Saturday, 23 October 2021

saath nibhana saathiya fan fiction: Gaura’s revenge part 5


Kokila was very upset do to the fight she had with Gopi. The way she behaved only confirmed Gaura’s opinion about the Modis, or at least that’s what Kokila thought.

She decided to go to Gaura the next day and tell her everything. And on the other side, Sindoora had send the video of Gopi and Kokila’s fight to Gaura and she had a lot of fun with it.

“I am so happy that my plan is working!” Gaura said. “And it will get even better! I know that now Kokila is very sad and she will come to see me. Because she will realize what I told her is true!”

And then, Radhika came in.

“Jai Ambe Gaura.” Radhika said. “I see that you are happy, what is going on?”

“Yes, Radhika, I am very happy! The Modis are having a hard time because of me, but that’s just the beginning. And you tell me, how is Bhavani?”

“She is fine. As fine as someone can be in such situation. I give her food water as you want me to. I am watching after her, there’s no way she can escape.”

“That’s very good. Tomorrow I am leaving this prison and I will finally see her.”

“I am so happy for you Gaura. I will help you in the outside also if you need it.”

“Thank you very much.”

And then, Kokila came.

“Gaura, Gaura, you was right about everything!” Kokila said. “She was so angry at Gopi that she walked past Radhika without even noticing her presence.

“Calm down, my friend.” Gaura said. “Tell me, what happened? Did you tell them everything?”

“I told everything to Gopi. She didn’t even ask how are you or do you need anything, she immediately criticized me because of my care for you.”

“I told you. I told you she would do that.”

“But my Gopi wasn’t like this before. She was caring to everyone but now? What has happened to her, I don’t know.”

“Now you can be sure that no matter what, I am your only real friend. And you know what,  tomorrow I am leaving. I will be free.”

“Really? That’s wonderful. Do you have a place to stay at?”

“No, unfortunately I don’t. You know, Dharam will never let me come back in our mansion.”

“I will talk with him, do not worry. But until that happens, you can live with us if you want.”


“Yes. Why not?”

“But what about Gopi and the others of the family? They are never going to accept me.”

“Don’t worry about that. You just tell me, are you agree to  live with us?”

“Yes, I am agree.”

“Alright then. Tomorrow I will come take you from here. And I will talk with Dharam Meera Vidya also.”

And then, Kokila left. And Gaura was overjoyed. Her plans were working exactly as she wanted to. She didn’t even ask Kokila about staying at the Modi mansion and Kokila just invited her on her own like that.

“Everyone will be shocked seeing me tomorrow.” Gaura thought. “When the family sees that Kokila is ready to let me live with them,  they will turn against her even more. And I will use this situation to my advantage of course. And Dharam, Meera Vidya’s time will also come, that’s for sure.”

And while Gaura was planning her next move against the Modis, Kokila came back to the house. But there, someone was  waiting for her. It was Rathna, Chanda’s sister.

“Jai Shree Krishna.” She said. “May I speak to you Kokila behen, it’s very important!”

“What are you doing here, Rathna?” Kokila said. “Why did you decide to come here all of a sudden?”

“Please, listen to me. Do not believe  anything that Gaura tells you. She is playing a game with you, she wants to instigate you against your family. Please, Kokila behen, do not fall  for her words she is trying to trap you!”

“Rathna, how do you know all that?”

“Do not ask how, I just know. And there’s  more, Bhavani is missing and we can’t find her nowhere.”

“We? Who are we?”

“Well, I am trying to find her with a friend of mine. Please, consider my words as the truth itself, Gaura must have done something to Bhavani.”

“But why?”

“Well, don’t you know what happened? Bhavani was in prison a few days ago and then she suddenly disappeared. I asked a prison guard about Bhavani and she said she has been released earlier but I don’t think so.”

“Which prison guard did you ask?”

“Her name is Radhika.”

“Oh, I know about her. She is Gaura’s friend. And why you don’t believe that Bhavani has been released earlier?”

“Because she had more two weeks to stay in there.”

“Rathna, that’s not an evidence that something has happened with Bhavani. She may have been released do to good behaviour, why don’t you think about that?”

“I will investigate that situation but please, remember my words about Gaura, she isn’t sincere with you, she is still the same and she hasn’t changed at all!”

And while Rathna was talking to Kokila, Sindoora was hearing everything and she immediately phoned Gaura.

“Listen.” She said. “Someone is trying to expose you and is currently talking to Kokila.”

“Who? Who is that?” Gaura asked.

“I heard her say  her name, she identified herself as Rathna.”

“Oh, that’s Chanda’s sister. But tell me, does Kokila believe her?”

No, she doesn’t. What are we going to do with Rathna?”

“Keep an eye on her as well. If she has any evidence against me, destroy her with the evidence.”

“May it be as you say. Don’t worry, I will not let her fail our plans. Oh and also, she knows about Bhavani’s disappearance. “

“And how so?”

“I don’t know really. I have no idea how she knows such information.”

“Fine. As I told you keep an eye on her, we must find out how she knows about Bhavani and everything else.”

“Of course. I will follow her when she leaves.”

And the next day came. Kokila went to the prison to take Gaura and bring her  to the Modi mansion as promised.

And when they arrived, the Modis couldn’t believe their eyes.

“Maaji, what are you doing?” Gopi said. “Why are you taking her here? You didn’t even ask if we are agree?”

“Gopi, please stop it.” Kokila replied. “She has nowhere to go so she will be staying here.”

“No, she will not! The murderer of  my husband is never going to live here!”

“Gopi, what’s wrong with you?” Gaura said.

“Gaura Suryavanshi, don’t you  dare even  talking to me! I still remember all that you did to us and I will never forget it, I will never forgive you!”

“Gopi, be careful how do you talk to the elders, Gaura is older than you so respect her. Did you forget everything I taught you?”

“Maaji, please don’t ask me to respect a murderer! I am never going to do that!”

“Calm down everyone.” Hetal said. “Gopi, we all dislike Gaura, but we are human beings and if she really has nowhere to go, then she can stay here for a few days.”

“Kakiji, what’s wrong even  with you?”

“Gopi, please, stop it.” Kokila said again. “Gaura is staying here and that’s it. You can’t feel affection for no one, how have you changed like that?”

But Gopi didn’t say anything and just went to her room.

“Kanhaji, what’s going on with maaji?” She said. “This Gaura is brainwashing her and I can’t do anything! Please show me the right way, I must safe my family from Gaura, she is going to hurt us again ,I am sure!”

The post saath nibhana saathiya fan fiction: Gaura’s revenge part 5 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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