t utter a single word. But now you can’t snatch my love from me, you can’t snatch my Vansh from me, you don’t have any right to snatch him from me. Now you can’t take decisions of my life, I want my love back, I want my Vansh, my happiness and father of my baby back. And you have to give him back to me! Back to me!.
She said cleaning her tears she light up a diya in her hand and prayed for Vansh in front of Bappa.
PRECAP: The VR is back! Punishments for the culprits. Family time and identity of the girl revealed.
So how was it , I hope you’ll liked it do leave your reviews in the comment section and your theories too…
Lots of love
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