Monday, 11 October 2021

Nazar Special Episode Written Update 10 Oct 2021


Guys/Viewers plz pardon me, as I was not knowing how to and where to post, so I posted here.. it was Nazar special episode which was to telecasted on 10th Oct 2021.. So I posted here, for all fans: who used to watch Nazar…


Dayan, Davansh, Devik Returns

Episode start with Flight Attendent asking Mohana what will you have?? Mohana says you. She turn into Dayan😈and start eating age of attenedent, but she is stopped by Nishant .. all passangers turn into Dayan while attendent turn into Reevavanshi.. all start to fight.. Nishant suddenly opens oxygen mask🎭making all dayan week by Patal Ketki.. Nishant ask Naman to jump out of Flight and I will make sure plane get crash. He also ask him to make wear locket📿 to Pia..
While Mohona ask Naman to carry child also, as Reevanshi and Dayan are enemies not child. Naman carry child and jump off.. flight✈ get crash..
Next Nishant pray ceremony goes, while Naman makes Pia wear locket📿.
Later in NGO people ask Vedshree to adopt child as he belongs to her family..Naman watch this..
18 years pass by…
Ansh talking to Vedshree, while he feel Pia earring and hold her, but turn away and goes..
At home everyone is preparing for Pooja🙏🏻, when Pandit ji arrives, asking to keep coconut🥥 near Ansh, as he is Davansh, and his stars are changing… Ansh is shown standing at balcony.. vedshree is in denial mode but agree to Panditji..
Later Someone kidnapp a girl, ramola..
Everyone waits for Ansh, while he arrives injured and start pooja.. durga Maa music..🎶🎶🎶 while during Pooja, Piya arrives..
Vedshree Prepare of engagement of Ansh. While she meets Pia and make her meet Ansh. Ansh remembers how met her, though Pia didn’t see his face.. she extend hands, but  ansh goes.. pia goes to bring flowers 💐but all turn black, vedshree think does they turned black due to Ansh.. she ask pia to get fresh.. pandit ji shows coconut🥥 also turned black, vedshree get scared and goes to bring ramola.. Vedshree find broken bangles and phone..
Pia tell rest Rathod  family memebers that she took admission here in Mumbai… Vedshree comes back scared stating Ramola is missing. They enquire Ansh, but he stays quite.. Ramola arrives as aged old woman, fb shows a dayan kidnapped her. Vedshree ask who did, she points finger(Ansh and Pia both standing at same place)..
Avinash says that we need to wait until Ramola come into senses. Vedshree and Shekar goes to stop Ansh from going out, though Ansh is amadant, but vedshree put patal ketki on him and he faints..
Pia is searching room, and  goes in ansh room.. she find Jaugu and realses it. While following it, she fall above  Ansh.. she is about to go, but due to her earring sound Ansh awak up, and decide to meet ramola..
Dayan reach to meet ramola and ramola request her to leave me, but she decide to end leftover work.. that dayan turn out to be Pia, all incidences are shown how due to her flowers💐turned black. She grab Ramola and eat her left over age, while her locket📿sparks.. Pia senses that someone is coming, while Ansh climb on building.. Pia goes in other room and faint.. vedshree arrives and scold Ansh, but Ansh swears on her that he didn’t do anything.. Vedshree ask Ansh to go. While rest rathors arrives and Nishant tell that she is dead. He call police.
Naman ask Ansh did he saw, who was that dayan?? Ansh says no, as i didn’t see face, but whatever I saw its unbelievable.. you asked me to save ramola, but I didn’t succeed in anyway, neither able to save ramola nor able to catch dayan..
Naman says inspite being Davansh, I trained you to become Reevanshi, infect you caught 100 of creatures, but how you failed this time?? Ansh says because that she was Dayan. Naman says its impossible, as all Dayan died in that crash. Ansh says no, that long braid proves that dayan is alive..
All incidents show that Pia is Dayan, as Mohona did magic on Pia locket📿. Naman says if that is Dayan than she is related to your mother, Mohona. Ansh says my mother is Vedsree only..
Pandit ji says that incidents prove that whatever happened is done by Ansh. Vedshree is I believe on my Ansh. Pandit ji says we can’t deny truth, we need to unite Ansh with someone soon. They both see Pooja Diya🪔 on end, Pia arrives with pooja Mouli and make baatti, and pray 🙏🏻to Mata Rani, while again her locket📿glows.. pandit ji says we should get Pia-Ansh married, as she is grown with all values by gurumaa..
Vedshree ask Ansh to get married to Pia. He again hear Pia’s earrings sound. He think🤔, I only hear Pia’s earrings sound, and I also found her earring near to Ramola, that means she is dayan. Pia arrives and take Ansh to talk into Private.
Pia walk ahead and keep on talking, while Ansh think🤔that I don’t get it that you are dayan, and decide to put Patal Ketki on her, so that she turn into her real face. Pia says did you said anything to family about me?? Ansh says to himself not yet.
Pia turns says why Vedshree asked GuruMaa about our marriage?? Since you saw me, you are planning to get married with me, but atleast you rememeber Ramola, she died just now and keep on walking towards pool..
They both fall in pool, as well as Pia foot keep on Patal Ketki. She turn into Dayan😈, and float in air.. ansh also turn into davansh, but before he can do anything, Pia locket📿acts and she faint..
Somewhere in patal ketki, Mohona get concisous.. Ansh arrive in room with Pia, while Vedshree and Shekhar scold Ansh, for Pia state.. Vedshree and Shekhar force Ansh to get married to Pia, while Ansh try to tell them that Pia is not what she looks, but Vedshree give him her swear…
Chitali and Vedshree ask Pia about marriage. Pia tell that she is not ready to get married. Vedshree says please believe Pandit ji and us, only you can save Ansh.
Though Pia is still in denial, but Mohona ask Pia to get married, she agrees.. Ansh still try to convince family for not to get married, but they ask him to quite.. Chaitali bring Pia, but she forgets that she agreed for marriage, confusing rathods.. Ansh throw GangaJal on Pia thinking🤔 she will show her Dayan roop, but she stays human confusing  ansh, fb shows Pia locket📿 fell of her neck..
Vedshree scold Ansh for his act, and ask Pia to get married to Ansh. Pia deny that she will not get married to Ansh. Everyone try to convince her, but she denies again and again. Finally, Pandit ji tell that please get married for GuruMaa sake.
Pia and Ansh sit on Mandap, when she realises about locket📿. She goes to bring locket, while Ansh decide to bring her truth. Pia and Mohona get connected again..
Chaitali think🤔 why Pia is not coming down. Ansh tries to go but Rathods stop him.. later Avinash agrees.
Ansh goes to find Pia and find Dayan Pia.. Mohona order Pia to Kill Ansh. Pia hit Ansh hard, though he keep on recovering due to his powers.
Chaitali jokes that everyone goes up and get stuck. Vedshree goes to check.
Pia uses her braid to hurt Ansh, but Ansh hold her braid and states I shall not let you harm my family at any cost.. Pia and Ansh fight, Pia hit ansh hard and drop him from balcony…
Vedshree says that they both are not in room. Pandit ji prays seeing Moon🌕 eclispe, while everyone look for them..
Pia hold Ansh and start eating his age. Pandit ji states that Moon🌕 eclipse is about to get over. Chaitali says so it means Villians will win over us, Mohona says yes.. Mohona enters while in background (original Nazar entry of Mohona is shown)..
Everyone get scared of Mohona, while Vedshree ask how she came back? Mohona says wait, see Ansh Condition first.. Ansh fall down..
Vedshree says why you did this?? Mohona says I did with Help of Pia. Pia arrives in her dayan body.. Panditji says but Pia, you daughter of Reevavanshi and disciple of GuruMaa. Pia says I am both. Shekar says but Nishat killed all dayan.
Mohona says I always knew but before that I tied my hair with Pia locket📿, so she too turned Dayan..  Pandit ji says stop it Pia, you are Reevavanshi, fighters against Dayan. Pia says I enjoy Dayan😈 life more..
Mohona ask to bring Ansh Blood. Vedshree says until we are here you can’t hurt Ansh. Mohona capture rathods, and ask Pia to Bring blood of Ansh.
Pia grab knife🔪, and whole rathod family ask Pia, not to do anything. Pia tries but don’t get succeed. Mohona take Ansh blood and says we all dayan will got to dayan mela, while rest will die. She ask Pia to kill rest  people..
Mohona goes to Patal ketki, and says dayan will get alive who died 18 years ago. She drop blood, and make every dayan alive..
Pia says to Ansh that you said you will save your family until last breath. She is about to kill him, but Shekar says its adharm.. Pia says dharam and adharm is for human not for dayan. Nishant arrives stating will you kill everyone, including me?? Everyone get shock. Nishant says, that when Mohona made all alive, I got my life back as well.. He ask to stop it.. Vedshree says see Pia your father is also alive. Nishant says Pia even Ansh is Davansh but he choose to stay good. You are good why you want to choose wrong? Pia goes to kill Ansh..
All dayan gather at place for celebrating Dayan Mela. Mohona says we took 18 years to reach here. But its good now no-one can stop us. Today at red blood moon, I will turn into Maha-Dayan when Moon🌕 flash will fall on Me.
Pia stops Mohona. Mohona asks did you kill all?? Pia says yes, and brought them as trophy.. Mohona says I shall reward you, as you did what I can’t since many years?? Pia says your life!!! While everyone gets up. Mohona says you cheated me.. Pia says after all its Dayan’s nature, and I am Dayan as well..
Mohona decides to kill 🔪everyone, but Nishant arrives stating not anymore.. Mohona order Pia to kill everyone, as you are my slave.. Pia shows locket FB shows when Pia was trying to Kill Ansh, Nishant broke Pia’s locket and she turn human and her Devi trishul mark comes back, making her Devik.. she says that I am revavnshi, and I have power of love🥰, though i was misguided by you, but not anymore..
Mohona says I have complete Dayan😈Army, Nishant says still we will win..Ansh arrives stating though dayan is with you but this davansh is against you. Mohona says so you are alive too!! Ansh says, yes I am alive and came as your death.. Mohona order other dayan to kill, while she walks towards Red blood moon.. everyone fight with dayans, but get captured.. Mohona make moon🌕rays fall on her, and start to grab its power.. Pia and Ansh fight but get stuck over powered by dayans..
Nishant and Rathod’s encourage Pia and Ansh with Tu war kar Parhar kar, devi maa music (from old Nazar)..🎶🎶
Pia and Ansh unite, while Mohona keep on grabbing Moon powers. Nishant says if Mohona grab whole powers she will become Maha Dayan which will never lose, attack her now..
Pia grab her kanjar🔪, she take back her foot steps, shout Jai ho Devi Maa ki🎶🙏🏻🙏🏻, and run towards Mohona, While Ansh help her. She kill Mohona.. Mohona and all Dayan dies, while Mohona says Dhoka, but I shall be back soon..
Pia and Ansh hug their parents. While Vedshree ask Nishant to get Pia and Ansh Married.. Pia nods, but says Ansh should say sorry First, for throwing water💦at me.. Ansh says you should be sorry for hurting🤕him.. Pia says I was not in senses.. Ansh says but i was testing you. Pia says I am not blood that you test me.. Rathod’s and Nishant ask them to say sorry to each other, and become friends. They say sorry, while everyone smiles😊😊..
Sunday Special Episode Ends

The post Nazar Special Episode Written Update 10 Oct 2021 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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